Editorial Review Product Description "The World's Biggest Book of Photography Competitions, Awards, Grants & Places To Sell Your Photos Online" is the world's largest reference book of photography contest, competition, award, grant, fellowship, scholarship and online photo sales information ever compiled.It takes in amateur and professional photography contests, awards and grants from around the world.It is the first photographer's reference work ever to do so.What photography genres does it cover?All.If there's a photography competition, award, grant or online sales outlet for photos going somewhere, chances are it's probably in this book.This depth and spectrum of information has simply not been available before in a single volume.There are literally hundreds of sources of money for photographers listed in this book including contests, competitions, awards, grant opportunities and online sales outlets for photos. ... Read more Customer Reviews (35)
Not only a good attempt.
It's a NICE source of information.
The price is right, it's easy
and straight forward.
One Way to Get Started
"The World's Biggest Book of Photography Competitions, Awards, Grants & Places To Sell Your Photos Online" is a user-friendly and humorous guide with international scope for any amateur photographer. It provides the reader with a clear overview, and a multitude of online resources. The selected quotes by famous photographers, painters, writers and art critics such as Anne Leibovitz, Pablo Picasso, William Blake, and Susan Sontag - just to name a few - add a literary touch to the book as well as present various perspectives on the art of photography and what it means to see through the lens.
Categorizing the list of competitions and awards according to their monthly deadlines is extremely useful and may help procrastinators stay on track. Similarly, since most competitions and awards are either ongoing or recurrent, it can be easily used as a quick resource to look up a particular organization or competition.
The chapters - "Government Grants, Fellowships and Funding Bodies" and "Non-Government Grants, Fellowships and Funding Bodies" - are slightly disappointing. Anything funded by the government is limited to the following countries and its residents: United States, Australia, the United Kingdom and Canada. The following chapter has a more international scope, but it is in many ways limited to particular themes, techniques, genres, residents/age groups etc. Yet, one should never forget that many grants and fellowships are subject to such limitations and criteria - anyone having worked as grant writer, for instance, would agree that it is the nature of the non-profit sector.
While the chapters give useful and tangible advice, they nonetheless lack, at times, a definite structure or focal point. Perhaps it is due to the slightly too colloquial tone of the book that might suggest as much. Photography students would clearly be too advanced in their studies in order to take any benefit from the book. At the same time, one needs to bear in mind that the book is not written for professional photographers or photography students. As such, it represents a sound resource for people who are looking for a way to get started.
Useful reference, with clichéd advice
If you are a photo enthusiast vacillating on taking the first step towards selling your pictures, or entering them into a contest, this book can be the catalyst to get you decided and moving. The writing style however is prosaic, with lots of clichés.
The section advising on how to take better pictures does not add much value - you can most definitely find richer advice online.
The references list included in the book is comprehensive. As other reviewers have noted, you can find this information yourself with the right searches, but it's good to have it all in one place.
Received book in Order to review for Author
Being the owner of this book and also the 2009 Photographer's Market, my review is in some ways going to compare & contrast both books as they in some places cover the same territory.
Cons: There are areas of repeating themes in the front of the book, themes that should be put together.
This is not really an issue but more of an FYI, this book minus the competition information is geared more toward those who are serious about their photography (i.e. the aspiring pro and/or the semi-pro)
There is some jumping around in context in the book which I alluded to in the beginning that others have also have mentioned.
There is an unusual emphasis of film photography, considering the popularity and advancement of digital. Yes the book is new...
Not all photography sites are listed just the top ones, though in reality any book that tries to list them all would probably be outdated before the author finishes writing.
Be forewarned, there are a number of $.50 words in the book, more than I have seen in awhile so keep a dictionary handy.
What I didn't see included in this book that is in the "Photographers Market" are Art Fairs, both local & nationwide. But then, not even all of them are listed.
No examples of winning and non-winning art and the reasons why.
Pros: Unlike the Photographers Market, which deals with the US market, this one also has collected information on international competitions. A gold mine, for those looking to compete outside the US.
The information presented is useful for those wishing to enter the competitions not just on how and where to enter, but also includes good tips on improving your images to improve your chances of winning. Tips that answer a number of questions people have as to why something they thought was a winner didn't even place.
If you are serious about your photography (and the craft), then my suggestion, would be to get this book as well as the "Photographers Market" to cover all your bases. There is some overlap in information, but there is enough difference I think between them to warrant having them both.
Review of The World's Biggest Book of Photography Competitions, Awards, Grants & Places To Sell Your Photos Online
The World's Biggest Book of Photography Competitions, Awards, Grants & Places To Sell Your Photos Online Edited by Steve Donovan is a huge collection of hints, tips and how to's for amateur photographers wanting to strike it big in those all important photography venues.
Photography awards may be a thing of dreams for many; problem is many people who pick up a camera don't even have a clue how to really take a good picture. Many that do get the picture right may or may not know what they are doing to get that picture that really has friends and family saying it is good.
With the advent of digital photography and the price of really good digital SLR cameras now in the reach of the average photographer many do aspire to enter and win contests. I have seen the contestants at local 4-H county fairs hoping for that ribbon that shows to everyone they can actually do good with that little digital marvel and create something that someone else actually likes.
I have also seen others who think they know what they are doing and have no clue about photography and talking pictures, they simply snap away and hope for the best. While everyone can eventually take a good picture if they simply shoot at everything around them getting a good picture and actually using it to win a contest takes work.
It also takes some knowledge and you do need to know something about not only your camera but about lighting, rules of photography and what interests others. While entering a contest may seem like the furthest thing from many people's minds you can actually have fun and learn a lot by entering.
You can also learn a lot and get a lot of help not only in entering contests but in your photography by reading this book, it has a lot of information on photography, taking good pictures and how to enter contests. The World's Biggest Book of Photography Competitions, Awards, Grants & Places To Sell Your Photos Online is a great way to get into photography as well as just learning more about photography and what makes a great picture compared to just taking pictures.
For anyone interested in winning contests, submitting photographs for contests and competitions as well as getting grants for photography this is a great book. While the Biggest Book of Photography et al. does not have pictures of what makes a good photo it does cover all you need to know by ones who have been there about entering contests and selling their photography. Get the right information about contests, judging and events in photography from the judges, people who have been at plenty of photo contests and more.
Not only is it explained about why you should enter contests it gives in clearly listed form by approximate if not exact dates of competitions, the various information about the competition, country, organization and address as well as website for the contests. This list is a yearly calendar of events for photography contests that can have you busy for years to come entering contests to get the recognition as a photographer.
This is a comprehensive list for many countries as well as organizations, magazines and companies holding competitions and grants for photography. You also get the grants, fellowships and funding bodies section that gives places to submit for other methods to get money as well as recognition for your work in photography.
The book is great and all the information is here including the huge Top 100 Tips from Professionals and Judges for entering and winning contests that really tells you the facts of these contests and what judges look for. The entire compilation helps you not only find the contests but lists clearly things the judges are looking for and has many tips and hints for getting the attention of those judges.
That is what a photography contest boils down to, you have to grab the attention of those judges and show them in a split second that your photo is unique, different and above all a winner. Having the same people that have judged competitions in the past give tips and in their own words reasons behind their choices will help you with specific tips to getting that recognition and winning.
Photography can be a hard process and entering contests can be difficult and time consuming, having hints and tips from people in the field and that have worked at those contests makes for a great guide. Getting actual information from judges makes the most sense so you can work toward your own goals in photography and make the most out of your entries or just take better pictures.
The World's Biggest Book of Photography Competitions, Awards, Grants & Places To Sell Your Photos Online is well worth the cost of only $7 and makes for a great and helpful guide to photographers. The book helps in entering contests, gives hints and tips for taking better photos as well as getting specific places to enter those photos for the recognition and rewards.
I highly recommend The World's Biggest Book of Photography Competitions, Awards, Grants & Places To Sell Your Photos Online as a comprehensive list of hints, tips and photography contests for photographers of any caliber.
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