Comoros Islands -- Culture Overview comoros islands culture Overview. The Comoro islands comprises a small archipelagoof islands located north of Madagascar off the coast of East Africa.
Extractions: Comoros Islands - Culture Overview The Comoro Islands comprises a small archipelago of islands located north of Madagascar off the coast of East Africa. These islands have long been important to the trading networks of the Indian Ocean, maintaining contact with the African mainland, Arabia, and Asia from the 10th century on. Though Islam provided cultural continuity to the Comoro Islanders, rival sultanates on each island obstructed political unity. Since the 19th century local leaders have often appealed to European, and especially French, outsiders to help with internal questions. This practice aided the French in assuming control of the islands during the late 19th century, but the role of outsiders has continued to be a matter of dissension since independence. For many Comoro Islanders, different cultural traditions contribute more to secession movements than to national unity. The Comoros were originally settled by Malaysian and Polynesian peoples. From the 10th to the 15th centuries, Africans, Arabs, and Shirazian peoples from the Persian Gulf arrived in great numbers, and it is from these peoples that the current population is descended. During this same period the influence of Islam spread through the islands, and Sunni Muslims make up the vast majority of Comorans, except for on the island of Mayotte (Mahore), which is a French dependency where Roman Catholicism has many followers. The population also includes important Indian, Malagasy, and European minorities. The official languages are French and Arabic, though most people in their daily life speak Comoran, a language very similar to Swahili with the addition of many loan words from around the Indian Ocean.
Links To Comoros - Government History Politics Culture - Comores Komoren Comoro Links to comoros related web Sites politics economy governement culture and more a web site related to comoros - Comores Komoren Comoro CĂ´moros Comore. Recommend it! Internet Press. The comoros islands. Early history. comoros islands. Passport and Visa Services
Extractions: Recommend it! More Sites related to Comoros? Search on ARAB! Comoros. Economy. Defense. Government. People. Internet Press The Comoros Islands. Early history. Comoros ArabNet People, Government, Economy, Transportation Comoros ABC Interactive Factbook The Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros Martin Ottenheimer, Comoros Health and Education data of Comoros SESRTCIC InfoBase Comoros Islands. Passport and Visa Services Travel Document Systems Comoros Territorial Integrity Africa News online General Info about Comoros Columbus Travel Guides Comoros - Business and Industry Global Chamber of Commerce, Comoros Comoros - Summary Profile Travel Health Online Basic Info on Comoros Mayotte in the Comoros Comments or suggestions? E-mail
Comores (The Comoros Islands) coast the islands are steeped in rich history and culture imported centuries Theseislands are also known as the fantasy islands, comoros islands have all the
Extractions: Situated off the East African coast the islands are steeped in rich history and culture imported centuries ago by Arab, Portugese and French traders. Today visitors can re-discover the ancient mosques, volcanic lakes and white beaches, not to mention the colourful coral reefs and superb scuba diving. These islands are also known as the fantasy islands, Comoros islands have all the ingredients to generate fantasy: an incredible history with pirates, sultans, kings and queens, all this mixed with tropical weather, incredible white sandy beaches and extraordinary flora and fauna. Note: if travelling to Comoros we recommend that you check the Official web site for the UK Government Foreign Office for details on the country before departing. They can be found online at
Lonely Planet World Guide | Destination Comoros & Mayotte | Introduction Facts for travellers, attractions, events, culture, and history.Category Regional Africa Mayottecomoros Mayotte The comoros islands are wrapped in a fragrant blend ofylangylang oil, Arabic aesthetics, African warmth and French chic.
Extractions: The Comoros islands are wrapped in a fragrant blend of ylang-ylang oil, Arabic aesthetics, African warmth and French chic. There are cobblestoned medinas with higgledy-piggledy lanes and old world charm; ports bristling with white sailed dhows; tropical moons rising over white beaches; the sun setting over the ocean in a riot of reds and oranges; and a colourful history of sultans and soothsayers, plantantion owners and eloping princesses. But despite all these charms Comoros and Mayotte remain the least frequented and least travelled of all the islands in the region. This may have something to do with the islands' reputation as a backwater, or it just might have something to do with the political coups, civilian riots and seccessionist plots that come and go with seasonal punctuality. Not for nothing has Comoros been nicknamed Coup-Coup Land. Full country names: Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros; Territorial Collectivity of Mayotte
TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents - Comoros Islands comoros islands. culture. The comoros islands are wrapped in a fragrant blendof ylangylang oil, Arabic aesthetics, African warmth and French chic.
Extractions: Comoros Islands The Comoros islands are wrapped in a fragrant blend of ylang-ylang oil, Arabic aesthetics, African warmth and French chic. There are cobblestoned medinas with higgledy-piggledy lanes and old world charm; ports bristling with white sailed dhows; tropical moons rising over white beaches; the sun setting over the ocean in a riot of reds and oranges; and a colourful history of sultans and soothsayers, plantantion owners and eloping princesses. But despite all these charms Comoros and Mayotte remain the least frequented and least travelled of all the islands in the region. This may have something to do with the islands' reputation as a backwater, or it just might have something to do with the political coups, civilian riots and seccessionist plots that come and go with seasonal punctuality. Not for nothing has Comoros been nicknamed Coup-Coup Land.
TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents - Comoros Islands comoros islands. Although Arab culture is firmly established throughout the archipelago,a substantial minority of the citizens of Mayotte (the Mahorais) are
Extractions: Comoros Islands The Comoros islands are wrapped in a fragrant blend of ylang-ylang oil, Arabic aesthetics, African warmth and French chic. There are cobblestoned medinas with higgledy-piggledy lanes and old world charm; ports bristling with white sailed dhows; tropical moons rising over white beaches; the sun setting over the ocean in a riot of reds and oranges; and a colourful history of sultans and soothsayers, plantantion owners and eloping princesses. But despite all these charms Comoros and Mayotte remain the least frequented and least travelled of all the islands in the region. This may have something to do with the islands' reputation as a backwater, or it just might have something to do with the political coups, civilian riots and seccessionist plots that come and go with seasonal punctuality. Not for nothing has Comoros been nicknamed Coup-Coup Land.
COMOROS Visa Application - Tourist Visas, Business Visas, Expedited Visas - COMO TRAVEL DOCUMENT SYSTEMS; A Washington DC Passport and Visa Service, with online Visa Applications for many countries. About The comoros islands and Its People People - Geography - History. culture - Economy - Government - Comoros Toursim Guide A toursim guide discover comoros, history, geography, traditions,culture, art comoros/TOURISM comoros The Comoro islands` Home Page.
The Country & People Of Comoros A brief history and links.Category Regional Africa comoros and the Comoro islands . Mother Jones Dynamite fishing, coral mining, and farmrunoff take a toll About comoros * Business * culture * Education * History
IWon - Travel Guide - History & Culture that the earliest inhabitants of the islands were journeymen but traces of this originalAsian culture have blended royal clans, who appeared in comoros in the,20310,Africa-376,00.html
Extractions: History It is thought that the earliest inhabitants of the islands were journeymen from Indonesia-Polynesia, but traces of this original Asian culture have blended seamlessly into successive waves of African, Arab and Shirazi immigrants. The most notable of these early immigrants were the Shirazi Arab royal clans, who appeared in Comoros in the 15th and 16th centuries, and stayed to build mosques, set up royal house, and introduce architecture and carpentry. In 1529 the French Parmentier brothers popped in for a visit, but the first reliable European accounts of this part of the world came from the Portuguese explorers, Diego Dias and Ferdinand Soares. The Portuguese failed to capitalise on being the first to reach the islands, and for the next century or two the islands were used only as a pit stop during voyages up and down the coast of East Africa. In fact, up until the middle of the 19th century, it was not European explorers but pirates from Madagascar that caused the biggest headaches. During this time the number of sultans mushroomed at an alarming rate and at one stage there were no fewer than 12 sultans on the island of Grande Comore alone. This is one sultan per 100sq km (39 sq mi), or, put another way, three squabbling sultans per New York City, which, in anybody's language, is two sultans too many. From the 15th century to the middle of the 19th, the power brokers happily played musical sultanates between themselves until the French turned their attention to the Comoros islands in the middle of the 19th century. The French finally acquired the islands through a cunning mixture of strategies, including the divide and conquer ploy, chequebook politics, and a serendipitous affair between a sultana and a French trader that was turned to good use. Comoros history from this era reads like a cross between a Walt Disney animated film, a Merchant Ivory production, and a Shakespearean tragedy. Through all the ups and downs, the French kept an iron grip on the islands, quelling peasant unrest and the occasional uprising.
IWon - Travel Guide - Getting There, Getting Around All four islands are connected by a network of shipping routes, and catching boatsand ferries is 3 , Destination comoros Mayotte. 3 , History culture.,20310,Africa-376,00.html
Extractions: Getting There Flights direct from Europe, non-European cities and other islands in the area, although few and far between, land at either Moroni, on Grande Comore island, or Mayotte. Strictly speaking, Mayotte is not a part of the Comoros islands and it should be noted that although Mayotte is geographically close to the other Comoros islands, its political and social distance makes it difficult to use as a jumping off point to the other islands. You can sometimes get a berth on ships sailing from mainland Africa to Madagascar, and they'll drop you off at either Grande Comore or Anjouan on the way. This method requires diligence and patience, as there are no ready-made systems to handle foreigners from the mainland traveling to Comoros by sea. Getting Around The airport at Moroni, Hahaya, is 19km (12mi) north of the city center. After paying for your on-the-spot visa you can get to the city center by taxi, although a lack of money-changing facilities at the airport means the fares rocket into the upper stratosphere. Planes flying into Mayotte land at Petite Terre (Pamandzi), and getting to the mainland of Grand Terre requires catching a share taxi to the ferry terminal at Dzaoudzi, and then catching another taxi, or walking, to your hotel, at the other end. There are no money changing facilities at Pamandzi airport either, so fly in with French francs already in your pocket.
Teaching Jobs and culture (3). Web Sites in Category Society and culture. Ethnologuecomoros islands Languages of comoros islands. Part of Ethnologue