Extractions: The Constitution permits much private religious activity in and about the public schools. Unfortunately, this aspect of constitutional law is not as well known as it should be. Some say that the Supreme Court has declared the public schools "religion-free zones" or that the law is so murky that school officials cannot know what is legally permissible. The former claim is simply wrong. And as to the latter, while there are some difficult issues, much has been settled. It is also unfortunately true that public school officials, due to their busy schedules, may not be as fully aware of this body of law as they could be. As a result, in some school districts some of these rights are not being observed. The organizations whose names appear below span the ideological, religious and political spectrum. They nevertheless share a commitment both to the freedom of religious practice and to the separation of church and state such freedom requires. In that spirit, we offer this statement of consensus on current law as an aid to parents, educators and students.
Extractions: Freedoms: Behind the Terror Deadly Spiral Children of the State The Hidden Hand of Violence Ca$hing In The Great Brain Injury Scam Human Rights and Freedoms Buying off the Drug Traffic Cop Revisiting the Jonestown tragedy The Great Waste A Fire on the Cross In Support of Human Rights The Black and White of Justice Freedom of Speech at Risk in Cyberspace The Psychiatric Subversion of Justice The Story Behind the Controversy The Internet: The Promise and the Perils Page 1. Students have the right to pray individually or in groups or to discuss their religious views with their peers so long as they are not disruptive. Because the Establishment Clause does not apply to purely private speech, students enjoy the right to read their Bibles or other scriptures, say grace before meals, pray before tests, and discuss religion with other willing student listeners. In the classroom students have the right to pray quietly except when required to be actively engaged in school activities (e.g., students may not decide to pray just as a teacher calls on them). In informal settings, such as the cafeteria or in the halls, students may pray either audibly or silently, subject to the same rules of order as apply to other speech in these locations. However, the right to engage in voluntary prayer does not include, for example, the right to have a captive audience listen or to compel other students to participate. 2. School officials may not mandate or organize prayer at graduation, nor may they organize a religious baccalaureate ceremony. If the school generally rents out its facilities to private groups, it must rent them out on the same terms, and on a first-come first-served basis, to organizers of privately sponsored religious baccalaureate services, provided that the school does not extend preferential treatment to the baccalaureate ceremony and the school disclaims official endorsement of the program.
Do Good Parents Put Their Children In Daycare? a day, three days a week, when I had to go up to KU to teach my classes. to be veryfirm about their not bringing their kids to me on federal holidays, since I http://www.childrensneeds.homestead.com/daycare2.html
Extractions: I think that because she felt I was judging her for putting her baby in daycare, she became so outraged that she did not really see what I had written. I point out in the article that many parents have no choice. They put their kids in daycare because they both have to work outside the home. And, of course, some mothers do so because they are raising their kids alone and must work to survive. What I said in that article is that my heart breaks for those who have to put their kids in daycare rather than being at home with them during the precious years of their childhood. If you had read the comment, you would have noticed that the reader is precisely the sort of person I am taking about when I say that some people have no choice.
Washingtonpost.com: Live Online What type of diversity classes do you offer to teach tolerance James E. RichmondThere are many federal holidays that we abide by, but we have a minimum number http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/liveonline/01/metro/metro_richmond082901.ht
Extractions: Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2001 James E. Richmond is superintendent of Charles County Public Schools. He has been hailed for his achievements in minority progress. ( Read the article Bracing for an anticipated shortage in principals in the coming years, school officials recently held a workshop for teachers they hope to train for administrative roles. ( Read the article The transcript follows. Editor's Note: Washingtonpost.com moderators retain editorial control over Live Online discussions and choose the most relevant questions for guests and hosts; guests and hosts can decline to answer questions.
RELIGION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS A Joint Statement Of Current Law to announce their meetings, if a school receives federal funds and Religious holidays.Generally, public schools may teach about religious holidays and may http://www.interfaithalliance.org/tiaf/tiafrips.html
RELIGION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS A Joint Statement Of Current Law media to announce their meetings, if a school receives federal funds and Religiousholidays. Generally public schools may teach about religious holidays and may http://www.interfaithalliance.org/tia/rips.html
Vista Federal Credit Union Burbank. Membership is open to the employees of The Walt Disney Company.Category Business Financial Services United States California Union will be closed on the following holidays May 26 could win a scholarship fromVista federal Credit Union of free workshops designed to teach basic through http://www.vistafcu.org/
Worsham College Of Mortuary Science - Students week, the College does not recognize many federal holidays. an annual official calendarof events and holidays at the is delayed or unable to teach the class. http://www.worshamcollege.com/html/students.html
Extractions: The College desires to create and maintain an environment of friendship, equality, and exceptional educational value. As a statement of principles, the College calls attention to its character as a professional institution. In that light, and as a consequence of these principles, gambling, the use of alcoholic beverages or Veterans Benefits controlled substances, and general conduct unbecoming a professional student will not be tolerated. The use before, during, between or possession thereof, any contraband is strictly prohibited. Contraband includes any illegal substance, alcohol, weapons, etc. Infractions of accepted rules of good behavior will receive disciplinary action by the administration. If the violation persists, the actions are repeated, the action is illegal, or of a serious nature, the student is subject to termination from the program. The purpose of scheduling quizzes and examinations is to determine the percentage of material learned by the student. Unless complete honesty and integrity is applied, the true value of academic accomplishment is immeasurable. If an instructor or proctor suspects or has evidence that a student is displaying dishonesty during an examination, the student must forfeit the examination and responses to the instructor or proctor. If the student was in fact displaying dishonesty the student will be dismissed from the College.
Full Time Guest instructors are not obliged to teach. The school will observe all federal,provincial and municipal statute holidays of Canada. http://www.chenzhonghua.com/full_time.htm
New Instructors OTS also doesn't teach on holidays which again offers various 3day In fact, theschool recognizes all federal holidays and ceases instruction around the end http://ots.afoats.af.mil/24th Training Squadron Page Files/24ts/24TRSWebsite/Ins
NIFL-HOMELESS 1996: Family Literacy And The Holidays a very important time to teach critical thinking Homeless family literacy and theholidays ; Previous message Melanie Ayotte Re Guides to federal Resources ; http://www.nifl.gov/nifl-homeless/1996/0232.html
Extractions: Date: Mon Dec 09 1996 - 13:05:53 EST Received: (from news@localhost) by literacy.nifl.gov (8.7.6/8.7.3) id NAA17460 for nifl-homeless@novel.nifl.gov ; Mon, 9 Dec 1996 13:05:56 -0500 (EST) Path: literacy.nifl.gov! nifl-homeless@literacy.nifl.gov HN4061@handsnet.org listproc@literacy.nifl.gov nifl-homeless@literacy.nifl.gov NNTP-Posting-Host: literacy.nifl.gov Originator: nifl-homeless@literacy.nifl.gov Status: RO X-Status: This was posted on the family literacy list serve. For many homeless and low income people holiday time is depressing and overwhelming.Sharon Pitcher has some ideas for turning them into a medium for teaching practical skills such as budgeting and prioritizing. Food for thought... Kate Collignon nifl list moderator hn4061@handsnet.org
Extractions: Home Educational Resource Center Research eligious liberty for all people is one of JCRC's guiding principles. Because history has demonstrated that the inevitable result of a union of government and religion is the destruction of freedom for those who believe differently from the majority, JCRC consistently advocates in support of the separation of church and state. JCRC offers legal assistance, intervention services, speakers and written materials to help public school teachers, administrators, students and parents understand what is and is not an improper intrusion of religion in public schools. JCRC also offers assistance to parents and students who are faced with improper religious activities in school. Religion in Religion in Our Nation's Public Schools he current national debate on religion in public schools highlights the fact that many Americans wrongly believe nearly all religious expression and activities are banned in our nation's public schools. In fact, private religious student expression in the public schools is almost always protected, while any school endorsement of religious expression is always prohibited. School Prayer Organized prayer is not permitted in public schools. The United States Supreme Court has clearly ruled that organized vocal prayer and ceremonial reading from the Bible are unconstitutional practices in the public school classroom. Furthermore, organized prayer is not permitted at student assemblies, athletic activities and special events. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in
Summit At Snoqualmie - Nordic Multi-Week Lessons (Be aware government offices are closed on federal holidays. On weekends andsome holidays there is a state we have about 90 instructors that teach at the http://www.summitatsnoqualmie.com/winter/nordicfaq.html
Extractions: At the Ranger Stations in North Bend or Cle Elum. At the Forest Service Information Center at Summit West (call first to make sure they are available). You can also get them at many sporting goods stores. (Be aware government offices are closed on federal holidays. On weekends and some holidays there is a state park ranger at the John Wayne Trail who will sell you a SnoPark pass. Where can I go sledding at the Pass? We love them, but they are not allowed on the trial system or in the area around the lodge. If you want to ski or snowshoe with your dog there is the nearby Gold Creek SnoPark. You can rent here and ski or snowshoe there. Dogs on SnoPark trails must be on leash. Page Links: Top SnoPark/Sledding/Pets Trails/Huts Lifts ... Lessons
RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Although public schools may teach about religious. holidays, schools may not observeholidays as religious events or generally do not have a federal right to be http://www.ceap.wcu.edu/churley/relig.htm
Extractions: RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student prayer and religious discussion: The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment does not prohibit purely private religious speech by students. Students therefore have the same right to engage in individual or group prayer and religious discussion during the school day as they do to engage in other comparable activity. For example, students may read their Bibles or other scriptures, say grace before meals, and pray before tests to the same extent they may engage in comparable nondisruptive activities. Local school authorities possess substantial discretion to impose rules of order and other pedagogical restrictions on student activities, but they may not structure or administer such rules to discriminate against religious activity or speech. Generally, students may pray in a nondisruptive manner when not engaged in school activities or instruction, and subject to the rules that normally pertain in the applicable setting. Specifically, students in informal settings, such as cafeterias and hallways, may pray and discuss their religious views with each other, subject to the same rules
TimesDispatch.com Letters To The Editor If the state grants all these holidays, it must even gots the shameless audacityto teach the young actions of Abraham Lincoln and the federal government were http://www.timesdispatch.com/editorials/letters/MGBD62RUZAD.html
Religion In The Public Schools. A Joint Statement Of Current Law to announce their meetings, if a school receives federal funds and Religious holidays.14. Generally, public schools may teach about religious holidays and may http://www.holysmoke.org/sdhok/sch12.htm
Extractions: To: Marty Leipzig Marty, I have a brochure that I pounded into a txt file that I save for fundies who whine about how they 'know' of a case of a kid getting sent home for carrying a bible to school, or other such drivel. I think it is appropriate for me to post it to you now. It was put together but a HUGE consortium of organizations for both believers and nonbelievers of every stripe. It is a declaration of what is actually legal now, as we speak, and it speaks strongly to why it is unnecessary for us to get that dreaded Istook Amendment passed. Religion in the Public Schools
Skip's Pages Alternative portrayals of the official federal holidays of the United States NewYear's Day (January 1) Birthday of Martin Cats are intended to teach us that http://members.cruzio.com/~spitzer/contents.html
Extractions: W elcome to my Web pages. Here you can find miscellaneous information about the world, resources for progressive activism, information on current personal projects, fun stuff, and other assorted miscellany. Click on the buttons at left to jump to a section. Links that go to somebody else's site are followed by an arrow ( Feel free to email me with comments, bugs, questions, or whatever else is on your mind. "There is nothing so stupid as an educated man, if you get off the thing that he was educated in." Will Rogers Class
Environmental Education Resource Centers to materials that will enhance your understanding and ability to teach about a 5653300Hours 830 am - 400 pm, Monday - Friday (except federal holidays). http://k12s.phast.umass.edu/~masag/texts/gs108.html
Extractions: There are organizations, in the Boston Area, that have established Library/Resource Centers to aid teachers, students, and parents in their pursuit of teaching and learning tools. Their mission is to help you gain access to materials that will enhance your understanding and ability to teach about a given subject. Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University Jamaica Plain, Ma. 02130-3519 Teacher Resource Collection: 524-1718, x 163 (to set-up an appointment to review the collection or to receive a catalogue) Hours: Teacher Resource Collection is available for review and loan from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday at the Hunnewell Building which is located at the Arboretum's main entrance which is off the Arborway (Route 203). Teacher resource materials include a collection of science related books and curriculum (including the LEarning About Plants, or LEAP curriculum) selected to support the Field Study Experiences held at the Arboretum and to provide additional plant-related resources for teachers. Also included are magazines, films, and videos. Up to ten items may be borrowed for a 3 week period with a $10.00 returnable deposit required. EPA Region 1 Library
Lufkin ISD Teacher Links com. MerriamWebster Online, bigchalk.com. Surf the Net with Kids, teach-nology.com.CEO Scavenger Hunt. federal holidays WebQuest, Texas WebQuest. http://www.lufkinisd.org/instruct/loc_links/l_teach.html
HELLO Online html State This site deals with all federal and state on famous Americans with whomsome holidays are connected teachNology http//www.teach-nology.com/teachers http://www.hello-online.ru/content.php?contid=750