- Ripples in the Chichimec Sea: New Considerations of Southwestern-Mesoamerican Interactions (Publications in Archaeology) by Frances Joan Mathien, Randall H. McGuire, 1986-06-01
- La cuisine et la table dans la France de la fin du Moyen-Age: Contenus et contenants du XIV au XVIe siecle. Actes du colloque de Sens (2004) (Publications ... et Historiques Medievales) (French Edition)
- Ethnic Identity in Nahua Mesoamerica: The View from Archaeology, Art History, Ethnohistory, and Contemporary Ethnography by Frances F Berdan, John K Chance, et all 2008-01-29
- The Magdalenian Household: Unraveling Domesticity (The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Distinguished Monograph Series)
- Le Mesolithique en Haute-Normandie (France): Lexemple du site dAcquignylOnglais(Eure) et sa contribution a letude des gisements mesolithiques de plein air (bar s) (French Edition) by Benedicte Souffi, 2004-12-31
- The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe XIX: Les pipes de la quarantaine - Fouilles du port antique de Pomegues (Marseille) (bar s) (French Edition) by Philippe Gosse, 2007-12-31
- Quantitative Identities: A Statistical Summary and Analysis of Iron Age Cemeteries in North-Eastern France 600-130 BC (bar s) by Thomas L Evans, 2004-12-31
- Les structures de l'habitat rural protohistorique dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre et le nord-ouest de la France (Bar International) (French Edition) by Tristan Arbousse Bastide, 2000-12-31
- Deconstructing the Celts: A skeptic's guide to the archaeology of the Auvergne (bar s) by Stephen D Jones, 2002-01-12
- Recherches sur l'age du Fer en Ile-de-France (bar s) (French Edition) (Pt. 1-2) by Stephane Marion, 2004-12-31
- Le Gisement Gravettien de la Vigne-Brun (Loire, France): Etude de l'Industrie Lithique de l'Unite KL19 (bar s) (French Edition) by Mahaut Digan, 2006-12-31
- The Middle Paleolithic Site of Combe-Capelle Bas (France) by Harold L. Dibble, Michel Lenoir, 1995-01-01
- The Fairest Arch in England: Old Ouse Bridge, York, and its Buildings. The Pictorial Evidence (The Archaeology of York: Supplementary Series) by Frances Mee, Barbara Wilson, 2002-12-31
- Black Skins, French Voices: Caribbean Ethnicity And Activism In Urban France (Westview Case Studies in Anthropology) by David Beriss, 2004-08-06