Fair Lawn News teach them to wash their hands often sick or well. Summer With the Kids (June2002). pta/pto Involvement (April 2002). Telling The teacher (February 2002). http://www.fairlawnnews.com/2002/Dec02-Jan03/lustgarten-achoo.htm
Extractions: Home Features Discussion Forum Events and Free Classifieds (Merchandise, Real Estate, Events,...) Updated Daily and No Charge To Add Your Item Topics Business Education Events and Recreation Food ... Transportation More About Archives / Search E- mail the Editor Links ... Subscriptions Fair Lawn News Spring 2003 December 2002 - January 2003 Edition Cough! Sputter! Sneeze! by Mrs. Ann Lustgarten , Fifth Grade Teacher at the Radburn School It's that time of year again and the problem once again arises in many homes in the morning. What do we do with a sick child? It's not only a problem for the poor sick child, but also for the parent who has to juggle his or her schedule, the classmates who get exposed to 'whatever' and the teacher who has to stay well to teach the others. What options do parents have? When should the options be put in place? When can you send the child and when MUST they stay home? It's tough; very tough! Parents should put a plan carefully into place well before the situation arises, perhaps even before school begins. Is there a parent who can take time off from work? Is there a grandparent who is willing to step in? (Think carefully here because older people are often more susceptible to illness.) Is there a close non-working friend with whom you can make an 'official' arrangement? What about an available adult babysitter?
NYIB Resources teachers in your area have asked for volunteers to help teach the program parentsfor suggestions, and seek recommendations of top teachers at pta/pto meetings http://www.nyib.org/Pages/Resources/NEFE/NEFE - How to recruit.htm
BigTen.org: 20 Simple Ways To Get Girls Involved In Sports Girls who play all sports come together to teach each other about the sports teamsshow off their skills during inschool assemblies or during pta/pto meetings http://www.bigten.org/PressReleases/20011129/dreambig-20ways.cfm
Extractions: When girls are involved in sports at an early age, they are more likely to stay involved in athletics in their adult life. Here are some ideas to give girls an opportunity to try new sports or to get involved for the very first time. Invite high school girl athletes to come to the elementary school, park or church to give a clinic. Get the parents involved. Send out flyers about youth athletic associations (Little League softball/baseball, soccer, field hockey). Start a Big Sister/Little Sister Athletic Club that pairs an older girl with a younger girl. The older athlete can bring the young girl to a practice, attend sporting events with her, practice drills and teach her the basics of one or more sports. Hold a school-wide Olympics based on girls moving from station to station learning the basics of several different sports. This gives girls an opportunity to try a new skill in the safety of a fun, group-oriented event. Take a class or team to a high school/college/professional women's basketball, soccer or volleyball game. Afterward, go out for pizza or sandwiches and encourage the girls to talk about what they think it's like to be a female athlete. What are the challenges? What are the rewards? What do you have to do to succeed?
Smart Library On Closing The Achievement Gap What Is The involvement has included things such as pta/pto activities, back attendedthey neverwent to pto meetings and Camilo said that he wanted to teach his children http://www.ncrel.gap.smartlibrary.info/NewInterface/segment.cfm?segment=2571
The Castle Of Hope For Lost Souls - Parenting Why cant the pta (pto) work both ways, with the school and parents toimprove the educating of our children. The schools teach book sense. http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GAYL9225/mycustompage0008.htm
Extractions: The way I look at it the answer is yes if you can raise children to be good students, to stay away from drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, to respect and learn from their elders, to not bully or cut down others, to be a good leader and follower and most importantly of you can be a good example for your children.
Extractions: Participating... This is a class to class exchange. Decide which grade category will best meet the needs and interests of your class. You may register (separately) for as many categories as you wish. The project is free of charge and open to all learning groups in the world. However, join only if you have a serious desire to participate and a commitment to complete your project obligation. If, in spite of your best intentions, you are unable to continue with the project, PLEASE inform the moderator and other participants through the PCG mailing list . Do NOT simply "drop out". Preparing... Obtain a supply of postcards and stamps (if you make your own, be sure they clearly describe your community in pictures and words). You can purchase your own or find donated cards from local business and civic organizations, local Chamber of Commerce, PTA/PTO, parents. Decide how you will display postcards and maps used in the project. Bulletin boards, scrapbooks, web pages....the sky is the limit!
Board News Freeport Intermediate School pta Rebecca Ryder, Vice President (acceptedfor June Lake Jackson Intermediate School pto Greta Luce. Projectteach. http://www.brazosport.isd.tenet.edu/news/boardarch/02/dec02.html
Extractions: Board Highlights Board Highlight Archives December 3, 2002 Extra Mile Awards The Board of Trustees recognized the following presidents of PTOs, PTAs, and booster clubs with Extra Mile Awards for December: Stephen F. Austin Elementary PTO Luanne Hughes A.P. Beutel Elementary PTO Kathy White Bess Brannen Elementary PTO Alesha Kendrick O. A. Fleming Elementary PTO Shanda Harwell, Vice President (accepted for Helen Plank, President) Madge Griffith Elementary PTO Denton Self Jane Long Elementary PTA Jackie Cooper Elisabet Ney Elementary PTO Melinda Bedrich T. W. Ogg Elementary PTO Tesa Baker Gladys Polk Elementary PTA Marty Fotenot O. M. Roberts Elementary PTO Janet Dean
How To Teach Children About Living In A World With Violence the community. Also, teachers should work with the pta or pto. BeforeYou Begin Preparing to teach About Violence. Dr. Garbarino http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/teachstrat/worldwithviolence.htm
Extractions: Violence in today's world runs the gamut from bullying to murder, and finds fertile ground in television programs, movies, videos, and superhero games, where it's gussied up and glamorized. Violence is all around us, and it's taking its toll on children. To help children understand violence and find ways to live with greater peace, in this article you'll find: Answers to Your Questions About Children and Violence
Extractions: The Chapter has established guidelines in which anyone wishing to use a portion of the Quilt must be able to follow. All requests must be in submitted 3-6 weeks in advance on the Panel Request Form available upon request. A visit to the site in which you want to display the Quilt might be necessary before final arranges can be made. Since all Outreach Programs are managed completed by volunteers, we need ample time to organize requests and find available volunteers. Other guidelines in using the Quilt are as follows:
ABC's To Succeed In School Join the pto, pta, parent groups and use the free public friends, such as Jump Ropefor Heart, pta Fun Night Respect your child and teach him/her to respect http://www.carr.lib.md.us/ccps/parent/abc.htm
Middle School/Junior High School Activities can also sponsor community blood drives with the help of the school pta/pto. AloneInstructors Middle/Junior High school students can teach children important http://www.njredcross.org/youth/involved/middleschool.html
I Can 2002 How to teach the I Administrators, Counselors, teachers, Supervisors, Board Members,pta/pto Members, Parents, and Leaders and Volunteers in all youth serving http://www.yesican.net/ican2003/ican2003.htm
Extractions: That's why thousands of educators, parents and leaders of youth serving organizations across America are excited about the I CAN program. Through I CAN , they're not only learning the ABC's of education, but more importantly, the ABC's of Life - Attitude, Behavior, and Character. These are the fundamentals that enable individuals to achieve their fullest potential and bring out the best in others.
Teacher Resources Supplies, Fundraising Teacher Certification This website is for teachers, principals, pta's, pto's, parents searching for Excitingteacher resources supplies like Astronomy Software teach Astronomy. http://www.savvy-education.com/teacher-related/
Extractions: What are the best things a principal can do to cultivate a family-friendly school environment that enriches learning for all students and makes the school a place where families feel welcome and valued? Here's a "top ten" list of family-school partnership practices that principals say really works for them: The Committee or Action Team Convene a team of parents, teachers, community representatives, and the principal to develop and coordinate partnership plans and activities. Include PTA/PTO representatives and family members from all sectors of your school population. Start by assessing how your school presently reaches out to families, then survey parents and teachers to find out what areas they think the school needs to address. Give committee members responsibility for coordinating projects to create ownership in family-school partnerships and to ease the principal's burden. Volunteering Recruit parents, senior citizens, and other students to volunteer. Make it possible for everyone to volunteer in some way at school, home, or school events. Survey parents to find out their special hobbies or interests, then act upon the information contained in those surveys! Appoint a volunteer coordinator to survey school staff, and oversee the training and scheduling of volunteers. Don't forget to recognize volunteers' contributions. Family Learning Opportunities Family Math, Family Science, Family Tools and Technology, and other family learning programs are an excellent way to encourage parents, guardians, and children to learn together in planned, meaningful activities. Families work cooperatively, reasoning and thinking logically to solve problems. Facilitators can usually be obtained through CESAs or university staff. Get fathers on board by offering some opportunities tailored for them to learn with children.
PTA Newsletter pta Newsletter, will be sure the nominations committee contacts you about servingon the 20022003 ACRMS pto Board. 2. teach kids to guard personal information. http://www.acrms.buncombe.k12.nc.us/ptanews.html
Extractions: PTA Newsletter From The PTO FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents and Students of ACRMS, If you have been to the back of our school, I am sure you have noticed the bank and our softball and baseball fields. They were so overgrown with briars, ivy, weeds, etc... that we were gradually losing our fields. Mr. Sam Banks organized parents and students to clean up these areas. They spent several weekends and numerous hours clearing this growth. Thank you so much to the following parents, students, and coaches: Sam Banks and his sons; Lewis and Barbara Slagle and their son; Renee and James Simmons and their son ; James Brown and his son; Ron Durner and his son; Terry Duckworth and his sons; Boyce Fortner and his sons; Lenny Van Waters and his son; Wendell Howard; Tim McLaughlin; Steve Ledford; Ricky Warren; Brian Robinson; and Dean Slagle. The office has started collecting "Box Tops for Education." This will earn money for the office for supplies and equipment. We are also collecting used printer cartridges. These can be sent in and we will be able to collect money, which we will also use for supplies and equipment. As you collect any of the above, please send them to Mrs. Mills in the main office. Thank you in advance for your help. School will be closed March 29 - April 5 for spring break. If we miss no more unscheduled days of school, the last student day will be Friday, May 24. This means we have 55 days of school remaining. This year has flown by - the construction has gone well and is scheduled to be completed by July 1. The new lighting, paint, heating, air conditioning and windows will make this learning environment much more pleasant. Thank you for your patience during this year. It will be worth it!
Www.publicengagement.com/tools/standards/engaging/101/questionst.txt small group, it can be used in a variety of contextsÑas a pta/pto meeting, as Weare changing what we teach and how we teach it, so students are prepared to http://www.publicengagement.com/tools/standards/engaging/101/questionst.txt
National Nutrition Month 2003 Event Ideas Easy Moves for Couch Potatoes Recruit a trainer to demonstrate/teach easy tips for Havethe school's pta/pto organization include a short NNM article in their http://www.eatright.org/nnm/eventideas03.html
Extractions: A food demonstration and taste test to show and tell participants that healthful eating is easy and taste good, too. Team popular restaurant chef and dietetic professional for the demonstration and taste test. Focus on quick, easy and healthful foods. Offer samples, if possible. Exotic Fruit and Vegetable Tasting Recruit volunteers to tell or read food related stories for children. Ask small groups of children to sit on an area rug while listening to a story. Some suggested titles: Eating the Alphabet, The Bread That Grew, Bread and Jam for Frances, Gregory, The Terrible Eater. Pin the Food on the Pyramid Game
September Minutes ISSUE Will Hunsberger pta donate money to Double Diamond Elementaryspta/pto? Could pta hire someone to teach HONOR CHOIR? http://www.hunsbergerschool.org/september_minutes.htm
Extractions: Welcome by President Introductions: Upper grade representative Lower grade representative MINUTES Approved from last school years meeting of 5/7/02 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: for Reading Area for Sign for Ice Cream Social FUNDRAISER UPDATES Montreux Home Tour: The Home Tour is scheduled for OCT. 6 th. 5 exclusive homes will be on tour at Montreux Golf and Country Club off the Mt. Rose Highway. Event is from 10 to 4pm with raffle prizes available for bidding at each home. Tickets are $30 in advance and $35 at the gate. Volunteers are needed for each home and the gate. Harvest Festival: The event is scheduled for Oct. 19 th Games and prizes will be a big feature (volunteers needed). Celebrity judges will assist with scarecrow decorating contest. A pumpkin patch will raise more money (wagons are needed). Food and drink will be sold (volunteers are needed). ISSUE: Will Hunsberger PTA donate money to Double Diamond Elementarys PTA/PTO? The issue was presented last year whether Hunsberger can give $400 -$500. BUDGET: Beginning budget has incomplete audit.
Do You Want To Bring Children Into This World? Why can't the pta (pto) work both ways, with the school and parents toimprove the educating of our children. The schools teach book sense. http://www.geocities.com/leegaylord/raisingchildren.html
Extractions: The way I look at it the answer is yes if you can raise children to be good students, to stay away from drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, to respect and learn from their elders, to not bully or cut down others, to be a good leader and follower and most importantly of you can be a good example for your children.
Extractions: Back to the Newsletter Page Pleasant Ridge PTA March Newsletter PTA EXECUTIVE BOARD President Vice Pres Secretary Treasurer Submitting Items for the PTA Newsletter The PTA encourages the submission of articles from all Pleasant Ridge students and parents. Please submit materials by the second Monday of each month. Articles may be placed in the PTA newsletter box in the school office, or e-mailed to: murphdb@aol.com PTA Newsletter Staff click on murphdb@aol.com From the PTA President... With spring just around the corner (at least we can hope!), I want to thank everyone for their great response concerning student drop-off/pick-up, and parking at Pleasant Ridge. The school and PTA volunteers have been putting your ideas to work to assure that the process continues to provide the students with a safe means to and from school. As the weather continues to get warmer, more students will be riding bikes and walking to school, and we all need to be aware of their safety. Not only is the month of March National Reading month, it is also Parenting Awareness month, which is a statewide campaign to promote awareness and educate families in all areas of parenting and to provide helpful resources to parents as well. It is also a time to emphasize the importance of effective parenting in order to help children achieve their goals, and to become caring citizens in the community. Our school counselor, Mary Gallagher, has a library of books and videos on a variety of parenting topics available for parents to check out.