- Middle Eastern Cooking - 1982 publication by Ros Dost, 1982-01-01
- Middle Eastern cooking, Recipes (Foods of the world) by Harry G Nickles, 1969
- Middle Eastern Cooking (International Creative Cookbooks) by Beryl Frank, 1988-12-12
- Cocina Arabe/ Middle Eastern Cooking: El Sabor Del Medio Oriente/ Flavors of the Middle East (Spanish Edition) by Christine Osborne, 1994-06-30
- Recipes: Middle Eastern Cooking by Various, 1969-01-01
- Middle Eastern Cooking by Harry G. Nickles And the Editors of Time-Life Books, 1976
- Middle Eastern Cooking by Time Life,
- Middle Eastern cooking, by Harry G. Nickles and the editors of Time-Life Books. Photographed by David Lees and Richard Jeffery by Harry G. Nickles, 1969
- Recipes, Middle Eastern cooking (Foods of the world) by Harry G Nickles, 1976
- Middle Eastern Cooking 2 Volumes by Time Life,
- Middle Eastern Cooking- A Practical Guide by Sama Abdrnour, 1997
- Recipes: Middle Eastern Cooking by Time Life, 1970
- Moorish Cooking, Capture the Flavours of Contemporary Middle Eastern Cooking by Greg Malouf, Lucy Malouf,