EO Library: The Carbon Cycle Page 2 During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and sunlight to createfuelglucose and other sugarsfor building plant structures. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Library/CarbonCycle/carbon_cycle2.html
Extractions: Biological/Physical Carbon Cycle: Photosynthesis and Respiration Biology also plays an important role in the movement of carbon in and out of the land and ocean through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. Nearly all forms of life on Earth depend on the production of sugars from solar energy and carbon dioxide (photosynthesis) and the metabolism (respiration) of those sugars to produce the chemical energy that facilitates growth and reproduction. et al. ) settles to the bottom (after they die) to form sediments. During times when photosynthesis exceeded respiration, organic matter slowly built up over millions of years to form coal and oil deposits. All of these biologically mediated processes represent a removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storage of carbon in geologic sediments. next: Carbon on the Land and in the Oceans: The modern carbon cycle
Extractions: PLANTS Each entry is presented in multiple forms. Abstract gives an overview in HTML format. The RTF file is converted directly from the original word processor document (usually .doc) as received from an author and can be opened with any version of MSWord (and maybe WordPerfect). The PDF file is the original document converted to Adobe Acrobat readable form and can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader (free from Adobe). If a user wants HTML versions for personal viewing or delivery on a campus server, we ask that the user make this conversion.
Ecology Of Photosynthesis: From Leaves To Whole Plants Ecology of photosynthesis from leaves to whole plants Textbook readingLambers et al. Chapter 2A. Chazdon, RL and RW Pearcy (1991). http://www.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB302/Feb1.htm
Extractions: Ecology of photosynthesis: from leaves to whole plants Textbook reading: Lambers et al. Chapter 2A Chazdon, R. L. and R. W. Pearcy (1991). The importance of sunflecks for forest understory plants. BioScience 41: 760-766. Ehleringer, J. R. and R. K. Monson (1993). Evolutionary and Ecological Aspects of Photosynthetic Pathway Variation. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 24: 411-439. Gibson, A. C. (1998). Photosynthetic organs of desert plants. BioScience 48: 911-920. Long, S. P., S. Humphries and P. G. Falkowski (1994). Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in nature. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 45: 633-662. Osmond, C. B. (1987). Photosynthesis and carbon economy. New Phytol. 106: 161-175. Pearcy, R. W., O. Bjorkman, M. M. Caldwell, J. E. Keeley, R. K. Monson and B. R. Strain (1987). Carbon gain by plants in natural environments. BioScience 37: 21-29. Pearcy, R. W. and W. Yang (1996). A three-dimensional crown architecture model for assessment of light capture and carbon gain by understory plants. Oecologia 108: 1-12. Skillman, J. B., M. Garcia and K. Winter (1999). Whole-plant consequences of Crassulacean acid metabolism for a tropical forest understory plant. Ecology 80: 1584-1593.
CO2 And Plants More efficient use and retention of carbon dioxide. With increased photosynthesis,plants use more CO2, taking it from the atmosphere during the day. http://www.serc.si.edu/SERC_web_html/co2brochure.htm
Extractions: on Marshland Plants There is considerable concern about rising carbon dioxide (CO levels in the earth's atmosphere and what implications this might have for the future of our planet. This is a review of Dr. Bert Drake's research at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) concerning the effects of elevated levels of CO on representative plant communities on the Rhode River near Edgewater, Maryland. What increasing CO could mean Some important findings Carbon is vital to life ... More efficient use of water What Increasing CO Could Mean Scientists increasingly agree that higher carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will raise the earth's temperature; how much it will rise is not known. One thing they are sure of, however, is that increasing carbon dioxide levels can dramatically affect plant production. Although they are far from understanding all the ramifications, this fact intrigues and excites scientists. And well it should. What if world food provided by plants could double or triple? What if more prolific plants could contain or slow the increase in CO
TEP Sunsite Funsite! Chemical Energy plants get CO2 from the air and use that for photosynthesis. There are other typesof fuel available from the energy stored in plants through photosynthesis. http://www.eeexchange.org/solar/chem_txt.html
Extractions: CHEMICAL ENERGY solar energy chemical energy photovoltaics solar thermal ... resources Chemical energy is produced through the process of photosynthesis. Plants grow by using the energy in light to build organic molecules out of CO2 from the air and H2O from the ground. Energy sources that originate from this process are called organofuels. 0.3% of the energy that hits the earth is captured by plants.
ReferenceResources:Plants world. Images of plants and Garden Flowers. Learning About photosynthesisLinks to sites with information about photosynthesis. NeoFlora http://www.kidinfo.com/Science/plants.html
Extractions: Reference Resources: Plants Plant Encyclopedia Botany Encyclopedia of Plants Pand Botanical Dictionary Learn about any plant; photographs Plant Links Botany Links Links to Sites about plants and botany Plants Aquatic Plant Glossary Photographs, facts, and information NeoFlora - The World's Largest Plant Database Over 38,000 plant entries; everything from trees to tropicals to flowers,etc.; descriptions, photographs
Extractions: C3, C4, and CAM Also read Ricklefs! For more information visit Botany Online:Photosynthesis Photosyntheis lecture from Furnam University Another C3 and C4 photosynthesis lecture C plants all of carbon fixation and photosynthesis happens in mesophyll cells just on the surface of the leaf. C plants include most temperate plants (except many grasses)more than 95% of all earths plants. The equation for the Calvin Cycle: CO (Carbon dioxide in from stomata) + RuBP (Ribulose bisphosphate already in plant) + the enzyme RUBISCO (Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase) fixes carbon from the atmosphere 2PGA (phospholygerate) PGA enters Calvin cycle in Mesophyll cells more RuBP (to fix more CO ) + sugar (CH O) C are inefficient at CO fixation because RUBISCO has a greater affinity for oxygen than CO Mesophyll cells are packed with RUBISCO Stomata open during day (CO oxygen, and water can all flow out)
Photosynthesis Problem Set 2 Which statement about photosynthesis in C4 plants is NOT true? A. B. C4 photosynthesisis an adaptation for plants living in hot, arid climates. http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/problem_sets/photosynthesis_2/09t.ht
Extractions: Photosynthesis Problem Set 2 Problem 9 Tutorial: C4 photosynthesis Which statement about photosynthesis in C4 plants is NOT true? Oxygen, an inhibitor of photosynthesis, can occur at high levels in leaves. High levels of oxygen in chloroplasts can lead to photorespiration. In photorespirtion, oxygen substitutes for CO as RUBISCO substrate, leading to the release of CO and the oxidation of RuBP as shown in the following equation: Some plants that live in hot, dry climates maintain low oxygen levels in their leaves by keeping the stomata closed to prevent water loss. To get adequate CO for photosynthesis, C4 plants have adapted to photorespiration by modifying the Calvin-Benson cycle. C4 plants have a special leaf anatomy, with prominent bundle sheath cells surrounding the leaf veins. Photorespiration is minimal in C4 plants compared to C3 plants, and CO is actively concentrated in these bundle sheath cells.
Insect Bites On Plants Reduce Photosynthesis, Imaging Device Shows Insect bites on plants reduce photosynthesis, imaging device shows. When insectsfeed on plants, they get nourishment and the plant gets damaged. http://www.globaltechnoscan.com/23rdJan-29thJan02/photosynthesis.htm
Extractions: Insect bites on plants reduce photosynthesis, imaging device shows In a normal year, losses in agricultural and forest systems to dining insects range from 2 percent to 24 percent. The loss in plant photosynthesis, however, could be much greater and have potential management implications if carbon dioxide levels increase as projected under global warming scenarios. The device is now being tested on UI-grown soybean plants and on trees in a North Carolina forest. DeLucia pondered the periphery damage when he saw leaves riddled with holes as he walked in a forest. Without a means to measure photosynthesis-related changes, he consulted with Antony Crofts and Timothy J. Miller in the UI department of biochemistry and Kevin Ox borough, a plant physiologist and computer programmer at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom. With funding to DeLucia from the Illinois Critical Research Initiatives program, they built the device and teamed with UI entomologists May R. Berenbaum and Arthur R. Zangerl, and Jason G. Hamilton, a biologist at Ithaca College in New York, to study caterpillar-caused damage to parsnips. Contact: Jim Barlow
Photosynthesis In Plants First Previous Next Last Index Home Text. Slide 18 of 25. http://www.cchem.berkeley.edu/~grfgrp/research/lightharvesting/sld018.htm
Extractions: Growth, leaf assimilation rate and leaf water potential of field-grown olive plants were measured over two years after the elimination of the canopy. Canopy height reached 1.43 and 2.12 m by the end of the first and second growing season respectively. Total length of lateral shoots directly inserted on the main axis of each sucker was 11.7 m (average of four plants), whereas that of lateral shoots of the second order (inserted on first order shoots) was 6.36 m by the end of the first growing season. At the end of the first growing season the estimated leaf area per plant was 6.11 m . In 1998 leaf assimilation rates, measured three and six months after the elimination of the canopy, were higher than in plants of older age (two- and 10-years-old), but these differences disappeared in 1999. The leaf water potential of plants during the first growing season after coppicing were significantly higher than those of plants that had been cut two, three or 10 years earlier. Full Text (PDF format, 131447 bytes)
Unit 3 The structure of a leaf, and the role of the different parts in photosynthesis. light and dark reactions of photosynthesis. Why are plants important? http://members.tripod.com/beckysroom/unit3.htm
Extractions: Up Chemical Basis of Life Genetics Theory of Evolution There are plants all around us. Everywhere we go there are trees, flowers, farms and other greenery. So, why are plants so important to us? A main reason is because they carry out the role of photosynthesis, which is necessary for life. This unit shows why plants are important, how plants survive, and the fact that everything living depends of plants to survive. How materials are transported throughout plants in the phloem and xylem tissue The structure of a leaf, and the role of the different parts in photosynthesis "light" and "dark" reactions of photosynthesis Why are plants important? How light energy is converted into chemical potential energy of ATP How PGAL is used to produce glucose, sucrose, starch, and other products different terms There is a difference between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. These two reactions are the reverse of each other. All living organisms rely on plants for their survival. Quick Summary of the Unit Sample Questions Pictures Helpful Links
Plants With No Photosynthesis Botany Archive. plants with No photosynthesis. 2001267. name Pennie M. status educatorage 40s Question Does any plants exist without photosynthesis? http://newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/bot00/bot00216.htm
Extractions: name Pennie M. status educator age 40s Question - Does any plants exist without photosynthesis? Yes, see http://staff-www.uni-marburg.de/~b_morpho/imhtopic.html http://www.science.siu.edu/parasitic-plants/ *************************************************************** Anthony R. Brach, Ph.D. *************************************************************** ========================================================= Indian pipe, Monotropa uniflora, is a saprophytic flowering plant found in the northern U.S. that is almost completely white when in bloom, occaisionally tinged with pink, and does not photosynthesize. One-flowered cancer root, or ghost pipe, Orobanche uniflora, is a parasitic flowering plant. The flowers are pale lavender to whitish, stems are greenish. J. Elliott =========================================================
Radiation Interception And Photosynthesis In Plants Radiation Interception and photosynthesis in plants TD Colmer, lecturer in plantsciences at the University of Western Australia Australian Turfgrass http://www.agcsa.com.au/atm/articles/vol21/radiat.htm
Extractions: Australian Turfgrass Management Volume 2.1 (February - March 2000) Radiation - energy from the sun The sun radiates energy into space, some of which arrives at the surface of the earth. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun covers a wide spectrum of wavelengths and includes x-rays, UV radiation, visible light, infra-red radiation and other wavelengths. Visible light is defined by the sensitivity of the human eye and it is composed of the colour spectrum from red to violet (400-700 nm wavelengths). White Light is actually a mixture of different colours, ranging from violet at one end of the spectrum to red at the other. It is separated into component colours when it passes through a prism These wavelengths are also the "photosynthetically active radiation" (PAR) because the chlorophyll pigments in leaves absorb energy from this region of the spectrum to "drive" photosynthesis. Chlorophylls absorb blue and red light very strongly, but only absorb weakly in the green part of the spectra, therefore the light reflected and transmitted through leaves is green. This is why plant leaves, including turf, appear green to our eyes.
Chemical Of The Week Agricultural Fertilizers and oxygen. Using the energy of sunlight in a process called photosynthesis,plants make carbohydrates in their leaves. The carbon http://scifun.chem.wisc.edu/chemweek/agrifert/agrifert.html
Biology Of Plants Tentative Schedule Biology of plants. Tentative Schedule. Date, Lecture Topic, REE Chapt. WedOct 3,Wood and Bark, 27. Fri-Oct 5, Floral Adaptations, 21, 24. Mon-Oct 8, photosynthesis/ http://koning.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/Plant_Biology/schedule.html
Biology Of Animals & Plants - Photosynthesis THE BASIC NEEDS FOR photosynthesis. plants, as well as some Protists and Monerans,can take small molecules from the environment and bind them together using http://faculty.fmcc.suny.edu/mcdarby/Animals&PlantsBook/Plants/01-Photosynthesis
Extractions: THE BASIC NEEDS FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS Plants, as well as some Protists and Monerans, can take small molecules from the environment and bind them together using the energy of light. The incoming light energy is transformed into the energy holding the new molecules together, and the organisms use those molecules as an energy "fuel." The basic process can be represented this way: CO + H O light C H O + O In the case of water organisms, the carbon dioxide and water are from their immediate surroundings; for most land plants, the water is absorbed from the soil and the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The glucose is used for two major purposes: 1) it serves as an energy reserve for periods of darkness (don't forget that photosynthesizers, like any living things, require energy and get it through
Shedding Light On Photosythesis in sunlight. This is what plants do when they carry out photosynthesis.photosynthesis means putting together by light. During this http://step.sdsc.edu/projects95/Photosynthesis/PHOTOSYN.mac.HTM
Extractions: Would you believe that as early as 1640 people were already thinking about photosynthesis. This dude, Jan van Helmont - a Belgian philosopher, chemist and physician- was able to demonstrate that plants did not receive all their nutrients from soil,as people had believed, but from water as well. To prove his point he planted a 5 lb willow tree in 200 lbs of soil. It was watered regularly with rain water. Within 5 years the tree weighed 169 lbs and the soil 199 lbs demonstating that it's biomass was not transferred from the soil but must have come from the water. In 1772 Joseph Priestly, a british scientist, unified biology and chemistry. He suggested that plants must produce oxygen. By placing a shoot of a plant in water over which he placed a jar, as to eliminate the flow of air to the plant, he burned a wax candle until it went out. Later he was able to reburn the candle. He concluded that plants must restore oxygen. Preistly's experiments could not be repeated, most likely due to lack of light. Several years after Priestly's work, the last piece of the puzzle was discovered by Jan Ingenhousz . He demonstrated that plants produce oxygen in the presence of light. More than 100 years later a plant physiologist, F.F. Blackman, produced evidence that there were 2 stages of photosynthesis; one which was dependent on light and the other occured independent of light.
Photosynthesis Call it artificial photosynthesis. Call it plantson-a-plate. We callit an effort to work smarter by working biologically. Nature http://www.jcminventures.com/photosynthesis.htm
Extractions: JCM Electronic Services info@jcminventures.com Posted April 2, 1998 A NATURAL APPROACH to electricity. Plants do it. Solar cells do it. Why can't solar cells do it like plants do? Logical question once you realize that "it" means using sunlight to create free electrons. Plants use the free electrons to make carbohydrates the original carbo loading. Solar cells use the electrons to make streams of electrons. That's called an electric current handy stuff. In a bio-solar cell, a photon of light excites a molecule of pigment. The energy causes an electron to be boosted into a higher orbit and attracted to a collector. The electron then enters an electric circuit and eventually returns to the pigment. Some scientists now think those green solar collectors offer interesting lessons in solar cell design. Call it artificial photosynthesis. Call it plants-on-a-plate. We call it an effort to work smarter by working biologically. "Nature has had roughly three billion years to perfect the process, so it's very efficient," says Robert Donohoe, a scientist in Los Alamos National Laboratory's biological science and biotechnology group. Today's solar cells called photovoltaic cells are made from silicon that's treated with various other elements. When a photon a particle of light strikes the cell, it excites electrons, which are siphoned off by tiny conductors that gather them into useful quantities of electricity. Want our