The ILT's Math Links Digital Dozen teacher Lessons from A Xavier University. Math Lesson Plans,activities games The Pi Page fibonacci numbers and fibonacci and Nature.
Extractions: Advanced, College Placement Newest Math Links The Math List! ... Problem Based Learning Cool Math Sites from Johns Hopkins Center for Technology In Education Plan for March 14 next year, 3.14 PI Day SOARWEB Media Show lesson on practical " Kitchen Math The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics The National Math Trail New Math Study: Does it Compute? The Relationship between Educational Technology and Student Acheivement in Mathematics Interactive Math Links New: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Resource!
AMTRAK RESERVATIONS AND MAPQUEST numbers, tetrahedral numbers, and fibonacci numbers in Pascal These activities allowthe user to investigate Internet Primary Sources to teach Critical Thinking
Extractions: INTERACTIVE PASCALS TRIANGLE URL ADDRESSES: SITE SUMMARY: These sites allow you to generate Pascals triangle one row at a time. You input the number of rows you would like to see, and the screen will show all of these rows. These sites would be a good introduction to Pascals triangle, emphasizing patterns and mathematical connections. The related Internet sites following the questions are recommended extension activities for Pascals triangle. TOPICS: Pascal's triangle, series, combinations, binomial theorem, polynomial expansion, exponents, probability SUGGESTED LEVELS: prealgebra (questions 1-3), advanced algebra (questions 1-5), precalculus (questions 1-5), probability (questions 1-4) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS AND ACTIVITIES 1. Generate five rows of Pascals triangle. Identify as many numerical patterns as you can find. 2. Predict the 6 th row of Pascals triangle. How can you generate consecutive rows if you are given the previous row? 3. How does the sum of the numbers in a row relate to its row number? In other words, the sum of row n will equal what?
Math And Science Web Sites teach.htm Bellingham School District's index to K12 teaching site links one to numerousfun math activities including fibonacci numbers, math magic
Extractions: Developed by the Plymouth Public Schools in Vermont, the draft K-12 Science and Technology Curriculum includes detailed science lesson plans for specific grades. They are carefully outlined and thoroughly explained plans for science and math fairs (great selection of possible project topics and resource books.) In addition, the site offers highly rated links to websites covering math, science, reference material such as encyclopedias, literature, teacher resource, software, shareware and other educational resources. Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse, a nationally recognized information source for K-12 mathematics and science teachers, produces many excellent resources for mathematics teachers. Especially useful home pages were the resource finder which provided links to many federal agencies and departments who offer
MATH Websites Also great puzzles utilizing fibonacci numbers. http// foldedpaper, hands-on activities to teach kids about
Extractions: This user-friendly site contains math information for every elementary level. This is an interactive site that can be used by teachers, parents, and students. It is organized by topic and grade level. It has games, puzzles, and riddles. There are also links to other useful web sites. A HOMEPAGE FOR NEW MATH TEACHERS ( This description was taken directly from Algebra OnlineSM. Algebra OnlineSM is a free service designed to allow students, parents, and educators throughout the world to communicate. This includes free private tutoring, live chat, and a message board, among many other features. Questions and discussions relating to all levels of mathematics (not just Algebra) are welcome. Algebra OnlineSM is the future in education! ALLMATH (
MATH 552 with suggestions for classroom activities based on linear congruenceis, Diophantineequations, fibonacci numbers and selected faculty who will teach the course
Extractions: STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE AT BUFFALO Department of Mathematics Request for Course I. Number and Title of Course Mathematics 552 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: Number Theory II. Reasons for addition to the present curricula A. To provide an elective for graduate elementary education majors who wish to broaden their experience in the area of number theory. B. To improve the quality of instruction in mathematics in the elementary school by providing an opportunity for the student to experience involvement in the processes of mathematics. III. Major Objectives A. To review the fundamental algebraic properties of the integers. B. To observe patterns, make conjectures, test hypotheses and develop arguments on properties of the system of integers. C. To introduce the student to the rich heritage of number theory by tracing some of the major developments. D. To provide the student with suggestions for classroom activities based on the topics discussed in the course. IV. Topical Outline A. The Integers -a review B. Divisibility
LP Web Pages edu, 1074.1 Preparing teachers to teach Diverse Student Dale R. Oliver, 359.1 DiscreteMathematics activities Leading to fibonacci numbers and Pascal's
Mathematics Suggested activities in real money/ Three online gameswill teach students how The fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section Grade 7
ALFY - Teach Learn Communicate These simple math activities teach basic fractions colorful bookto review the numbers 110 curse begins when Mrs. fibonacci suggests that Brown
Extractions: Description: Jacob drops his dreidel down a well, but a good-willed goblin gives Jacob a magical replacement. When the boy is tricked out of his new dreidel by a neighbor, the goblin gives him another dreidel that turns the tables. After reading this story, your class can use their knowledge of fractions to cook latkes (potato pancakes).
TitleWatch, September/October 1998 Each one includes educational games and activities Annie's City Adventures music,spirals, the Golden ratio, and fibonacci numbers to teach about equations
Extractions: by Patricia Semple, Assistant Editor TitleWatch lists recently released educational software products that relate to the K-12 curriculum. This list is primarily but not exclusively comprised of CD-ROM products; other formats (diskettes, videodiscs) are noted in the text. Suggestions for entries and press releases should be addressed to Patricia Semple, P. O. Box 341635, Bethesda, MD 20827-1635, 301/983-5773 or (All titles are CD-ROM unless otherwise noted.) ESL is the Spanish version of Larson's Leapfrog Math and is intended for students in grades K-2. All materials for students are in Spanish, and teacher materials (resource guide, activity book, parent letters, storybook, manipulatives, assessment tools, student portfolios, stickers, poster) are in both Spanish and English. Meridian Creative Group, 800/530-2355.
Mathematics The lessons and activities are listed by topic and have a This site uses Shockwaveanimations to teach mathematics to fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section.
Extractions: The Annenberg/CPB Math and Science Project . This organization has funded more than 40 projects to improve K-12 math and science education. These projects educate and support the key groups of adults that have a hand in changing the way math and science are taught, including parents, teachers, teacher educators, administrators, and policymakers. Ask Dr. Math , part of The Geometry Forum at Swarthmore College, PA, is a math question-answer forum. Students of all grade levels write to Dr. Math to ask questions about any math topic of their choice, including how-to's, explanations, and requests for solutions to problems. Teachers also write and ask for help with topics and certain approaches for the classroom.
Extractions: Select a Chapter Animals and Pets Arts and Literature Business and Finance Children and Family Computers and the Internet eCommerce and Shopping Education and Higher Learning Entertainment and Media Food and Drink Government and Politics Health and Fitness History and the Human Experience Hobbies and Special Interest Home and Lifestyle Philosophy and Religion Science and Technology Sports and Recreation Travel and Tourism What's the Buzz Escape Hatch: Cartoons and Comics Jokes and Funnies Open Mic Poetry Bee Short Fixion Mathematics is the science of using numbers, sets of points and various abstract elements and symbols to calculate the measurement, properties and relationships of quantities. Throughout history, the goal of mathematics education has been to develop accurate and logical thinking in individuals so they can apply their newly gained knowledge to solving all kinds of problems. Math is therefore an important course of educational study, especially in preparing college students for careers in business, engineering, medicine, psychology and the various sciences. This section features resources for teachers, students and parents that focus on mathematics at the elementary school level.
Unit 5 Education Links Resources to teach math LESSON PLANS Lesson Plans and activities Mathematics Lessons Funwith numbers Data Powers of Ten The fibonacci numbers Flash Cards
Return To Math And Reality Index Page of this curriculum is to teach students basic to be very popular activities duringthe Mathematical Patterns fibonacci numbers in Nature Dorothy Stasiewicz.
Extractions: Marcella Ubben Candelaria This unit is designed primarily for 7th and 8th grade learning disabled students in a CBI (Community Based Instruction) program at a school with traditionally low math scores on standardized tests. The unit covers one semester, but with a different type of student population it could be taught in less time. The unit begins with basic number sense: counting, sequencing and number lines. The next concept is place value, using games and repetition to teach students that the place a number has is as important as the number itself. We will then learn about decimals using money. Next is an exploration of patterns in math and in the world around us, leading to the last item of geometry, where we will explore different shapes, their relation to each other, and begin a discussion of fractions. Analysis of Functions and Their Graphs as Models of Physical Phenomena: An Integrated Approach Using Maple6 William Glover This curriculum unit will focus on the use of deductive reasoning in the form of "if-then" statements and proofs. The unit will be presented during the second week of the first semester, and the methods will be applied for the duration of the course. The lesson plans for the unit will focus on deductive reasoning. The objectives of the unit include teaching students to:
EMS 480 Course Schedule Fall 2000 Proposed Schedule of Course activities Subject to and Analyzing Real World Datato teach Mathematics a Bee's geneology Investigating fibonacci numbers Phi.
WebGuest - Open Directory : Kids And Teens : School Time : Math fractals, big and small numbers, and fibonacci numbers (patterns teach R Kids Math Kids - Large collection of online activities and interactive
Extractions: A+ Math - [ Kids ] - Helps students improve their math skills interactively. AAA Math - [ Kids/Teens ] - Hundreds of online interactive arithmetic lessons, problems, and games for grades K-8. The Abacus: The Art of Calculating with Beads - [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Introduces the abacus, relates its history, and shows how to perform basic mathematical operations on it. Also answers questions about the ancient tool and shows how to build one with Legos. Activities in Math - [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Interactive activities and quizzes on topics such as basic arithmetic, algebra, and trigonometry. Also includes brain teasers and puzzles.
Math, Page 3 -- Builder Books Homeschool Discount Catalog and word problems to teach formation of nine basic math concepts, 994 activities,and answers Fascinating fibonaccis Explore fibonacci numbers, ration and their
Extractions: These fast-paced, quick-to-grasp, lively games are a fun alternative to flash cards! Each game features a set of problem and answer cards. Players need to be the first to match the correct answer card to the problem card that is turned over. To win, you must think quickly, match faster and capture as many card pairs as possible.
The Math Forum - Math Library - Golden Ratio/Fibonacci Linked items feature activities for students. Topics include prime numbers/magicsquares, clock arithmetic, the golden ratio, fibonacci numbers, binary numbers
Extractions: Information about the Fibonacci series, including a brief biography of Fibonacci, the numerical properties of the series, and the ways it is manifested in nature. Fibonacci numbers are closely related to the golden ratio (also known as the golden mean, golden number, golden section) and golden string. Includes: geometric applications of the golden ratio; Fibonacci puzzles; the Fibonacci rabbit binary sequence; the golden section in art, architecture, and music; using Fibonacci bases to represent integers; Fibonacci Forgeries (or "Fibonacci Fibs"); Lucas Numbers; a list of Fibonacci and Phi Formulae; references; and ways to use Fibonacci numbers to calculate the golden ratio. more>> The Fibonacci Series - Matt Anderson, Jeffrey Frazier, and Kris Popendorf; ThinkQuest 1999 Aesthetics, dynamic symmetry, equations, the Divine Proportion, the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden rectangle, logarithmic spirals, formulas, links to other MathSoft pages mentioning the Golden Mean, and print references. Also available as MathML more>> Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Sequence - Math Forum, Ask Dr. Math FAQ
The Math Forum - Math Library - Lesson Plans/Activities The fibonacci numbers, Pineapples, Sunflowers, and the Golden Mean properties ofthe fibonacci sequence and FI Projects and activities (Freudenthal Institute
The Math Forum - Math Library - Golden Ratio/Fibonacci The Math Forum's Internet Math Library is a comprehensive catalog of Web sites and Web pages relating to the study of mathematics. This page contains sites relating to Golden Ratio/fibonacci. fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section Ron Knott manifested in nature. fibonacci numbers are closely related to the Math and science stories teach students some famous tricks
Extractions: Information about the Fibonacci series, including a brief biography of Fibonacci, the numerical properties of the series, and the ways it is manifested in nature. Fibonacci numbers are closely related to the golden ratio (also known as the golden mean, golden number, golden section) and golden string. Includes: geometric applications of the golden ratio; Fibonacci puzzles; the Fibonacci rabbit binary sequence; the golden section in art, architecture, and music; using Fibonacci bases to represent integers; Fibonacci Forgeries (or "Fibonacci Fibs"); Lucas Numbers; a list of Fibonacci and Phi Formulae; references; and ways to use Fibonacci numbers to calculate the golden ratio. more>> The Fibonacci Series - Matt Anderson, Jeffrey Frazier, and Kris Popendorf; ThinkQuest 1999 Aesthetics, dynamic symmetry, equations, the Divine Proportion, the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden rectangle, logarithmic spirals, formulas, links to other MathSoft pages mentioning the Golden Mean, and print references. Also available as MathML more>> Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Sequence - Math Forum, Ask Dr. Math FAQ
SEDL - Math And Science Online Mentoring: Search Results What are some extension/enrichment activities I can the most effective way to teachstudents place Patterns, Functions, and Algebra, fibonacci numbers What are