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81. Cash-Rich Retirement: Use the
82. The Retirement Plan Solution:
83. Nolo's Essential Retirement Tax
84. Retirement Without Borders: How
85. 202 Ways to Supplement Your Retirement
86. Retirement on a Shoestring, 5th
87. Choose Panama . . . the Perfect
88. Standard & Poor's Guide to
89. Where to Retire, 6th: America's
90. Don't Die Broke: How Annuities
91. Estate & Retirement Planning
92. Reorienting Retirement Risk Management
93. The Retirement Vault: A Guide
94. Garrett's Guide to Financial Planning
95. Kiplinger's Estate Planning: The
96. Should Municipal Bonds be a Tool
97. Start Where You Are: Retirement
98. The Mom's Guide to Wills &
99. The Calculus of Retirement Income:
100. WealthBuilding: Investment Strategies

81. Cash-Rich Retirement: Use the Investing Techniques of the Mega-Wealthy to Secure Your Retirement Future
by Jim Schlagheck
Hardcover: 288 Pages (2008-03-04)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$4.77
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B002XULYKU
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Invest your money like a millionaire and get sound and secure returns.

Cash-Rich Retirement, as seen on the public television series Retirement Revolution, brings the investing strategies of the mega-rich to everyday people. It breaks with conventional advice that tells the public to invest mightily in stocks, flip holdings, and seek capital gains. Hogwash! says private banker and investment advisor Jim Schlagheck. Forget speculative “gains”! Invest instead for prudent income. Save. Build a “life-cycle” annuity package for lifetime retirement income. Focus on dividend-, interest-, and rent-producing investments and insurance.

Cash-Rich Retirement is provocative and practical. Schlagheck makes private-banking investment strategies available to any investor. His income and annuity strategies are unique. He also puts retirement within reach of today’s average American with six straight-shooting, show-me-the-money steps:
- Change your “automatic pilot.”
- Diversify your holdings in radically different ways.
- Build out your investment plan with funds and objective research.
- Get all the professional help you can.
- Build income streams with a ladder of annuities.
- Invest in long-term health care insurance.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

5-0 out of 5 stars Cash-Rich Retirement
The truth is that a great number of Americans will not be able to stop working. For many, retirement is an experiment gone sour. This book is a wake-up call. It tells you how, afterall, you will be able to retire with all the capital you need. Mr Jim Schlagheck is an experienced investment consultant. He has worked, inter alia, for UBS, one of the most powerful wealth-management institutions in the world. He has mastered the fine art of investing in up markets and down. He uses the investing techniques of the mega-wealthy to secure your retirement future. Mr Schlagheck contends that income-producing investments are the way to go. In this, his idea is similar to Bill Staton, CFA (see his 2009 America's Finest Companies). He advises us to put the maximum in our 401(k) or IRA - always invest in a tax-deferred or tax-sheltered way. Invest for "income" not "gains". Increase international exposure. Hold dividend-oriented indexes and funds. Invest in a ladder of annuities for different "life-cycle" income streams. Prepare for big economic changes and new investment opportunities as the population ages. Get all the professional help you can. Itemise and quantify your benefits. And save! Save! Save! Lastly, Mr Schlagheck does not believe in DIY retirement. He advises us to see a tax or financial adviser and urge them to invest our stocks in DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment Program). Digest this book and your retirement will be secure.

5-0 out of 5 stars A Clear and Compelling Case for Retirement Planning
"Cash Rich Retirement" provides a clear roadmap to investing for a successful retirement. The book is easy to read and makes the case that we need to save more and invest wisely and diffently to assure our retirement. The author provides specific guidelines and recommendations for a wide range of investment options. He also covers a host of complex areas like annuities, long term care insurance, and reverse mortgages in a clear and concise way. It is truly a reference work that you can turn to again and again. Finally, the book takes a hard headed and conservative approach to the future and to investment myths like stocks always go up that will lead readers to wiser more clear headed decisions and better results.

5-0 out of 5 stars Tough talk
Finally a book on retirement that stands out based both on content and on style. It is a little like Dad is taking you out to the woodshed to teach you a lesson about retirement planning. He is spot on in putting responsibility back squarely in the lap of each of us for our retirement health. His investment strategies make sense and are obviously founded on a great deal of experience and research.
This is a book that compasionate companies everywhere should buy for their employees offering at least some atonement for the pensions that they have shrunk or eliminated.

5-0 out of 5 stars Good Book, Good Advice
I recently took early retirement and have checked out several books looking for help to make my income last.This is the best of the lot.It helped me understand ways of shielding my investments from "performance whiplash".It also gives straightforward advice about new funds, indexes, health insurance, annuities and even reverse mortgages.Whether you are already retired, thinking of retirement, decades away from retirement orsomewhere in between, this book will help you.I give it high marks for good advice, good tools, and a clear action plan for stronger finances.Best of all, it is easy to read and understand.

5-0 out of 5 stars Buy This Book!!!
No matter what age you are, preparing for retirement or being retired (i.e. living off of your resources) we all wonder if we are making the right decisions. Jim has done extensive research on the subject and reports his results in a very easy to understand book. It will serve as a great resource to help you achieve your objectives. ... Read more

82. The Retirement Plan Solution: The Reinvention of Defined Contribution (Wiley Finance)
by Don Ezra, Bob Collie, Matthew X. Smith
Hardcover: 230 Pages (2009-06-29)
list price: US$85.00 -- used & new: US$46.22
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 047039885X
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Praise For The Retirement Plan Solution

"Short, clear, complete, and always interesting. Best book on DC plans and what we should do-now."
Charles D. Ellis, author, Winning the Loser's Game

"At a time when the world is in turmoil, along with retirement expectations, the authors have hit a home run. After reading this book, I have a plan. Read it for your path to retirement security."
Dallas Salisbury, President and CEO, Employee Benefit Research Institute

"The Retirement Plan Solution offers a refreshing and provocative perspective on how to assess retirement needs, save to meet these needs, and manage the retirement payout process. In this time of financial turmoil, employees, plan sponsors, and financial advisors will find this highly practical resource volume both useful and humorous."
Olivia S. Mitchell, Director, Pension Research Council, Wharton School

"The Retirement Plan Solution is a map to the future of 401(k) retirement plans. But it is not just a theoretical view of what could be. Instead, the authors describe the needs and trends that are already here, and then describe the changes that are developing to meet those needs. It is about the tomorrow that is happening today."
Fred Reish, Managing Director, Reish Luftman Reicher & Cohen

"The respected authors have created a readable, timely, and very helpful book on all aspects of retirement planning. The suggestions are practical, the information is concise, and the book is highly recommended for anyone that is interested in sound financial planning."
Moshe A. Milevsky, PhD, Finance Professor, York University, Toronto, Canada

"This is a must-read for people working in the retirement industry, as well as those who simply care about how to improve their chance of reaching a financially secure retirement. In a clear and simple fashion, the authors deliver one of the best books to date on inefficiencies in the current DC plan and potential improvements."
Peng Chen, President, Ibbotson Associates ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

4-0 out of 5 stars Expert guide to 401(k) plans
Many American companies have eliminated, or are now eliminating, their defined benefit (DB) pension plans. They are substituting defined contribution (DC) plans, under which employees are primarily responsible for their own retirement savings. Since this is the new lay of the land, you need to know how to assess your DC plan. Focusing on the primary traits of one type of DC plan - U.S. 401(k) pension savings accounts - experts Don Ezra, Bob Collie and Matthew X. Smith explain the latest version-two (or "DC 2.0") plans. getAbstract recommends this book to human resources (HR) and benefits professionals, retirement plan sponsors and consultants, financial planners, policy makers and all those who hope to retire one day with money from a defined contribution plan. While the book concentrates primarily on U.S. retirement plans, HR professionals from other nations still will find useful retirement planning information here. ... Read more

83. Nolo's Essential Retirement Tax Guide: Your Health, Home, Investments & More
by Twila Slesnick, John Suttle
Paperback: 416 Pages (2008-12-08)
list price: US$24.99 -- used & new: US$14.51
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1413309127
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Retire and keep your hard-earned cash!

When you retire, your potential tax deductions change considerably -- and if you're a baby boomer on your way to retirement, you'll want to keep your hands on as much of your money as possible. That's why you need Nolo's Essential Retirement Tax Guide, the first book of its kind that helps boomers and their parents understand their tax benefits in plain English.

Find out how to save on taxes, step by step:

  • doing volunteer work
  • accounting for increased medical expenses
  • buying a boat, RV or second home
  • making charitable donations
  • paying for a grandchild's education
  • living off your investments
  • selling or renting out a home
  • starting a business
  • giving financial help to your family

    With Nolo's Essential Retirement Tax Guide, you get winning strategies and the legal information you need to keep the tax collector happy while saving you a bundle --so you can have enough money to enjoy your golden years. ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (39)

    5-0 out of 5 stars A Great Gift for My Parents Who are About to Retire
    My dad is going to retire soon. My mom is too. She's taking early retirement, because she says she's not going to work a day more than him, never mind that he started working five years before she did, but that's a different story. My parents have worked hard all their lives, paid their dues, paid their taxes too.

    They have a couple rentals, which certainly are not going up in value in today's market, they each have a 401K which aren't worth what they thought they'd be. And they have some investments, most of which are doing well, because my dad's a pretty sharp guy, invested wisely and knows how to move his money around. Even though it's not a lot of money by many peoples standards, it's his and he cares about it.

    And now that he's reaching that age, that time when he doesn't have to be out the door in the early morn anymore, that time when his tax circumstances are going to change, I thought this would be an appropriate book for him, even though he's pretty smart tax wise.

    One major benefit of this book is that it's written in every man's English, which is good, because my dad likes things spelled out so that any bloody fool can understand. When I first gave him this book, he kind of pooh poohed it, setting it aside, acting like he knew everything in it. But two days later when I came over he had a lot of those post it type stickies poking out from the pages, green, yellow and pink ones. Oh yeah, Dad's getting good use out of this book.

    Okay, a lot of what's here is pretty redundant as far as he's concerned, but after going through the book he said it got him to thinking. He has grandchildren and he'd been giving me money for their college fund, now he's setting one up of his own, so he can get a deduction he should have been taking, but hadn't been. For that reason alone, this book was a good investment.

    That was the result of just one of those post it stickies, I'm sure he's going to benefit from the others too. My dad's a smart guy, he knows a lot, but what makes him really smart is that he knows he doesn't know it all.

    4-0 out of 5 stars VERY useful data
    We found this to have some very useful information for us.

    I loved how this book is laid out.It didn't assume prior knowledge of the subject and the beginning chapter goes over tax basics, such as Income, Retirement Plans and how they might change when you retire or start planning to retire, information about Social Security and who is eligible and when, Investments, the tax benefits of Rental Income, etc.

    Each chapter from that point on has it's own table of contents and in addition to that, the Tax Benefits are listed for that particular chapter.So, it's very easy to locate what area of the book you need to study for what you need to work on.

    I appreciated the information marked CAUTION as it highlighted an area that I didn't know I might have a problem with (and I would have if I didn't read about in the book...)

    Also, for me, the examples that are given in the book really helped me to understand the data.I could really see how to fit it in my own finances.

    I can't say that this book covers everything, because I've just starting out researching this area and much of this is new to me.But, after studying this book I feel much better equipped to take care of things and I know more what I need to do.AND I'm much more comfortable with the information...

    It's a very useful book.

    5-0 out of 5 stars Lots of good information
    I like the Nolo guides. They have lots of good, fairly in-depth information about their subject. This one was no exception.

    The retirement tax guide has information on most everything you might need to know.There are sections on basic tax information and then chapters of more detailed info on home, business, hobbies, health, and much more.

    A useful guide for anyone needing help figuring out their taxes after retirement.

    5-0 out of 5 stars Retirement is just a few years off.I prefer to go into it well informed.
    Nolo's Essential
    Retirement Tax Guide
    Your Health, Home, Investments & More
    Twila Slesnick, Ph.D., Enrolled Agent, Attorney John Suttle, CPA
    Nolo, 2008
    Reviewed by Debra Gaynor for ReviewYourBook.com, 02/09
    5 stars
    Retirement help...
    Authors Twila Slesnick and John Suttle share their knowledge with readers.Retirement Tax Guide is written in a simple, easy-to-understand manner.They begin by looking at Social Security and Income.They move on to looking at your home.Are you building, selling, or buying a home.Do you owe on your home?They discuss the tax benefits of owing your own business.Your health will be an important part of considering retirement.They continue by discussing education, Investments, and rental property.
    Retirement is just a few years off.I prefer to go into it well informed.Retirement Tax Guide is well written and a very useful retirement tool.

    4-0 out of 5 stars Very insightful!
    The books was very insightful. It provided step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for Retirement especially during the volatile times of today. I also enjoyed reading the Case Studies and the real life examples that were included as a reference. However, I was also hoping to get additional information about the types of funds that one should target depending on the Age group & the Income level. The book is a good reference material, but you cannot just rely on this book to plan your retirement. You need more details! ... Read more

  • 84. Retirement Without Borders: How to Retire Abroad--in Mexico, France, Italy, Spain, Costa Rica, Panama, and Other Sunny, Foreign Places (And the Secret to Making It Happen Without Stress)
    by Barry Golson
    Paperback: 432 Pages (2008-12-09)
    list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$6.83
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 0743297016
    Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    Barry Golson knows all about retiring abroad --he and his wife, Thia, have lived in six different countries. Now they choose expatriate-friendly locales around the world for their low cost and their high quality of living and explain how to investigate and settle in each country with minimum hassle and maximum pleasure.

    Taking you step-by-step through the process of researching, testing, and finally living abroad, the Golsons' practical how-to guide covers all the major issues, including health care, finances, real estate, taxes, and immigration. Each location is profiled by an expatriate writer who has made that country his or her home and who knows how to answer all the questions about living richly and economically in some of the world's most beautiful places. ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (13)

    5-0 out of 5 stars Great Retirement Idea Starter
    A must read if you are seriously thinking about living overseas in retirement.Well laid out and thoughtful.We've bought additional copies for our friends (Hopefully we won't all retire to the same place!)

    4-0 out of 5 stars quick, enjoyable read
    I enjoyed the book for learning where I did not want to retire to as much as where I might want to retire to.

    2-0 out of 5 stars A Bit Misleading
    I challenge the book's title, because the writers clearly maintained their political borders when writing the book.In 3 years as an expat, I have a completely different view of living overseas than those shared by the contributors to the book.It seems, whether intentional or unintentional, the selection of contributors was biased toward views held by those who might be categorized as "left wing" and seemed to have escaped the USA due to some political or religious persecution.No problem with that, and I feel sorry for them.Yet, there are an equal number, if not more, expats who like the USA, and politics played no part in their decision to move abroad.Some actually live overseas because it is fun and exotic.Their voices are largely left out of this book, so a good portion of the expat experience is not shared with the reader.

    With quotes like, "we don't hang out with other expats," many of the contributors show a bit of chip on their shoulders.Most expats actually like hanging out with each other.That doesn't mean that they don't interact with the local citizens, it just means they are living without borders.

    Additionally, the selection of informational sources seemed biased.Quoting the Vision of Humanity rating that shows the USA as being less peaceful than Mexico or Croatia is very misleading.Living in Mexico being more peaceful than living in the USA?Please. How deep do you need to look to find an organization called Vision of Humanity? I think adding these types of politically biased "surveys" was unnecessary.

    Some people look to retire overseas because it is fun.Retirement should be fun, not political asylum.So, if you read this book, be warned that it is a partial picture of retirement outside the USA.And if you are looking for reading material that is objective and informative, remember you'll only be getting a partial view from this book.

    5-0 out of 5 stars excellent book
    This book is well-worth its modest purchase price for Americans considering retiring to a warm climate in a low-cost area of the world, before the U.S. out-of-control $12+ trillion National Debt creates an economic disaster where hyperinflation allows your monthly pension check to purchase no more than half a Kit Kat candy bar.

    Most of the countries listed in this book do NOT tax income from the U.S.A., including pensions, investment income or other passive income and some, like Panama, have better banking secrecy laws than Switzerland. The guy who said that "Death & taxes are the only way to escape the IRS" never read Golson's "Retirement Without Borders." :)

    Even if you don't plan to move anywhere, the book gives you all the information you need to phantasize, in Walter Mitty fashion, about native gals in bikinis swinging palm leaves over your head as you relax on a warm, pristine beach in Pavones, Costa Rica, watching surfers looking for the perfect wave.

    3-0 out of 5 stars Just OK
    Well written but not as good as his first book, Gringos in Paradies. It's more like a compilation of essays from others who have moved to different countries. Some of them are fairly negative about the US or have strong negative political points of view. Not really pertinent to the country they are suppose to be writing about. Some of the country reviews are pretty good. If you are interested, go to the book store and look through it before you buy. ... Read more

    85. 202 Ways to Supplement Your Retirement Income
    by James Stephenson
    Paperback: 320 Pages (2005-10-18)
    list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$3.97
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 1932531661
    Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description

    The New Encyclopedias for Supplemental Income

    Filled with 202 proven money-making opportunities, each book in this popular series outlines a multitude of ways you can supplement your income.

    The current trend of active retirement is growing. This book shows you what you can do in retirement to make extra cash. Plus, it includes the essentials on getting started, with valuable tips in all areas of business and an extensive resource list.

    ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (1)

    5-0 out of 5 stars A Good Idea Book to use as a Starting Point
    This book is really divided into two big parts.

    The first 128 pages or so is pretty general in nature and talks about things like setting up a company, financing, employees, where to put it, accounting and taxes. These are things thatevery business has to do and you'll have to do most of it. I only have three comments about this section.

    He says that there are three main things you can do: Provide a Service, Sell Products, or Manufacture Products. He's right, that's it. The first decision you have to make is which of these do you want to do?

    On page 18 he talks about selecting the company name and checking to see that the name is clear. Then way back on page 83 he talks about getting a domain name for your web site. That's backwards. Get the domain name first. This day and age you need a web site even if you're just putting up your name and phone number.

    After this, in the second and larger part of the book he lists the 202 ways (I didn't count them, I presume someone did and that there are really 202). I'd suggest that you view this kind of like a brainstorming session. You probably won't want to do any of these 202 things, but if you can take idea number 72 and combine it with idea 186, and modify the result to suit your own needs, you may well indeed come up with something you can use to create a business. I did, almost exactly like he said to do.

    One point to remember, labor rates are very cheap overseas. You may not want to do the actual manufacturing yourself unless you can provide some art or personalized service that someone in China can't do. ... Read more

    86. Retirement on a Shoestring, 5th (Choose Retirement Series)
    by John Howells
    Paperback: 304 Pages (2004-01-01)
    list price: US$15.95 -- used & new: US$2.97
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 0762728493
    Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    Retirement can be a time to travel, volunteer, or do nothing at all. Unfortunately, not everyone has a company pension or a profitable investment portfolio to support their plans for the retirement years. For many, the main source of retirement dollars will be Social Security benefits. Retirement on a Shoestring explains how to maximize retirement income and enjoy these years in comfort. John Howells, a nationally recognized expert on retirement living, discusses up-to-date information on such topics as affordable housing, medical care, recreational and cultural opportunities, and senior services. This essential guide provides all the tools for enjoying an affordable, active, and safe retirement.

    Discover strategies for:
    *Tapping equity
    *Finding a retirement job
    *Trimming utility bills
    *Thriving as a single retiree
    * Mobile home and RV living
    *Continuing education and much more
    ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (5)

    5-0 out of 5 stars adjusting to living on less and be happy
    The book "Retiring on a shoestring" is very helpful and insightful highly recommended. Gets down to some of the brass tacks, and lets you see the picture.

    4-0 out of 5 stars Sage Advice for Shoestring Retirement
    This informative book contains invaluable advice on retirement options for those with cash-flow worries. Speaking to folks like me, Howells knows just what the hot buttons are, and how to address them. I found helpful information in every chapter. Howells does not waste any time getting to the heart of retirement issues for limited income folks who rarely receive any due in most publications. Not all retirees have investment income and golden parachutes! Highly recommended reading!

    5-0 out of 5 stars Another enjoyable and helpful read from Mr. Howells
    I'm not looking to retire anytime soon (I'm 50) but really enjoyed this particular book, as it's given me much to think about.I like his down-to-earth approach (he and his wife have boldly RV'd all over the place, including down into Mexico, so he knows firsthand what day-to-day life is for the average (?) retiree).Again, a very enjoyable read.

    4-0 out of 5 stars Great Overview on Retirement
    Retirement on a Shoestring has sections that really add to what I have read on retirement.I especially like the chapters on College Towns in retirement, RVs and Retirement, and Mobile Homes and Retirement.The bookis easy to read, and it is full of great statistics, tips and insights. This is a fine book for someone contemplating retirement.It makes onefeel that success in retirement is just around the corner.

    4-0 out of 5 stars An excellent retiree's bible filled with practical info.
    Unlike most retirement guides which offer zero useful information,"Shoestring" offers practical information for the majority ofAmericans who are not filthy rich, and are coming up on depleted SocialSecurity, rising housing and rental costs and non-existent medicalcare.Howells offers real strategies to live on reduced incomes. I recommendit. A+, John. ... Read more

    87. Choose Panama . . . the Perfect Retirement Haven(Second Edition)
    by William G Hutchings
    Paperback: 172 Pages (2007-07-31)
    list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$13.34
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 0979488605
    Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    Panama is a desireable and affordable retirement option for the 76,000,000 people in he U.S. who will be retireing in the next five years.Choose Panama gives details on visiting Panama (transportation, lodging, places to visit, immigration, recreation, cost of living, currency, housing, etc.) - as well as details on customs, people, andaffordable housing. ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (19)

    4-0 out of 5 stars Panama
    Very good book. Has many interesting facts about the city and surrounding areas. Booked a trip to Panama and used the book to locate where to stay and what to do while we are there.

    3-0 out of 5 stars Choose Panama The Perfect Retirement Haven
    A quick read - A good book for a basic overview of retiring to Panama.

    3-0 out of 5 stars Limited perspective
    I bought this book upon my return from my first trip to Panama, hoping to find out the pros and cons of living in Panama, factors that seem important to the success or failure of North Americans' relocating to Panama, and nuts and bolts requirements like costs, visa options, social opportunities/limitations, earning opportunities and regulations, etc.The book does a decent job of outlining visa types and employment information, and it gives some information on several parts of the country that North Americans have found attractive.What it lacks is information about the day-to-day "feel" of life in Panama across a variety of lifestyle choices.

    The author states his belief in the importance of community and activities for Panama retirees, and this is probably why the only housing he reports on is of the gated-community, golf-course and/or beach type.So if you're thinking about growing some fruits and veggies, raising some chickens, and/or making a few acres into a garden that attracts some of the 976 bird species recorded in Panama, this book is not going to tell you a thing about land availability, cost, and use regulations -- other than the general, and very important, caveat to consult an attorney for necessary legal information.

    It's also not going to tell you about social relationships outside the expat community.The author doesn't talk aboutsocial relationships with native Panamanians, which may not seem so important in a gated expat community -- though he does note that proficiency in Spanish is necessary for anything more than superficial interactions with most Panamanians.It would be good to know how North Americans, particularly of U.S.A. origin, are viewed by the local citizenry, and how or if expats fit into Panamanian society.

    Additionally, my index of suspicion is raised by the lack of ANY negative information, other than the warning to watch out for pickpockets in Colon.Granted, with a title like "Choose Panama," I'd expect a positive view of the country, and there are indeed many positive aspects to report.Everything has a down side, though, even if it seems trivial -- in a different book, one expat in Panama reports missing easy access to good ice cream. While Panamaenjoys relative wealth among Central American countries, thanks to the Canal, the country is not free of unemployment, poverty, and exploitation/displacement of indigenous peoples, with the same unhappy effects seen in other societies.My point here is not to argue against Panama as a retirement choice, but to observe that this book provides little information about living in a Panamanian world, as opposed to a walled-off Gringolandia on Panamanian soil.

    1-0 out of 5 stars The book has little value
    This book has 170 pages but if you take away the extra line spaces and pictures you could have saved at least 100 pages.The book contains very little useful information and I would be very surprised if the author actually resides in Panama.If you are looking for a very basic book with little information then this is the book for you.My suggestion is go to the web and save your money for something useful.

    3-0 out of 5 stars Only average or so
    Nothing unique in the way of information.Poorly edited.I hate reading a book with spelling and grammatical errors.Cheap paper.A bit pricey for what it was, IMHO. ... Read more

    88. Standard & Poor's Guide to Saving for Retirement (Standard & Poor's Guide to)
    by Virginia Morris, Kenneth Morris
    Paperback: 160 Pages (2007-10-05)
    list price: US$15.95 -- used & new: US$6.57
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: B002PJ4J3I
    Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description

    Streamlined, straightforward, and simple to read guides from Standard & Poor's and Lightbulb Press.

    The easiest way to get a grip on personal finance, investing, and retirement

    From the world's leading financial analysts and investor education specialists comes an invaluable foundation of knowledge for every kind of investment you want to make. These guides, a collaboration between Standard & Poor's and Lightbulb Press, use clear language and informative graphics to demystify financial topics. The books make it easy for you to navigate the financial markets and understand the basics of investing and personal finance.

    This easy to understand guide covers what you need to know about planning for a financially secure retirement. It provides up-to-date information on contribution and withdrawal limits, and current legislation on IRA rollovers to estate planning.

    ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (1)

    4-0 out of 5 stars Nice summary
    This book is a nice summary and good reference on saving for retirement. What I particularly liked is that it covered all the basics and a bit more. For instance, a lot of books skip topics such as medicare and long-term care and while this book is not in-depth it at least covers some of the basic concepts people should be aware of. ... Read more

    89. Where to Retire, 6th: America's Best and Most Affordable Places (Choose Retirement Series)
    by John Howells
    Paperback: 400 Pages (2006-09-01)
    list price: US$17.95 -- used & new: US$7.98
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 0762740655
    Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description

    Find up-to-the-minute information onhousing costs, recreation, climate, health care, and safety for more than 150 affordable, comfortable and stimulating retirement locations from the Pacific Northwest to Florida.
    ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (6)

    5-0 out of 5 stars Retirement Info
    Arrived on time & excellent condition. Haven't had time to read completely but looks like has info I needed.

    4-0 out of 5 stars Some helpful information
    We have reviewed many books on where to retire and this book had some useful information I would have like to see more info on the area that they reccomend

    5-0 out of 5 stars hmm where do I want to retire?
    This book is fantastic, lets you know the weather conditions, cost of living,average temperature. Each town gives you ideas for entertainment and eating, what the locals are like. just a little peek at what life could be there. Covers coast to coast.

    4-0 out of 5 stars Good info inside
    We we looking to retire and needed help to make the right decesion. This book has tons of helpful information.

    4-0 out of 5 stars Pubic Hospital for Retirees
    I don't know if I'll retire there, but I definitely want to go to Murray, Kentucky, and see what the book describes as the largest "pubic" hospital in the lakes area.It "serves" the west Kentucky and northwest Tennessee region.... ... Read more

    90. Don't Die Broke: How Annuities Can Guarantee Your Income and Keep Your Retirement from Going Belly-Up
    by David J. Reindel
    Paperback: 191 Pages (2010-07-13)
    list price: US$15.00 -- used & new: US$8.43
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 1932841539
    Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description

    Calling for a paradigm shift in the way we think about retirement planning, Don’t Die Broke will rescue readers of all ages from many a market debacle in the coming years. Immersed as we are in what a climate of financial uncertainty, many investors have already endured market meltdowns, recession, and ongoing forecasts of economic instability for years to come. Don’t Die Broke addresses consumer angst, offering solutions for investment risk and volatility. A timeless source of financial perspective, the book’s common-sense approach to retirement planning provides ongoing help for everyone — particularly boomers nearing retirement, who need to exchange their risk-based investment habits for preservation-based common sense. The key is the humble annuity, a long-misunderstood financial instrument that is about to see a major return to favor. Reindel explains how they fit into a retirement plan in language that's clear, straightforward, and focused on the needs of people whose retirement is rapidly approaching.
    ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (6)

    1-0 out of 5 stars Worthless Drivel
    I never returned a book to Amazon.But I did return this one because it's worthless.Instead of giving the reader valuable lessons in how to analyze and select an annuity, Reindel spends 191 pages bragging about his unimpeachable ethics and trying to defend annuity sales practices.Evidently he is on a mission to try to redeem the dented reputation of annuity salespeople and the industry as a whole, and maybe his own in the process.He would have us believe that there's a "Quiet Revolution" underway made up of steadfast footsoldiers like himself, slogging through the wasteland of the Annuity Landscape, rooting out those unscrupulous individuals who cheated Grandma out of her life savings.What a waste of paper!

    3-0 out of 5 stars Inflation Still A Question Mark
    This book and others do a good job of explaining why inflation is your enemy.And yes, they explain that annuities can be indexed to rise a certain amount every year. But what's always missing is what is the correct amount of indexing to choose at this time in history.2%, 3%, 4%, 5%? This is left as a guess that the reader/retiree has to make by himself or herself without help.

    5-0 out of 5 stars An ideal and core choice for anyone planning the twilight years of their life and don't want financial woes dominating it
    It's nice to not leave debt as something for your children to remember you by. "Don't Die Broke: How Annuities Can Guarantee Your Income and Keep Your Retirement from Going Belly-Up" discusses how to prepare one's retirement fund through wise and smart use of annuities. Outlining how to make a long standing, sustainable retirement plan that can stand a test of time and financial instability, "Don't Die Broke" is an ideal and core choice for anyone planning the twilight years of their life and don't want financial woes dominating it.

    5-0 out of 5 stars Want to Shop Annuities? Don't Leave Home Without It.
    Read it before you shop annuities with a financial person because it hasstraight facts about surrender fees & surrender periods etc. It's good for people who basically know what annuities are, how many different products there are, so they know to get some help from a pro. But without the know-how in this book you could miss important issues. Plus it makes some common sense on how not to lose everything the next time the market takes another dive, not a bad pass-along for people who have.

    1-0 out of 5 stars Don't Die Broke
    Wrote in very general term and unless I missed it never explained how to effectively use annuities. ... Read more

    91. Estate & Retirement Planning Answer Book (2009) (Answer Books)
    by William D. Mitchell
    Paperback: 1240 Pages (2008-08-22)
    list price: US$259.00 -- used & new: US$80.00
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 0808091751
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    Estate and Retirement Planning Answer Book (2009 Edition) provides expanded coverage of financial and estate planning strategies for implementing individualized solutions for the special problems associated with retaining accumulated wealth for retirement and estate planning purposes. With its comprehensive two-part approach to the complex issues that link retirement planning and estate planning, Estate and Retirement Planning Answer Book (2009 Edition), includes coverage of such topics as the final minimum distribution rules for individual retirement accounts and qualified plan distributions, the use of insurance as a qualified plan asset, and changes in the law to reflect the latest legislation. Replete with scores of examples that illustrate and analyze estate planning strategies and their effects, Estate and Retirement Planning Answer Book, 2009 Edition, brings insight and expertise to the realm of estate and retirement planning by focusing on the tax-free transfer of wealth and by providing an insdier's view of the various retirement benefits available to the corporate executive under both qualified and non-qualified retirement plans. Highlights of 2009 Edition include:. Provisions of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 that are effective for 2008;. Updated gift tax exclusion amounts for 2008-2009;. Updated estate tax exemption amounts for 2008-2009;. Updated 2008 amounts for the generation-skipping transfer tax exemption;. Updated income tax rates for estates and trusts;. Updated distribution and limitation amounts for qualified plans in 2008-2009; . Brief discussion of ERISA preemption over state family law;. Expanded discussion of fiduciary bond requirements for ERISA plans;. Brief discussion of the limits of IRC Section 404(c) protection;. Updated discussion of sanctions for ERISA section 511 violations;. Updated contribution amounts for defined contribution plans;. Extended discussion of provisions that apply to overfunded benefit plans;. Discussion of applicable restrictions to the funding of nonqualified deferred compensation plans;. Extensive discussion of IRC section 409A;. Discussion of conditions that allow for the acceleration of benefit payments;. Brief discussion on IRA exclusion from bankruptcy estates;. Expanded discussion of permitted rollovers to Roth IRAs; and. Brief description of inherited IRA and applicable rules. ... Read more

    92. Reorienting Retirement Risk Management
    by Robert L. Clark, Olivia S. Mitchell
    Hardcover: 272 Pages (2010-10-21)
    list price: US$80.00 -- used & new: US$68.63
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 0199592608
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    Retirement risk management must be dramatically overhauled if workers and retirees are to better prepare themselves to meet future retirement challenges. Recent economic events including the global financial crisis have upended expectations about what pension and endowment fund managers can do. Employers and employees have found it difficult to make pension contributions, despite drops in retirement plan funding.In many countries, government social security systems are also facing insolvency. These factors, coupled with an aging population and rising longevity, are giving rise to serious questions about the future of retirement in America and around the world.

    This volume explores how workers and firms can reassess the risks associated with retirement saving and dissaving, to identify creative adjustments to adapt to these new risks and realities. One area explored is the key role for financial literacy and education programs. In addition, those acting as plan sponsors and fiduciaries must reconsider pension design to help them better address the new realities. Also novel financial products are described that can help with the design of retirement plans. Experts provide new research and offer policy recommendations, illustrating how retirement plans can be amended to better meet the retirement needs of workers and firms.

    This volume is an important addition to the Pensions Research Council / Oxford University Press series and to the current debate on retirement security. ... Read more

    93. The Retirement Vault: A Guide to Protecting Your Assets in an Age of Uncertainty
    by Joseph A. Leonard
    Paperback: 152 Pages (2008)
    -- used & new: US$18.95
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 0981460518
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    The truth is that the combination to your retirement vault is not given to you?it is yours to create. Your combination is the exact mix of programs, services and investments that will unlock the piece of mind and security that comes from knowing you are prepared and protected. Here are some possible stops on the combination dial to consider. Can you answer these questions? What is the best way to avoid court probate?What is risk and how much should you have?What are the benefits of trusts and annuities?What is the best way to leave property to your heirs?What is the difference between Medicaid and Medicare?What is the best time to purchase long-term care insurance?What is the best way to avoid or minimize federal estate taxes?What are the pros and cons of owning property in joint tenancy? If you do not know the answer to even one of these questions, you may be exposing yourself, your loved ones and your assets to unnecessary risk and uncertainty. Don't let a few unanswered questions keep you from creating your unique combination. Follow along with Joseph Leonard as he leads you through a discussion of the issues, guides you through your options and ultimately demystifies the retirement planning process. ... Read more

    94. Garrett's Guide to Financial Planning 2nd Edition
    by Sheryl Garrett
    Paperback: 326 Pages (2007-06-07)
    list price: US$53.99 -- used & new: US$51.99
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 0872189198
    Average Customer Review: 2.5 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

    Customer Reviews (2)

    4-0 out of 5 stars Quite Useful, Actually
    I quite disagree with the other reviewer.I am a recently certified (CFP®) hourly fee planner trying to get my new business underway. I find the "nuts and bolts" approach to be very helpful, with lots of very practical information and I expect to use this book as a major resource.

    1-0 out of 5 stars Expected a much more professional book
    The book was spoiled by spelling and grammatical errors throughout. It was more a "basic primer" than an original work. She gets praise for her ability to sell herself and her idea but the idea isn't original and from the quality and content of this book---I have to question how much of an "expert" she really is. The book was expensive, of poor quality, and in the end--not worth the money. I could not ever recommend it to anyone and I will never buy another one of her books. ... Read more

    95. Kiplinger's Estate Planning: The Complete Guide to Wills, Trusts, and Maximizing Your Legacy
    by John Ventura
    Paperback: 256 Pages (2008-05-06)
    list price: US$21.95 -- used & new: US$11.22
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 1427797099
    Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    If I don’t have an estate plan, what will happen when I die? Can I plan my own estate, or should I work with an estate attorney? How can I make sure that my estate isn’t whittled away by state and federal taxes?

    In Kiplinger’s Estate Planning, financial expert and attorney John Ventura offers straightforward guidance on all of the tools of estate planning, from wills, trusts, and custodial accounts to insurance, employee befits, and durable power of attorney for finance and health care.

    In this easy-to-read guide, learn:

    • What you can and can’t do with a will
    • How a living trust works
    • Your options for transferring assets to your spouse or partner
    • How to give your assets away while you are alive
    • How to use a durable power of attorney for health care—and what will happen if you become incapacitated without one
    • Controlling your death with a living will
    • How to leave a personal legacy
    • How to complete the process on your own or work with an estate attorney
    ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (3)

    5-0 out of 5 stars The most comprehensive legal advice in a single, easy to read book!
    I am a wills and probate attorney in Texas.Certainly, I am the first to admit that the law of estate planning can be difficult to navigate.John Ventura, with this Estate Planning book, makes the navigation simple.He guides you, step by step, through wills, trusts, and the like, without ever missing a beat.I even purchased a copy for my own mother!If you want an easy read, with excellent advice, you're in great hands with John Ventura's "Kiplinger's Estate Planning."

    5-0 out of 5 stars UNDERSTANDING IT ALL

    5-0 out of 5 stars A complete and comprehensive guide to estate management
    What happens to all of one's belongings if one is randomly and tragically killed in a bus accident? Kiplinger's Estate Planning: The Complete Guide to Wills, Trusts, and Maximizing Your Legacy is a complete and comprehensive guide to estate management, whether one carries an estate worth millions or worth less than thousand. It's a guide for anyone about how to make sure one's will is carried out when one makes a purchase of metaphorical agricultural land. Kiplinger's Estate Planning is a must for anyone worried about their friends and family and wants to leave them something when the time comes, and is also highly recommended for community library finance collections. ... Read more

    96. Should Municipal Bonds be a Tool in Your Retirement Planning Toolbox?
    by Dale C. Maley
    Kindle Edition: Pages (2009-06-06)
    list price: US$2.99
    Asin: B002C75MNY
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    After the Crash of 2008, many investors are choosing to lower their portfolio risk. They are lowering their risk by decreasing the amount of stocks and increasing the amount of bonds in their portfolio.Tax free municipal bonds can be an attractive alternative to taxable bonds for several reasons.

    Some investors don't have room in their retirement accounts for their entire bond investments.Rather than placing bonds in their taxable account, these investors can increase their after-tax return by using municipal bonds.

    Investors who live in high tax states and have relatively high adjusted gross incomes can increase their after-tax returns by using municipal versus taxable bond funds.

    This short story explores the use of municipal bonds.It includes four example cases to illustrate how to determine if municipal bonds are better than taxable bond funds.This short story will help investors to better understand how to optimize their retirement portfolio. ... Read more

    97. Start Where You Are: Retirement Planning in a Changing World
    by Ruth L. Hayden
    Paperback: 140 Pages (2003-09)
    list price: US$12.00 -- used & new: US$7.20
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 1886513651
    Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    Whether people have planned for their "golden years" or haven't given them much thought, Ruth Hayden, nationally known educator and financial consultant, says that it is never too early or too late to control one's financial present or create a secure future.

    The author notes that the perpetual vacation after age sixty-five will not be the retirement model for most people in the 21st century. She provokes the readers to think about what they really want for their lives—guiding them to create a personal life vision to bring balance to the physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial aspects of life.Ruth encourages the readers to take charge of their lives, developing a realistic plan for a successful, fulfilling retirement.

    Ruth assists the reader to, "Start Where You Are—at age thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy or beyond to plan for the rest of your life." ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (2)

    5-0 out of 5 stars A prophetess speaks
    This is a wake-up call to all working Americans. Ms. Hayden challenges us to take retirement planning seriously.Her approach is simple but not simplistic.To get where you want to be when you retire you had better plan.If you are approaching your anticipated age of retirement and it does not look like you are going to have the resources, she suggests you re-plan.It is not too late.

    Her realistic evalution of how well Americans have planned for their retirmenent is sobering.This is not a financial planning book.She repeatedly suggests that her readers consult a financial planner.What Ms. Hayden does well is to help you evaluated where you are and take measures to get where you want to be.

    My mother outlived her money by one month.Fortunately, her children could cover one month or two.Had it been longer?Read Ms. Hayden's book and plan for the contingencies.

    1-0 out of 5 stars Simplistic and repetitive
    The advice in this book is not bad, but it is very simplistic and there is nothing new here.If you have listened to any program on retirement or read any recent magazine article on the topic, everthing here will be familiar.You can expect to live longer, work longer and should plan in a holistic way for your retirement to provide for financial, spiritual, emotional and physical well-being.Other than advising diversification and spending less than you earn, Ruth offers no specific financial advice.The book is very short and repetitive and typographical errors are irritating.If you make the same mistake as I did and buy this text, you will be helping Ruth's retirement plan much more than your own. ... Read more

    98. The Mom's Guide to Wills & Estate Planning
    by Liza Hanks Attorney
    Paperback: 242 Pages (2009-11-10)
    list price: US$21.99 -- used & new: US$9.09
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 1413310710
    Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    Estate planning basics to help you protect your young family.

    You know that now is the time to do something in the way of estate planning to provide for your young children -- but what, exactly? Is a will all you need? What about life insurance or a living trust? And how much will it all cost?

    The Mom's Guide to Wills & Estate Planning gives you practical, straightforward recommendations on estate planning options and provides a solid plan that every family can find the time to follow -- without the expense of hiring an attorney.

    This book outlines which proactive steps are most crucial and should be taken immediately, and which can be delayed. Focusing on your family's real-world concerns, you'll find out:

  • how to select a guardian for children
  • when to consider a living trust
  • how to set up payable-on-death accounts
    vhow to keep your estate plan current

    You'll also see handy and relevant USA TODAY snapshots, infographics and insights throughout The Mom's Guide to Wills & Estate Planning. So what are you waiting for? Create an estate plan to protect your young children today. ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (21)

    5-0 out of 5 stars Planning for your kids
    If you have kids, this book is a "Must read".If you & your spouse should suddenly die what would happen to your kids?If you don't have a Will, they could wind up with your least favorite relatives.

    My husband & I put off doing our wills because it felt morbid to me.After talking with friends & a lawyer,I now know it's not about me, it's about planning for my kids.As I'd planned forother aspects of their young lives - schooling, meals, activities, outings, etc.

    It was a gruelling process for us 35 yrs ago, talking with lawyers - trying to understand legalllize.

    I wish this book was available back then.Wedecided to hire a lawyer.If we had this book,we would have been armed with questions & some knowledge of the system.My 4 children are now grown & starting families of their own.I'm getting each of them a copy of this book for each of them.

    4-0 out of 5 stars Practical guide provides estate planning for parents
    Lisa Hanks writes "...basic estate planning isn't legally complicated, it's emotionally difficult" and this is why most people put it off until it is too late.

    I hoped I was not the only person who misread the book's title and assumed it is only for single mothers. I soon learned I wasn't as Hanks addresses the book's title in her introduction:

    "It's not that dads aren't interested or involved--far from it. They are active and essential participants. It's just that mom usually gets the ball rolling. And trust me, you've got the skills required to make sure this project gets finished, too. Anyone who can juggle a family for one week--logistics, finances, health care, emotional havoc--can put an estate plan together."

    The Mom's Guide to Wills & Estate Planning is a well-written guide that covers estate planning for parents. It covers wills, living trusts, retirement accounts and life insurance. The book also provides a series of estate planning worksheets that include a will worksheet, an inheritance planner and a family inventory. Credit the easy-to-understand format to Nolo's practical writing.

    I'm familiar with Nolo reference books (I think this is the sixth Nolo book I've reviewed for Amazon) and find most to be a great starting point for learning the basics of a new topic.

    This book is smaller than in size and length than most Nolo books. The advantage is the book is easier to carry but the font size is a bit to small in the worksheets. The USA Today snapshots spread throughout the book are little more than window dressing though and do nothing more than break up the text. That is a minor complaint, considering the amount of helpful information included in this guide.

    One last caveat: you should not substitute the book for face-to-face legal advice. This guide covers the estate planning basics you need to protect your family. Read it and use it as intended but don't forget the author is an attorney herself, so don't hesitate to contact your own for help.

    Rating: four stars.

    5-0 out of 5 stars Extremely Thorough, Complete, and Well Written
    This book was exactly what I needed. I am starting from nothing and need to plan for the guardianship and financial care of my children should something happen to me [I am a single mother with an absent ex spouse].

    This book walks you through every step you need to consider when creating a will & planning your estate. She covered things that I had never even heard of [and I'm not an idiot -I'm a well educated person].She starts from the beginning and covers every aspect, including the more esoteric things only more wealthy people will need to consider.

    The author asks questions and gives instructions that make it easy to formulate a plan. Guardianship of my children is something I worry about constantly - and the author gave a very detailed set of instructions on how to determine who should be guardian of the children if I die and how to handle it. I found her friendly, non-nonsense approach very helpful in tackling this difficult issue.

    One of the things I really liked about this book was that it is aimed at a very broad audience - she has sections to help single mothers, to help same sex couples, to help remarried people with children from previous relationships, etc. I was surprised at how much she included for "non-traditional" families and I really appreciated that.

    If you have a child in your care, this book will give you the complete, step by step information you need to provide for them if the worst happens.

    The book is also well written and very easy to read - it does not get bogged down in legalese or anything like that [which would be easy to do with this topic].The author is an excellent writer and comes across as a very friendly, compassionate friend giving the reader good legal advice.

    I was surprised by how very complete and helpful this book was and I am grateful I read it.

    4-0 out of 5 stars Great guidebook for planning for your family's future
    I wish I had had this book years ago.I no longer have young children, and I have already had to help my mom plan her estate.It took some trial-and-error with planning my own estate and with helping my mom.If I had had this book, things would have been easier, and we could have had a check-list to make sure things got completed. The book is written in a simple and straight-forward manner, and provides the information necessary for estate planning.While it is called "mom's guide," it could be used by anyone to help plan for their family's future.This is a useful addition to any family's library, and could really help them avoid stress and problems in their future by enabling them to plan ahead for the inevitable.

    5-0 out of 5 stars "I'm not an estate planner, but my wife is..."
    Seriously, she is.She picked up this book when I was about halfway through it to look at the table of contents and said, "Wow, that's a great presentation and series of topics."

    Having read the book, I can confirm that there is substance presented in a understandable way beyond the table of contents.

    If you have $3.5M or more in your estate, hire someone.Regardless, this book is a good read, and something that we parents should give more thought. ... Read more

  • 99. The Calculus of Retirement Income: Financial Models for Pension Annuities and Life Insurance
    by Moshe A. Milevsky
    Hardcover: 352 Pages (2006-03-13)
    list price: US$53.00 -- used & new: US$45.62
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 0521842581
    Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    The book introduces and develops the basic actuarial models and underlying pricing of life-contingent pension annuities and life insurance from a unique financial perspective. The ideas and techniques are then applied to the real-world problem of generating sustainable retirement income towards the end of the human life-cycle. The role of lifetime income, longevity insurance, and systematic withdrawal plans are investigated in a parsimonious framework. The underlying technology and terminology of the book are based on continuous-time financial economics by merging analytic laws of mortality with the dynamics of equity markets and interest rates.Nonetheless, the book requires a minimal background in mathematics and emphasizes applications and examples more than proofs and theorems.It can serve as an ideal textbook for an applied course on wealth management and retirement planning in addition to being a reference for quantitatively-inclined financial planners. ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (3)

    4-0 out of 5 stars Valuable insight into retirement math
    I had purchased this book when if was first published and have now come back to it after reading his recent work (link below). This earlier book is a very detailed discussion of the computations that go into the question of retirement income. For those who are math oriented, this is a good book to begin to get insight into solving the retirement income question. He has a supporting website at [...].

    For those who would like to have insight into how to apply this math, his more recent book Are You a Stock or a Bond? Create Your Own Pension Plan for a Secure Financial Future will help, and it is an easier read for most, especially the non math oriented.

    As a holder of a physics degree, the math so far applies to static periods, i.e. considering what age a person currently is (t for time is static). However, the time period continually decreases since longevity is continually shortening as a person ages. Therefore, the time should be evaluated as delta t or changing time. In practice, I see this difference between ages emerge as I evaluate different situations. Readjusting the formula for each age, as one ages, does not work since in practice this results in taking more out early and having to retrench later.

    However, getting deeper insight into the mathematical approach is extremely enlightening and useful to those who are so oriented.

    Wealth Odyssey: The Essential Road Map For Your Financial Journey Where Is It You Are Really Trying To Go With Money?

    5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent
    The bar must be raised for financial planners . . .this book does the trick.

    3-0 out of 5 stars Where is theadditional material?
    I purchased this book over a month ago. I expected to receive additional supporting materials which would greatly aid my understanding of the various formulas used throughout the book. The additional supporting material has yet to be posted. As such, currently, i feel i have been overpromised and underdelivered. ... Read more

    100. WealthBuilding: Investment Strategies for Retirement & Estate Planning
    by David R. Reiser, Robert L. DiColo, Andrea R. Reiser, Hugh M. Ryan
    Paperback: 288 Pages (2002-02-25)
    list price: US$26.95 -- used & new: US$0.01
    (price subject to change: see help)
    Asin: 0471215430
    Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
    Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
    Editorial Review

    Product Description
    WealthBuilding is the book for everyone who dreams of having what they want, whether it be a secure retirement with the standard of living they are accustomed to or a vacation home large enough to accommodate all the grandchildren. This book features real-life wealth stories of 31 investors-ranging from young, single professionals to middle-aged job-hoppers to retired seniors-and shows how they are planning and managing their wealth successfully and intelligently. WealthBuilding will empower individual investors by offering innovative investment strategies and showing people how to pick financial advisors and form effective partnerships with these professionals. ... Read more

    Customer Reviews (12)

    1-0 out of 5 stars Shameful attempt at self-promotion
    This book is nothing but a thick marketing brochure. It discusses the basics of financial planning, but it incorporates the authors' own subjective analysis and opinions, which, based on their reasoning, often times borderlines dangerous. It leaves unrealistic expectations on the readers with no real academic backing and no real insight or intelligent commentary. Rather a lot of ignorant comments, hypocritical recommendation, and poor order of discussion.I feel by reading this book, you may actually becomer dumber than had you read nothing at all. The authors clearly designed this book to be a celebration of self-promotion.

    Normally, I give books away when I'm done with them, but I would be insulting whoever received this by doing so - so into the garbage it goes! Please don't waste your money on this one - you're far better off with books by Burton Malkiel, William Bernstein, Larry Swedroe, Jonathan Clements, Thomas Stanley.

    1-0 out of 5 stars Keep Looking for a GOOD investment guide
    Wealthbuilding?? You've GOT to be kidding ! If you've never read a book on investing & have NO idea about the basics, then perhaps there might be something here for you. Fully 3/4 of the book is devoted to anecdotal evidence of how wonderful the authors are at investing their client's money. Their advice? Hire a professional, natch ! Written in 2002 they describe the wonderful gains for the clients in the early '90s in the market. What about recently? Not so impressive, I'd venture the guess.
    There is almost no statistical evidence for their strategies, which are given in the most rudimentary terms. How can they write only 1 short page about an invaluable investment strategy like Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts?
    This is a simple salesman's Thump N' Sell book citing trivial truths & wishful thinking, just like Wade Cook & The Rich Dad books. All FLUFF & NO substance.
    You would do better by buying Jane Bryant Quinn's 'Making the Most of Your Money' & "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham & "Bogle on Mutual Funds" by John C. Bogle.

    2-0 out of 5 stars Not satisfied at all!!
    I bought this book based on the great reviews it received. I made it through half of the book and had to stop. My biggest complaint is they fail to include results in their clients portfolio's after 1999.

    They are big fans of equity investing (of course they work for a big brokerage). In one of their stories, they berate a former advisor of one of their newer clients for having them in bonds. Not that the percentage overall was too high. But, that the advisor had them in bonds. Well, the authors didn't mentioned where the client sits today with the heavy equity position the authors put them into.

    Being financial advisors (brokers) for UBS Paine Webber is no different from being a broker at Morgan Stanley, ML, or Smith Barney.

    I found this to be a waste of my money. I thought Suze Ormans books were far better than this book. A lot more honest too.

    3-0 out of 5 stars What you will NOT find. . .
    Some crucial elements are LEFT OUT of this book.If you just want to read some "happy happy" account of this book, check out the other reviews, but I'm trying to give something constructive here.

    First of all, consider the bias: these authors are both on the payroll of PaineWebber.Now that's not necessarily BAD, but it's probably going to color their assessment of how to build wealth.So first up, they insist that attaining a secure retirement is too complicated for the average person, so you need to hire professional help.Now again, that's not necessarily bad advice, but it probably isn't advice that is going to suit everybody.And of course they're going to steer you exclusively toward stocks and bonds because that's how they and others like them get paid.

    I gave it three stars because indeed I found their concept of "You Inc." helpful.Also, they push modern portfolio theory to the max, and that's also a prudent way to go for the conservative long term investor.But what I found lacking was their total neglect of real estate.After all, the book is subtitled "Investment strategies for retirement and estate planning".Don't you think real estate might fit in there SOMEWHERE?At least there should be some discussion about rental property or buying your own home and paying off the mortgage.Isn't it a large piece of financial security in retirement to have your own home paid for?Since "wealthbuilding" is the subject, don't you think rental properties deserve at least SOME mention?After all, the real estate millionaires in this country far outnumber those who made their wealth in stocks/bonds.So consider the bias: you got a couple of PaineWebber guys pushing ONE ASPECT of wealthbuilding.They focus on financial planning and modern portfolio theory to generate consistent longterm gains for the conservative investor and the theory that they give in the book is highlighted by numerous "case studies" of real people putting these principles into practice.Very good.That one thing they do, they do well.But for a comprehensive approach to "Wealthbuilding", I'd look elsewhere.At the very least, supplement this information with the info that it is lacking.

    5-0 out of 5 stars How to Become an Effective CEO of "You, Inc."
    I presume to suggest that you first read Meena Cheng's Fortune in Your Cookies unless you already understand the importance of a disciplined savings program which generates compound interest, prudent management of credit (especially credit cards), maximizing the value of a 401 (k) account, having a will which is current with all applicable federal and/or state tax code provisions, a Living Will, a living trust, provision for "joint ownership with rights of property," a 529 plan, and long-term care insurance. Cheng's is NOT a "How to Do It" book but it does provide a head-snapping alert on subjects which Reiser and DiColo discuss in greater depth and with meticulous care.

    In this volume, Reiser and DiColo provide a cohesive and comprehensive guide to investment strategies for retirement and estate planner for two primary categories of readers: "First are serious investors with at least $100,000 to invest, who want to plan for their own and their families' futures by taking advantage of the best financial counsel and service available....Second are financial service professionals -- accountants, lawyers, insurance agents and others to whom people turn for investment, tax, and estate planning advice." My own opinion is that this same volume could also be of substantial benefit to others who have only recently begun a career and anticipate earning progressively greater income in years to come. I concede that much of Reiser and DiColo recommend may not be of immediate value to them but it should be of interest. It is never too soon to anticipate and then prepare to make wise financial decisions. Career choices will obviously have a major impact on the context within such decisions are made.

    Reiser and DiColo organize their excellent material within three Parts: Defining Wealth, Achieving Wealth, and Preserving Wealth. They focus on 31 different "wealth stories" (see page xii), all based on real-world circumstances but, for obvious reasons, the names of those involved have been changed. Along the way, Reiser and DiColo include and explain each of what they call "Pitfalls." Each in fact is an incorrect assumption. For example, Don't Save During Prime Earning Years" (#1) and "Invest for Immediate Income" (#6). They then provide seven appendices, ranging from "Your Financial Physical: Investment to Take to prospective Financial Advisors" to "Markets in Crisis." They offer what they call 5 Tips to Become Wealthy":

    1. Begin with a Good Attitude and Positive Approach(i.e. define what "wealth means to you)

    2. Take Charge (i.e. appoint yourself CEO of "You, Inc.").

    3. Have Courage (i.e. hire a COO such as a tax attorney or financial planner to manage the day to day operations)

    4. Be Smart (i.e. develop a plan and strategy including risk/reward objectives, proper asset allocation, take maximum advantage of tax strategies including those provided by the Economic Tax Act of 2001)

    5. Be Disciplined (i.e. stick to your plan while collaborating with your "COO" on whatever necessary and appropriate changes may need to be made)

    Given both the negative and positive the potential implications and consequences of major financial decisions, including the selection of an appropriate source of professional advice, I strongly recommend that those who read this book take very seriously the completion of various exercises which Reiser and DiColo provide. Why? There are several reasons. For me, the two most important are that (1) you need to understand the precise nature and extent of your current resources and (2) the "homework" you complete will expedite the decision-making process in consultation with whomever you select as your financial advisor. One very important point: If you do not now have a will or if the will you have is not current with all applicable federal and state tax code provisions, have one prepared for you immediately to cover at least the main issues. This is especially important of you are married and even more important if you and your spouse reside in a community property state.

    One final suggestion: Carefully readat least one other "guide" to achieving, preserving, and protecting financial resources. My strong recommendation is Suze Orman's The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom. She takes a somewhat different approach to many of the same subjects which Reiser and DiColo discuss in this volume. Nonetheless, you need to consider all sensible options. Meanwhile, keep clearly in mind what former president of Harvard University Derek Bok once said in response to irate parents who complained of a tuition increase: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." ... Read more

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