Extractions: Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-x Contents, pp. xi-xiv Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, pp. xv-xvi Executive Summary, pp. 1-16 1 Introduction, pp. 17-32 2 Issues in Research on Fetal Dru..., pp. 33-51 3 Vignettes, pp. 52-62 4 Diagnosis and Clinical Evaluati..., pp. 63-81 5 Epidemiology and Surveillance o..., pp. 82-99 6 Epidemiology of Women's Drinkin..., pp. 100-111 7 Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Syn..., pp. 112-153 8 The Affected Individual: Clinic..., pp. 154-193 9 Integration and Coordination: ..., pp. 194-196 Appendix: Biographies, pp. 197-202 Index, pp. 203-213 Page 72 abnormalities found in those patients are then used to refine the diagnosis. A truer case definition will be established only when a reliable biologic marker for alcohol teratogenesis is found or when a diagnostic tool is developed that can demonstrate high sensitivity and specificity in identifying dysmorphic individuals who were exposed in utero to potentially teratogenic doses of alcohol. At present, the facial anomalies observed in FAS remain the most unique feature of the disorder (see Figure 1 in Chapter 1). No one can receive an FAS diagnosis without an experienced clinician's assertion that the face
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome How we you and I- treat them and teach them today will have of Important DevelopmentalProcess Finding Could Aid Search for fetal alcohol syndrome Medications. http://www.addictionnetwork.co.uk/FAS.htm
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - THE NEUROLOGICAL CENTER for parents and professionals who live, care, and teach children with ActivatingIntervention Touchpoints for individuals with fetal alcohol syndrome, 930am http://www.tcfn.org/neurocenter/library/support_groups/fas.html
Extractions: WHAT: Provide current knowledge about FAS/FAE resources. WHO: The group is for parents and professionals who live, care, and teach children with prenatal fetal alcohol exposure. CONFERENCE: (for Educators) Activating Intervention Touchpoints for individuals with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, 9:30am - 4:30pm, Saturday, May 8, 1998, Doris Roberts Gallery, Richland Public Library, 955 Northgate, Richland, WA WHAT IS FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME (FAS)?
Extractions: Previous Good practices in addressing FAS The lessons learned from the experiences of CAPC and CPNP projects, working with families and children affected by alcohol or other substance use, are of benefit to all Health Canada community-based projects that are working in this area, or intend to develop services to address these issues. The work of projects active in this area constitutes a rich resource for others and can serve to enhance community capacity to prevent, identify and intervene effectively in support of women at risk, affected children, and their families. In both the project survey and the key informant interviews, respondents were asked to identify elements of good practice in FAS programming within CAPC and CPNP projects. The practices identified through these methods were generally supported by the findings of the concurrent Health Canada project Best Practice and a Situational Analysis Regarding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects and the Effects of Other Substance Use During Pregnancy, and are discussed below.
FAS/FAE Documents teaching the student with FAS or FAE If you are a classroom teacher who, for thefirst time, is about to teach a student with fetal alcohol syndrome or fetal http://www.ccsa.ca/FASIS/fasdocs.htm
SNJPC: Education - Media Library - Substance Abuse pregnant or not, including causes and preventive measures to teach patients damagesof drinking during pregnancy, the effect of fetal alcohol syndrome, and the http://www.snjpc.org/edu/video/mg16.shtml
Extractions: November 16, 2001 As compared to advances made by other groups in society that were traditionally subject to discrimination and did not achieve equality, children with special needs have fared very badly. One would think that the most vulnerable and dependent members of Canadian society would have achieved the greatest progress. In fact, the reverse is the case. A 1999 report by the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children titled "The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: How Does Canada Measure Up?" researched six areas related to Convention Articles. The report notes seven areas in which children's rights are being systemically violated in Canada and 26 situations where action is required before Canada's compliance with the Convention can be met in the Articles examined. The report states and I quote: In this study, Aboriginal children, children with disabilities, abused and neglected children and refugee children were found to be particularly at risk.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and intoxicated persons. The courses also teach techniques to identifythese persons and prevent sales to them. Individuals who http://www.tabc.state.tx.us/syndrom/Seller.htm
Extractions: Seller/Server Certification Program The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission strongly feels that trained sellers, servers, and managers are better able to identify and prevent sales of alcoholic beverages to minors and intoxicated persons. Because of this belief, the agency has certified courses for seller/server training. These courses are provided by certified private business whose curriculum has been reviewed and approved by the TABC and whose trainers are also certified. These courses cover the laws applicable to the sales or service of alcoholic beverages to minors and intoxicated persons. The courses also teach techniques to identify these persons and prevent sales to them. Individuals who successfully complete an approved program are issued certificates and licensees or permittees could, under certain terms, receive a restrained administrative case. Terms of a Restrained Administrative Case If all employees of a licensee or permittee who sell, serve, prepare, and/or directly manage those who sell, serve, and prepare alcoholic beverages have been seller trained and certified as such by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, penalties relating to violations of these laws will be taken against the person selling or serving and not Facts about the TABC Seller/Server Training Program Seller/Servers currently certified Number certified in Fiscal Year 2002 Average number certified each month Number of Certified Private Course Providers
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and challenges that face a fetal alcohol syndrome person (FAS). A one sided pictureof alcoholaffected children can bring a specialist in to teach the teacher http://www.storey.k12.nv.us/vchs/projects/disabilities-2000/fas.html
Extractions: In my report I will be talking about the problems and challenges that face a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome person (FAS). I chose this topic so that I could better understand what effects it has on the people around me and around you. The study on FAS has improved in the past seventeen years; several thousand papers and books have been written to try to bring awareness and may be a stop to this horrible condition. I call it a condition because I believe we can as a country stop anyone from getting it. All that we must do is make sure that people know and understand what happens to a child if you drink while you're pregnant. To me, if you can give up something like alcohol for nine months than you have a bigger problem than just hoping that your child isn't born with FAS. The United States worries about the effects of cocaine or heroin when alcohol remains the number one most abused substance today. Characteristics Some of the characteristics of FAS babies: there are three major signs impaired growth, changes in facial structure, and the central nervous system abnormalities. Children that grow up with FAS grow slower than 90% of all other children; their disability is permanent and never the child's fault. I don't understand how some one could do something like poisoning your child that's growing inside you, that has never been able to see, cry, touch, think, and even breathe. FAS can cause damage to the central nervous system, which brings on many other problems. The average IQ of children with FAS is seventy, although a broad range from less than fifty too greater than one hundred and fifteen has been reported. Other signs of damage include slower development, problems with perception, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, and behavior disorders caused by damage to the brain.
Fetal Alcohol New Zealand Trust with fetal alcohol syndrome or fetal alcohol Effects is have the physical characteristicsof the syndrome. most successful way to teach communication skills http://fanz.org.nz/teachers.html
Extractions: Recommended Reading A common myth about students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Effects is that they are mildly mentally retarded. Research actually shows that students with FAS can have IQ scores ranging from above average to severely mentally retarded. IQ scores for students with FAE are similar, ranging from above average to severely cognitively impaired. This means that FAS is not necessarily "worse" than FAE. It only means that children with FAS have the physical characteristics of the syndrome. Both FAS/E can significantly compromise a student's ability to achieve in school. Achievement: Characteristics Students with FAS/E are first and foremost, people. They are unique individuals with their own bodies, minds and dispositions. Because there is such a range in their ability, these students may be found in many types of educational programmes. Some may be categorised as having Attention Deficit Disorder, Learning Disabled, Conduct Disorder, emotionally disturbed or mentally retarded. In other cases, the student may not have been referred for special services but they may be struggling to keep up with their work. They may be categorized as behaviour problems - as children who are non-compliant rather than non-competent. It is important to recognise that FAS and FAE are not the problem of special education alone.
The 44th A N N U A L D I N N E R D A N C E surveys to address prominent misconceptions as they subsequently teach the FASTRAC internshipbecause I didn't even know what fetal alcohol syndrome was, but http://www.bvcriarc.org/events2002/wills.html
Extractions: Blackstone Valley Chapter Initiates Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Teaching and Research Awareness Campaign High School Interns Gain and Share Knowledge of FAS Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities are caused by numerous factors, some of which we have not yet discovered. What we do know, however, is that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which occurs when a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, continues to be the leading preventable cause of mental retardation. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is 100% preventable. As part of its ongoing mission, The Arc is committed to reducing the incidence and limiting the consequences of mental retardation through education, research, and advocacy and by supporting people with mental retardation, their families, friends, and community. As a provider of services and advocacy, Blackstone Valley RI Arc continually strives to carry out this mission, but we have not formally addressed prevention . until now. Thanks to a grant from the Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation, Inc. we have recently launched our Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Teaching and Research Awareness Campaign (F.A.S.T.R.A.C.) The F.A.S.T.R.A.C. program was created by The Arc of Riverside California. It is designed to train upper class high school students as Peer Trainers who will then work with freshman students to educate them about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 5. teach your child how not to be taken advantage of by others. Hello, my name isLauren Lewis and you have just viewed my web page on fetal alcohol syndrome. http://tiger.towson.edu/users/llewis4/
Extractions: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Table of contents Definition of FAS Characteristics of FAS How can parents cope? Diagnosis Treatment Prevention References What is FAS? The name given to a group of physical and mental birth defects that are a direct result of a woman's drinking alcohol during her pregnancy (Facts on FAS, 2000) What are the characteristics of FAS? Growth Deficiencies 1. small head 2. slow growth and developmental rate 3. deformities in the joints, limbs, fingers, and the spine Central Nervous System Damage 1. small brain 2. learning disorders 3. poor overall coordination 4. poor memory Behavioral Disorders 1. short attention span 2. hyperactivity 3. poor socialization 4. impulsive 5. crave attention 6. postnatal irritability due to alcohol withdrawal Organ Deformities 1. heart defects 2. urinary defects Facial Deformities 1. small eyelid openings 2. sunken nasal bridge 3. skin webbed between eyes and bridge of nose 4. exceptionally thin upper lip 5. short upturned nose 6. flat surface between the nose and upper lip
Last Call - The Sobering Truth About FAS/FAE collegeteach young adults EARLY! When you see this program you will know whatto do. You will know why we have to do something about fetal alcohol syndrome http://www.crimeprevent.com/docs/v0102.htm
Extractions: If You Are Pregnant, How Much Alcohol is Safe? It seems so harmless. A glass of wine, a beer or one little drink, how much could it hurt? At last a program that tells it like it is. "For women who are, or may be pregnant, consuming alcohol in any quantity is like playing Russian roulette. But you are playing with the life of a child and may risking lifelong mental, emotional and physical disabilities." Your drinking could cause a lifetime of pain, suffering, and disappointment. This powerful documentary features two nationally recognized Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (F.A.S.) experts. F.A.S. is the leading known cause of mental retardation, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association . It is 100% preventable. After watching Last Call What this program teaches: What is FAS? What is the related condition known as FAE? What do FAS children look and act like? What do they feel? How can a woman be certain of avoiding FAS? Why do women drink during pregnancy?
!personal Safety Videos! the leading known cause of birth defects fetal alcohol syndrome. the number onekiller of teens - alcohol. actual events, state police teach the principals http://www.crimeprevent.com/docs/personal_safety.htm
FAS In The Classroom Working together, the fetal alcohol syndrome Family Resource Institute child prenatallyexposed to alcohol, you must disappointed if what you teach them today http://casaa.unm.edu/projects/fas/FAS-Clas.html
Extractions: Select Your City Anaktuvak Pass Anchorage Barrow Bethel Cape Newenham Cordova Denali Park Dillingham Dutch Harbor Fairbanks Galena Gustavus Haines Homer Juneau Kenai Ketchikan Kodiak Kotzebue McGrath Nenana Noon Paxson Petersburg Point Hope Port Alexander Pribilof Islands Seattle Sitka Skagway Soldotna St. Lawrence Island Talkeetna Unalakteet Valdez Wrangell Yakutat Focus on FAS: Clinical director Marla Lippard talks at her Gastineau Human Services office. Lippard is one of three people who put together a grant for diagnostic training for fetal alcohol syndrome. BRIAN WALLACE / THE JUNEAU EMPIRE Plan to diagnose fetal alcohol problems may help prevent crime More prison inmates may suffer from disorder than realized THE JUNEAU EMPIRE It's easy to accept that alcohol can fuel drunk drivers, but harder to accept that alcohol in expectant mothers can create felons. Four women have joined forces to diagnose fetal alcohol syndrome in Juneau and demonstrate the link. The women are Marla Lippard, Janet Forbes, Laura Rorem and Susan Hunter-Joerns. "We have always had anecdotal evidence about FAS and alcohol-related disorders (in the prison population), and now, with clinicians being trained in diagnostics, we will have some hard numbers to back it up," said Lippard, nationally certified as a chemical dependency counselor and clinical director for Gastineau Human Services.
Alcohol: Problems And Solutions - Interest Clusters We Can Learn From Others Gateway and Steppingstone Substances teach Safe Drinkingto fetal alcohol syndrome alcohol Abuse Drinking and Weight Gain Easy Way to http://www2.potsdam.edu/alcohol-info/SpecialInterestAreas.html
Ch. 08 Other Sites To Explore (Farris, Teach 2/e) Chapter 8 Social Issues in Education (Farris, teach 2/e). http//www.nofas.org/National Organization on fetal alcohol syndrome The National Organization on http://www.mhhe.com/socscience/education/farris/olc/c08oth.htm
Extractions: The Diversity Training Group specializes in the planning, design, and implementation of organization-wide diversity, gender equity (sexual harassment prevention), and mentoring training initiatives. This site offers many resources, web links, and quizzes such as the Diversity IQ Quiz, the Global Diversity Quiz, and the Gender Equity Quiz.
Page 13 discusses with one of the world's renowned psychologists how to teach our childrento act brave when they're feeling scared. fetal alcohol syndrome The Impact http://www.wpic.org/Library/Synoposis/Synopsis_1Page13.html
Extractions: This book was written by six concerned mothers, all members of the Childbirth Education Association in Minneapolis - St. Paul, who were searching for a better way to feed babies - without the harmful additives and high cost of commercial baby foods - and found it. Loaded with fresh ideas, practical money-saving advice, and delicious, nutritious, mother-tested recipes, this is the first book written by mothers for mothers that shows you how homemade natural baby food is the only way to feed your baby. Corny's got a toothache! And that can only mean one thing for American's favorite alien exchange student a trip to the dentist! In this fun-filled, educational film, Corny learns how to have courage when he has to go to the dentist, Dr. Dresden (Alan Thicke of "Hope & Gloria"). "Home Improvement" star Taran Noah Smith and friends teach Corny how to overcome fears like going to the dentist, being bullied, and finding the courage to say "I'm sorry." Watch, enjoy and learn with Corny how to act brave when you're feeling scared.