Court Overview AN OVERVIEW OF THE court COMPONENT IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE The American court System is a popular topic. are two basic facts about state court systems (1) no two states are completely alike; creating specialized, speedy "drug courts " domestic violence "night courts " and teen courts.
Extractions: AN OVERVIEW OF THE COURT COMPONENT IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE At a basic level, courts are places where people bring disputes to be settled by law. In order for court systems to have legitimacy, they must responsibly exercise their governmental powers and obligations, for which there are many: the seizure of property and persons; the determination of legal family status; enforcement of economic obligations; protection of the average person from arbitrary governmental interference; and putting a non-bureaucratic face on justice. Among the population, courts must have unquestioned, widespread support, and to accomplish this, courts must be fair and impartial, granting each person equal access to an equal chance of presenting their case with an equal chance of success. Courts should be places of awe and majesty, resulting in at least the appearance of justice (Rubin 1976). Whether or not justice is actually done usually depends upon who wins and who loses. Courts may be primary examples of justice as a sporting event or morality play, but they are also places where you need professionals. Every year in the U.S., at least 30,000 new binding decisions are made in the court systems, and this in addition to more than 18,000,000 published decisions make up the body of
Teen Court Research Continued in practical operation. teen Oil Vs Watered court systems (March 1973)Weaver, RD teen Crime Reports 3, 1). teenagers have a success
Extractions: Teen Court Research 2 Continued then in that the training will help you get a better job or position than those without the education. It does not necessarily guarantee a better entry job, however, the better the informal education , the higher you may go within a particular field. Of great importance today is job-related education. Teens that do not know how to properly apply for positions, fill out job applications, and conduct themselves properly during a job interview can still lose positions to others less qualified. A job-related education can be a great deterrent to juvenile crime, as the old saying goes, "idle hands...". It is extremely important that job-related education programs be provided in school settings or in special programs provided to juvenile offenders. Teen Court programs that make use of a job-related education program will find that the teenagers in question will have a better opportunity to turn their lives around. Teen Education, Jobs, and Crime, (October 72) Weaver, R. D. Teen Crime Reports 10, 1 Teenagers that cause problems in schools for other students are numbered in small quantities. It's true that at times one or two students can influence entire classes to misbehave or carry out actions that border on being troublesome. It is equally true, however, that the entire class can also influence the two with their actions.
Teen Court Research 3 Continued Cases adjudicated by District teen courts have an extremely higher rate of successthan other probationary programs used by the regular court systems.
Extractions: Teen Court Research 3 Continued stay up past their bed time. Small children in the primary grades need 10-12 hours of sleep and failing to get it can easily be noticed on their grade level. As the children get older, however, the effects are harder to notice particularly in high school teenagers. The effects are still there, however, and they can lead to many problems. Often times schools are then blamed for the children's lack of learning when in reality it's the parent's fault. There are other factors that parents are responsible for. Do they love and care for their children and show the emotions in a way the children can understand. Do they yell and get after them the night before school day or in the morning on the way to school. Do parents argue in front of children. Do they blame the children for the parent's problems. Do they teach the children discipline and respect, not only for the school system, but society in general. Do they give the children the same respect they demand for themselves. No, parents aren't entirely to blame for students that fail to do well or that get into trouble. They are, however, part of the problem as is the school system, and poorly operated judicial court systems. No one individual or system need point the finger of blame on anyone else without first looking into their own house.
Opinion-Teen Court teen courts can be very valuable tools in communities when provided the opportunity to maximize their potential. They are highly effective and save the taxpayers and court systems
Extractions: 941/955-TEEN or 941/951-4278 A few months ago, I heard about TEEN COURT. I recently read the description on the DJJ website. This was never offered to my son, although it appears he should have been considered for this over a year ago. His original charge in March 2000 (at age 15) was battery; then truancy then he dropped out of school at age 16 (honors student!) without parental consent or signature; then marijuana possession. We have been swimming in the slime of the system for over a year now. My frustration, as well as being enlightened by the frustration of many other parents, is what led me to start a website: . My goal is to help guide other parents through the tangled web of juvenile "justice"; to figure out resources that actually work, not just resources that "exist". Who gets recommended for teen court? What is the referral process? The [Teen Court] website states: Referrals come from various sources, depending on the individual Teen Court program. They can include:
Opinion-Teen Court teen courts can be very valuable tools in communities when provided the opportunity Theyare highly effective and save the taxpayers and court systems a great
Extractions: 941/955-TEEN or 941/951-4278 A few months ago, I heard about TEEN COURT. I recently read the description on the DJJ website. This was never offered to my son, although it appears he should have been considered for this over a year ago. His original charge in March 2000 (at age 15) was battery; then truancy then he dropped out of school at age 16 (honors student!) without parental consent or signature; then marijuana possession. We have been swimming in the slime of the system for over a year now. My frustration, as well as being enlightened by the frustration of many other parents, is what led me to start a website: . My goal is to help guide other parents through the tangled web of juvenile "justice"; to figure out resources that actually work, not just resources that "exist". Who gets recommended for teen court? What is the referral process? The [Teen Court] website states: Referrals come from various sources, depending on the individual Teen Court program. They can include:
Teen Court Of Chaves County Inc teen court of Chaves County Inc. Laptop purchase Approval for purchase of a laptop computer for $1650.00 from Computer systems and Software was received.
Extractions: April 22, 1999 (Dexter) ... Financial report Teen Court Activity Teen Court was held for the first time in Dexter, on April 22, 1999. Three (3) of the four (4) traffic citations were referred from Dexter Municipal Court were heard. The 4 th case was heard in Roswell, on April 20 th . Demographics and dispositions on the Dexter cases will be described on page 2. Twelve cases were referred to Teen Court in April ( in Roswell), Three of these cases were referred back to the JPPO as follows: April 6, 1999 (Roswell)
S4T-Specialty Schools Referral Service - Defiant Teen students is maintained, this is one of the private specialty schools for the worstyouthful offenders used by the court systems. If you have a teen in trouble
Juvenile Court Taking Teen's Riot Case Tuesday, July 10, 2001. Juvenile court taking teen's riot case U.S. Jets Bomb Iraqi Missile systems
Extractions: /* You may give each page an identifying name, server, and channel on the next lines. */ var pageName="" var server="" var channel="" var pageType="" var pageValue="" var prop1="" var prop2="" var prop3="" var prop4="" var prop5="" var prop6="news" var prop7="" var prop8="" var prop9="" var prop10="" /********* INSERT THE DOMAIN AND PATH TO YOUR CODE BELOW ************/ /********** DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING ELSE BELOW THIS LINE! *************/ var s_code=' ' var zflag_nid="215"; var zflag_cid="74/2"; var zflag_width="120"; var zflag_height="90"; var zflag_sz="3"; The Cincinnati Enquirer A Hamilton County judge Monday ruled that a 15-year-old accused of ethnic intimidation during the April riots will be tried as a juvenile. The boy was caught on videotape April 10 damaging and looting hot dog carts and helping to attack a white Louisville truck driver who was delivering safety glass to a business in Over-the-Rhine, police said. Prosecutor Mike Allen said he was disappointed.
Teen Court Is In Session the American justice and legal systems. Most of the. youth who serve as teen court volunteers have never been involved
Site Directory Family court. Information systems. 10/20/02, Daviess County Drug court Graduationheld. 10/30/02, Fayette County students to become certified members of teen court.
Extractions: Ms. Zehner is the Director of Bay County Teen Court in Panama City, Florida. Teen Court augments traditional juvenile courts by providing a forum for first-time youthful offenders to be judged by their peers. Newspaper headlines and television broadcasts have chronicled the ominously sharp rise in juvenile crime that occurred during the past several years. While everyone agrees that rising levels of juvenile crime represent a serious threat to the quality of life in communities around the country, little consensus exists regarding the best way to respond to this profound problem. The debate, no doubt, will continue for years to come. However, some promising programs already have proven effective in curtailing youth crime. Among these is Teen Court, a program that uses the undeniable power of peer pressure as a positive, rather than negative, force to help convince youthful troublemakers that crime yields serious consequences. Teen Court also provides law enforcement agen- cies a unique opportunity to help guide at-risk youths away from crime at a time when they are particularly impressionable. In states where Teen Court is in place, youths who complete the program re-offend at a much lower rate than do youths tried and sentenced in juvenile courts.1 The program also represents a cost-effective alternative to traditional court processing because Teen Court relies largely on volunteers. While Teen Court is not designed to replace municipal juvenile courts, it does offer a highly structured and effective means to guide some youths away from trouble by showing them that criminal activity has both immediate and long-term consequences.
TCAP - Targeted Community Action Planning NCCD has been a leader in juvenile justice issues, helping many States organize theirfirst juvenile court systems. teen courts (OJJDP Publications) teen courts
Extractions: A goal of comprehensive strategic planning is to promote a seamless continuum of services for children, youth, and families that is capable of providing the right resources to children and families at the appropriate time. The resources listed here direct users to information relating to each of the following categories: Prevention This Web site presents findings from three coordinated longitudinal studies (in Denver, CO; Pittsburgh, PA; and Rochester, NY), supported by the OJJDP Causes and Correlates of Delinquency program, that investigated the causes and consequences of adolescent delinquency and drug use. Resource materials on the Web site include highlights of findings and bibliographies for each project and links to related publications. Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Program
September Is Teen Court Month teens at teen court, and 68 percent to 93 percent teen courts fit into an overriding system of restorative. justice. Under systems of restorative justice, the
OJJDP Publications - Courts Empowerment An Implementation Guide for teen court Programs Contents. teen courtsin the United States A Welfare and Juvenile Justice systems Adobe Acrobat
Extractions: A Framework for Juvenile Justice in the 21st Century Adobe Acrobat File Balanced and Restorative Justice Project (BARJ) ASCII Text File and Adobe Acrobat File Developing and Administering Accountability-Based Sanctions for Juveniles Adobe Acrobat File and HTML File and Summary/Bibliography Focus on Accountability: Best Practices for Juvenile Court and Probation Adobe Acrobat File and HTML File and Summary/Bibliography Guide for Implementing the Balanced and Restorative Justice Model Adobe Acrobat File and HTML File and Summary/Bibliography RESTTA National Directory of Restitution and Community A Voice for Abused and Neglected Children in Court ASCII Text File and Adobe Acrobat File Due Process Advocacy ASCII Text File and Adobe Acrobat File Model Courts Serve Abused and Neglected Children ASCII Text File and Adobe Acrobat File and Summary/Bibliography Resource Guidelines: Improving Court Practice in Child Abuse
The Family And Community Trust: Partners In Change The teen Link is youth driven. The Drug court Program provides counselorsand group sessions to help troubled teens in the court systems.
Extractions: The partnership in Mississippi County has implemented several different strategies to help lower the juvenile delinquency and habitual delinquency problems in the county. Fatal Vision goggles have been used in school systems and youth programs to address the problems associated with substance abuse. The East Prairie School Resource Officer -conducts classes on a daily basis for the entire school system. Children and P.O.W.E.R. (Children and Police Officers Working to Enhance Relationships) conducts classes that are ongoing Violence Prevention/Character Education Program classes. The local police department will provide a patrol officer to address the students. Teen Link a support group for youth ages 7th 12th grade has mentoring meetings that address substance abuse, teen pregnancy and violent behavior. The Teen Link is youth driven. - Another Case Of Poor Court Systems In America! Another Case Of Poor court systems In America a good friend of Dustin's in the carat the time) said she felt two bumps as Dustin ran his precious teen body over
Extractions: Let me start with the background of the story. A small Texas town known for it's High School Football team. A normal High School of course. It has it's jocks, it has it's "freaks" (as you all like to call them). It started with the usual game of jocks pick on freaks for being "different" as you all like to say they are! Well of course not one person in the school system, not one steps forward to stop this baby game as usual in ANY school system (as seen in the Colorado shootings!) It was a cold December Saturday night. The usual hang out places were filled with people. The jocks and "Freaks" (notice the quotes!" met face to face yet again. And what occurs could have been stopped if you sick and twisted people stop being so damn closed minded and leave those "Freaks" (notice the quotes) alone! The arguing started in the local Ihop. Management kicked them out and said take it outside. Someone called 911 to alert them of a fight about to break out. What happened next is just a total shame and humiliating and sad for America. Child against child in a parking lot. Precious life against precious life! What are we fighting for? Brian (one of the freaks) after getting beat on by several jocks at once got to his feet and began to walk away. Meanwhile Dustin (local jock) got in his car to leave. Before he did he drove his car through the crowds swirving at "freaks" and finally drove to leave. Then he made a decision. He turned his car around and aimed right for Brian. Witnesses said he sped in a straight line at Brian as he ran to get away. Elise (a good friend of Dustin's in the car at the time) said she felt two bumps as Dustin ran his precious teen body over. Cold blooded murder took place. Dustin is quoted by Elise as saying the following: "I am a Ninja in my caddy. I bet he liked that." What a sick child!
Florida Civic Ed has one of the most modern court systems in the Provides detailed information aboutFlorida's court system. Florida teen court Learn more about the teen court
Extractions: (requires RealPlayer) Judicial power is the authority of a judge to decide according to the law conflicts brought before the court (Morris and Morris 1999). Courts do not look for conflicts and controversies but wait until they are brought before them. Governments, governmental ag encies, businesses, corporations, groups and organizations, and individuals may all brin g cases to the courts. Florid a has one of the most modern court systems in the nation. A constitutional revision approved by voters in 1972 eliminated 14 different types of courts authorized by the 1885 Constitution. The court system was streamlined to include two trial courts (county courts and circuit courts) and two appellate courts (district courts of appeal and the Florida Supreme Court). Florida's Court System Appellate Courts Supreme Court
Management Information Systems, Gila County Superior Court CASA Program teen court Justice court Magistrate court Judiciary Popular Destinations GilaCounty Superior court Management of Information systems.
Extractions: Arizona Superior Court Gila County Superior Court Judiciary Court Administration Clerk of Court Probation Dept. Mgmt. Information Sys. CASA Program Teen Court Justice Court Magistrate Court Judiciary Popular Destinations Court Calendar Juror Information Maps and Parking Forms ... Gila County Info Related Agencies Arizona Judicial Branch Gila County AZ Online Highways State of Arizona Gila County Superior Court
Teen Hacker 'Mafiaboy' Pleads Guilty To 55 Charges - 1995 for cracking corporate and university systems and for The court also barred Mitnickfrom accessing computer it's possible that the Canadian teenager may,1199,NAV47_STO56555,00.html
Florida Takes Teen Smokers To Court [07/20/98] smoking citations to create the state's first teen Smoking court. Other countiesare setting up their own systems and are expected to use the court here as a
Extractions: Florida Takes Teen Smokers to Court [07/20-6] Excerpts from FLORIDA GIVES TEEN-AGE SMOKERS A DAY IN COURT By MIREYA NAVARRO, New York Times [07/20/98] Once a month for a couple of hours, Judge Steven Shutter of Broward County clears his courtroom of lawyers and defendants to make room for restless teen-agers and their inconvenienced parents for what is known as Teen Smoking Court. The judge sometimes has to order quiet more than once, and sometimes he even removes a few people to emphasize his point, but the crowd recoils into silence on its own when Earl Mogk stands up to talk about his larynx cancer, the product, he said, of 40 years of smoking. "When I was your age, there was nobody out there to tell me about the dangers of smoking," Mogk, 60, said at a recent court session, talking through an electronic device he has used since his larynx, or voice box, and vocal cords were surgically removed. "The reason I'm here today is for a reality check." In Florida's fight against teen-age smoking, Shutter's courtroom in Plantation, a suburb just west of Fort Lauderdale, is a new weapon that combines education, health warnings and parental nagging with the weight of the law. The Teen Smoking Court is part of a large-scale campaign against underage smoking that the state is financing with $200 million of the $11.3 billion settlement it reached with tobacco companies last year after suing to recover Medicaid payments for smoking-related illnesses.