VLRC Geography Demography Links plans and activities, include The world in Spatial Terms, places and regions, PhysicalSystems MarcoPolo program, the site also offers a world atlas with http://www.virtuallrc.com/vlrcgeographylinks.html
Tekshs plants and animals in different regions of the world using the social processes shapeculturalpatterns and characteristics in various places and regions. http://www.acu.edu/~armstrongl/geography/tekshs.htm
Extractions: This book reveals how to set out on extended world travel. Written in very practical and easy to read language, the author, Paul Otteson, places emphasis on following your heart and developing your own unique travel style. If you are ready to make that first trip, this book will show you how to have a travel experience that is rich and rewarding. Europe Through the Back Door Rick Steves' books provide a wonderful introduction to independent budget travel. Reading his book is a great way to ease any fears you may have about long-term budget travel. Lot's of great information about the "attitude" and "philosophy" of budget travel is provided. Rick also has some regional guidebooks but we haven't really had a look at them yet.
Extractions: Language Arts ... Geography Grades K-12 G R A D E S K - 12 NSS-G.K-12.1 THE WORLD IN SPATIAL TERMS As a result of activities in grades K-12, all students should [SOURCE] NSS-G.K-12.2 PLACES AND REGIONS As a result of their activities in grades K-12, all students should [SOURCE] NSS-G.K-12.3 PHYSICAL SYSTEMS As a result of their activities in grades K-12, all students should
Alaska Geography Standards And Key Elements F. A student should be able to use geography to understand the world by interpreting (2) compare, contrast and predict how places and regions change with http://www.educ.state.ak.us/tls/frameworks/sstudies/part2q.htm
Extractions: A student who meets this standard should be able to: District Curriculum Notes A. A student should be able to make a use maps, globes and graphs to gather, analyze, and report spatial (geographic) information. (1) use maps and globes to locate places and regions. (2) make maps, globes and graphs. (3) understand how and why maps are changing documents. (4) be able to use graphic tools and technologies to depict and interpret the worldís human and physical systems. (5) be able to evaluate the importance of the locations of human and physical features in interpreting geographic patterns. (6) be able to use spatial (geographic) tools and technologies to analyze and develop explanations and solutions to geographic problems. B. A student should be able to utilize, analyze, and explain information about human and physical features of places and regions.
Extractions: Several years ago, Yale University acquired the Vinland map depicting an unknown coastal region of North America discovered by the Vikings. The early Norse explorers are thought to have recorded the map. The map is the oldest map of North America ever found. Experts have disagreed regarding the authenticity of the map.
Maps And Geography Of The Continents And Regions Advertisement. world Atlas Countries Organized by Continent and Region. Africa.Antarctica. Australia and Oceania. Asia. Caribbean. Europe. Middle East. North America. http://geography.about.com/library/maps/blrindex.htm
Listening To The Walls Talk Project - Standards culture and experience influence people's perception of places and regions. the humanand physical characteristics of different places in the world and how http://www.millennium.scps.k12.fl.us/wallsstandards.html
Geography For Life National Geography Standards 1994 THE world IN SPATIAL TERMS Geography studies relationships between people, places,and environments by mapping places AND regions The identities and lives http://www.hawaii.edu/hga/Standard/Standard.html
America The Beautiful world IN SPATIAL TERMS CS 1 Students use geographic representations to organize,analyze, and present information on people places AND regions CS 2 http://www.hawaii.edu/hga/GeoMatters/hstapresent/Literature-Geography/Americathe
Extractions: HGA Lessons A merica the B eautiful Shona Pineda March 2, 2002 Introduction: This lesson will address geographic skills, Internet research skills, writing skills, and oral presentation skills. This lesson begins with a read aloud from the book America the Beautiful , in which land landmarks of our country will be introduced. Grade level: 3 and 4 Hawaii Geography Standards and Performance Standards: WORLD IN SPATIAL TERMS: GCS1: Students use geographic representations to organize, analyze, and present information on people, places, and environments. K-3 Grade Cluster Benchmark: Read and make geographic representations (i.e., maps, globes, graphs, charts, and models) to locate and describe locations, distances, directions, and scale Performance Standards: Show the selected features (man made and /or natural) of the environment being studied. Use geographical terms to describe a specific location and human/physical characteristics of a place. PLACES AND REGIONS: GCS 2: Students understand how distinct physical and human characteristics shape places and regions. K-3 Grade Cluster Benchmark: Use physical and human characteristics to compare and contrast places and regions locally and globally.
ISS EarthKAM: Educators: Standards: Geography The spatial patterns of settlement in different regions of the world. of the physicalenvironment in one place often lead to changes in other places. http://www.earthkam.ucsd.edu/public/educators/standards/Geography.shtml
SouthWestern Bell Worldroom At The International Center world Geography Studies (5) Geography. political, economic, and social processes shapecultural patterns and characteristics in various places and regions. http://worldroom.tamu.edu/living.htm
Extractions: Food for Thought Introduction The purpose of this unit is for students to develop a sense of the similarities and differences among populations of major regions on Earth. Completing this activity should help students to develop their mental map , their personal, internal summary understanding of global patterns of quality of life. Teacher to Teacher Hints This is a good way to introduce TEKS 10. Guide students to see that the regions with the lower standard of living tend to have more primary industries and the higher standard of living countries tend to have more tertiary and quaternary industries. Students may need help in drawing conclusions. The chart was helpful in organizing their thoughts.
Ms. Crowley 7II 3. 1 The world in Spatial Terms. 4. 2 places and regions. That People Createregions to Interpret Earths Complexity. 5. 2 places and regions. http://www.westvalley.knox.k12tn.net/curriculum/7_2/l_crow.htm
Extractions: Reading Welcome This year we will focus on the Western Hemisphere. However, we will explore all the regions of the world as we progress through our studies. After all, it is impossible to gain accurate and complete knowledge of any one place without acknowledging international connections. Many resources will be used in our pursuit of knowledge. Research and study skills will be developed and enhanced by means of technology, text outlines, films, guest speakers, show and tell, the library, and etc. We ask all family members and friends to join us as we make our journey through this vast and diverse world. (Please share any travel treasures you may possess.) Assignments Grades Due: Friday (or the last day we meet during the week.)
IPL Kidspace hard), and category (like places and regions or environment seven of the most geographicallydiverse places on the kids from all around the world, to learn http://ipl.si.umich.edu/div/kidspace/browse/owd5000/
J-D Social Studies Curriculum of cultural change and how interaction has affected various cultural groups throughoutthe world (9,10, 11 Understands why places and regions are important http://www.jamesvilledewitt.org/Pages/geocurr.html
Extractions: Geography Strand Understands characteristics of geographic features (people, places, and environment) and the uses of maps, globes, and other geographic tools. Level I Knows the location of school, home, neighborhood, community, state, and country (K,1,2) Knows the location and characteristics of a community and places within it (K,1) Identifies physical and human features in terms of the four spatial elements: direction, distance, location, and scale (1,2) Level II Knows the basic elements of maps and globes (3,4) Knows the location of major continents, mountain ranges, and bodies of water on Earth (3,4) Understands the spatial organization of places through such concepts as location, distance, direction, and scale (3)
Geography World (Reviews 4) PrenticeHall Companion Website to places and regions in Global information on thefield of geography, including careers in geography, world records, and http://members.aol.com/bowermanb/reviews4.html
Extractions: "Geography World" Walking Tree Press says: "We've been sending out review copies to magazines and newspapers, and in the research process, we came across your wonderful "Geography World" Web site. Please accept this copy of The Mercator Atlas of Europe as our gift in thanks for the fine job you're doing. You are making geography come alive for a lot of people." JW Wiley Publishers says: "This is a particularly lively Site for first-time Geography students developed by an enthusiastic Pennsylvania high-school teacher, Mr. Brad Bowerman. Comprehensive coverage of regional and systematic geography topics supported by useful descriptions of the large number of links to Geography-related Web Sites. The table of contents is very easy to use, and in a few clicks you arrive at your destination." Prentice-Hall Companion Website to Places and Regions in Global Context: Human Geography - Second Edition by Paul L. Knox (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) and Sallie A. Marston (University of Arizona) says: "This site provides access to a large amount of information and to many different aspects of geography. The contents are separated into topics such as erosion, plate tectonics, and weather and also covers issues such as population, the environment, and conservation. It has links to maps, games and quizzes, as well as information on earthquakes, tsunamis, rain forests, the Greenhouse Effect, and mining. In addition, the site has information on the field of geography, including careers in geography, world records, and geography in the news."
Millennium - Curriculum Connections Geography 1 1,; 2 - 2; 5 - 2; 7 - 1, 7 - 2; 10 - 5. world IN SPATIAL TERMS HOW TO ANALYZETHE SPATIAL 8 - 3, 8 - 4, 8 - 5; 9 - 5; 10 - 3. places AND regions THE PHYSICAL http://www.turnerlearning.com/cnn/millennium/connect2.html
10th and. the different political philosophies that influence the world's government. eventsto the physical and human characteristics of places and regions;. http://www.pcs.k12.va.us/public/curriculum/10th.htm
Curriculum Instruction solutions to problems involving transportation networks within regions, literacyrates 1.2.3a Explain why different places of the world have particular http://www.k12.wa.us/curriculuminstruct/SocStudies/EALRs/Geography.asp
Extractions: EALRs for: Social Studies - Geography word pdf 1. The student uses maps, charts, and other geographic tools to understand the spatial arrangement of people, places, resources, and environments on Earths surface. To meet this standard the student will: 1.1 Use and construct maps, charts, and other resources to gather and interpret geographic information 1.2 Recognize spatial patterns on Earths surface and understand the processes that create these patterns 2. The student understands the complex physical and human characteristics of places and regions. To meet these standards, the student will: 2.1 Describe the natural characteristics of places and regions and explain the causes of their characteristics 2.2 Describe the patterns humans make on places and regions 2.3 Identify the characteristics that define the Pacific Northwest and the Pacific Rim as regions 3. The student observes and analyzes the interaction between people, the environment, and culture. To meet this standard, the student will: 3.1 Identify and examine peoples interaction with and impact on the environment 3.2 Analyze how the environment and environmental changes affect people
SS Grade 3 Accomplishments the similarities and differences of local places and regions with other places andregions Describe how environments and regions differ around the world. http://www.state.tn.us/education/ci/cistandards2001/ss/cissg3accomp.htm
Extractions: August 31, 2001 Michelle Davidson Ungurait , Social Studies Consultant THIRD GRADE Accomplishments In Third Grade, the focus is on the regions of the United States and the world. Integrate the six Social Studies standards of essential content knowledge and four process skills for instructional purposes. Culture Recognize that changes in culture occur through the spread of people, languages, ideas, and goods. Compare cultural differences in various regions of the United States and the world. Describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies, and cultures address similar human needs and concerns. Compare ways in which people from different cultures think about and deal with their physical environment and social conditions. Identify and explain the significance of selected individual writers, and artists and their stories, poems, statues, paintings, and other examples of cultural heritage from regions around the world. Explain the significance of selected ethnic and/or cultural celebrations in Tennessee, the United States and other nations such as St. Patricks Day, Cinco de Mayo, and Kwanzaa.