- Archaeologies of Colonialism: Consumption, Entanglement, and Violence in Ancient Mediterranean France by Michael Dietler, 2010-10-17
- Aztec Imperial Strategies (Dumbarton Oaks Pre-Columbian Conference Proceedings) by Frances Berdan, 1996-01-01
- Trente ans d'archeologie medievale en France: Un bilan pour un avenir Colloque de la Societe d'Archeologie Medievale (PUBLICATIONS DU CRAHM) (French Edition)
- France: 1001 Sights : An Archaeological and Historical Guide by James Maxwell Anderson, M. Sheridan Lea, 2002-03
- Spatial Patterns in Magdalenian Open-Air Sites from the Isle Valley, Southwestern France (pa-site) by Todd A. Koetje, 1987-12-31
- Les industries lithiques aurignaciennes de lAeabri Pataud, Dordogne, France (bar s) (French Edition) by laurent Chiotti, 2005-01
- Lithic Analysis in Southwestern France (pa-lith) by Susan L. Bierwirth, 1996-12-31
- Le Centre-Ouest de la France au IVeme millenaire av. J.C. (ia-reg) (French Edition) by Serge Cassen, 1987-12-31
- Approche archeozoologique des modes d'acquisition, de transformation et de consommation des ressources animales dans le contexte urbain gallo-romain de Lutece (Paris, France) (bar s) (French Edition) by Tarek Oueslati, 2006-12-31
- The Sufi Journey of Baba Rexheb (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) by Frances Trix, 2009-02-27
- Museums Without Barriers : A New Deal for the Disabled (The Heritage: Care - Preservation - Management) by Fondation de France, International Committee of Museums, 1992-03-13
- Archaeology of France: Linear Pottery Culture
- From Paris to Pompeii: French Romanticism and the Cultural Politics of Archaeology by Goran Blix, 2008-12-15
- Fosses, Vallee de l'Ysieux. Mille ans de production ceramique en Ile-de-France. Volume 2: Catalogue typochronologique des productions (Publications du ... et Historiques Medievales) (French Edition) by Remy Guadagnin, 2007-12-01