Citation Keith H. Randall, The implementation of the cilk5 multithreaded language, Proceedingsof the ACM SIGPLAN '98 conference on programming language design and
Programming Language Semantics Seminar 1998-99 Keith H. Randall, The Implementation of the cilk5 Multithreaded Language. Proceedingsof the ACM SIGPLAN '98 Conference on programming Language Design and
Extractions: Current schedule Wednesday, 7 June 1999 (10 o'clock until noon, in 206 Egan) Galen Williamson will continue his presentation of Jonathan Sobel, Erik Hilsdale, R. Kent Dybvig, and Daniel P. Friedman, Abstraction and Performance from Explicit Monadic Reflection. Wednesday, 26 May 1999 (10 o'clock until noon, in 206 Egan) Galen Williamson will present Jonathan Sobel, Erik Hilsdale, R. Kent Dybvig, and Daniel P. Friedman, Abstraction and Performance from Explicit Monadic Reflection. Abstract: Much of the monadic programming literature gets the types right but the abstraction wrong. Using monadic parsing as the motivating example, we demonstrate standard monadic programs in Scheme, recognize how they violate abstraction boundaries, and recover clean abstraction crossings through monadic reflection. Once monadic reflection is made explicit, it is possible to construct a grammar for monadic programming. This grammar, in turn, enables the redefinition of the monadic operators as macros that eliminate at expansion time the overhead imposed by functional representations. The result is very efficient monadic programs; for parsing, the output code is competitive with good handcrafted parsers.
OpenMP Parallel programming in OpenMP Rohit Chandra, Ramesh Menon, Leo Dagum, David Kohr,Dror Maydan, Jeff McDonald Morgan KAI Nested Parallelism examples cilk. Monday June 8 Session 1 Teaching (1) 830 Teaching Parallel AlgorithmsUsing the cilk Multithreaded programming Language. CE Leiserson.
Extractions: Schedule (Note that the papers appear in your packets sorted alphabetically by the first author.) The format of the sessions will be a twenty-minute talk including only one or two minutes of questions. At the end of each session we will have a half hour for discussion. Monday June 8: Session 1: Teaching (1) 8:30 Teaching Parallel Algorithms Using the Cilk Multithreaded Programming Language. C.E. Leiserson. (Only 10 minutes for discussion) Session 2: Implementation I (2) 9:00 The Implementation of the Cilk-5 Multithreaded Language. K. Randall. (3) 9:20 Thread Scheduling for Multiprogrammed Multiprocessors. R.D. Blumofe. (4) 9:40 A Nonblocking Cilk Implementation. P. Lisiecki. 10:00 Discussion 10:30 Break Session 3: Performance (5) 11:00 Predicting Price/Performance Trade-offs for Whitney: A Commodity Computing Cluster. J.C. Becker, B. Nitzberg, R.F. Van Der Wijngaart, M. Yarrow, C. Kuszmaul. (6) 11:20 A Comparison of Multithreading Implementations. S.R. Taylor. (7) 11:40 Exploitation of Multithreading to Improve Program Performance. W.E. Cohen, N. Yalamanchilli, R. Tewari, C. Patel, and T. Kazi. 12:00 Discussion 12:30-2:00 Lunch (provided at the Peabody) Session 4: Applications (8) 2:00 Construction of a Multithreaded Chess Program. D. Dailey. (9) 2:20 Nops: A Conservative Parallel Simulation Engine for TeD. Poplawski, and Nicol. (10) 2:40 Using Multithreading for the Automatic Load Balancing of 2D Adaptive Finite Element Meshes. G. Heber, R. Biswas, P. Thulasiraman, and G.R. Gao. (11) 3:00 Applying Multi-threaded Programming to the Simulation of Virus Shell Self-Assembly. R. Schwartz, and B. Berger. 3:20 Discussion 3:50 Break Session 5: Memory (12) 4:20 Computation-Centric Memory Models. M. Frigo. (13) 4:40 Space Efficient Execution of Deterministic Parallel Programs. D.J. Simpson, and F.W. Burton. 5:00 Discussion 6:00-10:00 Dinner (provided at the peabody) Tuesday June 9: Session 6: Implementation II (1) 8:30 Communications-Efficient Multithreading on Limited-Bandwidth Networks. M.S. Bernstein, and B.C. Kuszmaul. (2) 8:50 Indolent Closure Creation. V. Strumpen. (3) 9:10 Scheduling Adaptively Parallel Jobs. B. Song. 9:30 Discussion 10:00 Break Session 7: Multithreaded Programming Systems (4) 10:30 Space-Efficient scheduling of Nested Parallelism. Narlikar. (5) 10:50 A Compiler for pH An Implicitly Parallel, Multithreaded Haskell. A. Caro, and J.W. Maessen. (6) 11:10 Speculative Processing Using Active Objects. C.-K. Yuen, and M. Feng. (7) 11:30 Athapascan-1: Parallel Programming with Asynchronous Tasks. G.G.H. Cavalheiro, F. Galilee, and J.-L. Roch. (8) 11:50 Stampede - A Programming System for Emerging Scalable Interactive Multimedia Applications. R.S. Nikhil, U. Ramachandran, J. Rehg, R.H. Halstead, C.F. Joerg, and L. Kontothanassis. 12:10 Discussion 12:40-2:10 Lunch Session 8: Debugging (9) 2:10 Efficient Detection of Determinacy Races in Cilk Programs. M. Feng, and C.E. Leiserson. (10) 2:30 Detecting Data Races in Cilk Programs that Use Locks. G.-I. Cheng, C. E. Leiserson, K. Randall, A. Stark, and M. Feng. 2:50 Discussion 3:20 Break Session 9: Compilers (11) 3:50 Design of a Restructuring Compiler for Contemporary Languages and Architectures. L. Harrison. (12) 4:10 A Compiler Technique for Speculative Execution for Alternative Program Paths Targeting Multithreaded Architectures. A. Unger, T. Ungerer, and E. Zehendner. (13) 4:30 Compiling for Multithreaded Architectures. X. Tang. 4:50 Discussion 5:20 EOW (End of Workshop)
Bradley C. Kuszmaul chess programs (StarTech and *Socrates.) I participated at MIT in the cilk developmentproject, which provides an algorithmic multithreaded programming system.
Extractions: As of August 2002, I am a Research Scientist in the Supercomputing Technologies Group at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. My new home page can be found at Before that I was currently Senior Research Scientist at Akamai Technologies . I was also affiliated with the the Computer Architecture and Engineering Group at the Yale University Department of Computer Science and the Yale University Department of Electrical Engineering My research applies algorithm design to solve systems problems in high-performance computing. I was one of the principal architects of the Connection Machine CM-5, and am the co-author of two world-class computer chess programs (StarTech and *Socrates .) I participated at MIT in the Cilk development project, which provides an algorithmic multithreaded programming system. As an assistant professor at Yale I worked on the Ultrascalar Project , in which we improved the theoretical bounds for how fast a superscalar processor's clock can run, as a function of the window size or the issue width. We also had an 8-issue out-of-order processor fabricated in a 0.18 micron copper/low-K VLSI process. Recently we have been working on developing the mechanisms for a speculative dataflow processor. I taught CS 422, Operating Systems
Clemens Grelck's Virtual Bookshelf oriented C++ Java Smalltalk Parallel BSP C* Cid cilk Erlang FortranD Packages TheoryArray Theory Category Theory Data Parallel programming LAMBDACalculus
Computer Chess / Chess Engines (Winboard) & Chess Programming Info [Chessopolis 45 links to information on computer chess programming (bottom section of this web page)Category Games Board Games Chess Software programming for learning chess programming. Bestia Betsy Blikskottel Chenard Older programwith own interface. Chessterfield - Neural-network based. Cilian cilk Project
Dr. Clemens Grelck's Virtual Bookshelf C++ Java Smalltalk Parallel BSP C* Cid cilk Erlang FortranD Array Theory CategoryTheory Data Parallel programmingObject Oriented programming LAMBDACalculus
4.4 Parallel Decomposition The FJTask framework internally relies on a workstealing task schedulerbased on the one in cilk, a C-based parallel programming framework.
Cilk: A Multithreaded Programming Language cilk A Multithreaded programming Language. Overview. So here we introducea language which is designed for multithreaded programmingcilk.
Extractions: Cilk: A Multithreaded Programming Language Overview To do multithreaded programming, first of all, we need a language. So here we introduce a language which is designed for multithreaded programming-Cilk. Cilk is algorithmic multithreaded language. The philosophy behind Cilk is that a programmer s hould concentrate on structuring the program to expose parallelism and exploit locality, leaving the runtime system with the responsibility of scheduling the computation to run efficiently on a given platform. Thus the Cilk runtime system takes care of th e details like load balancing, paging and communication protocols. Unlike other multithreaded languages, however, Cilk is algorithmic in that the runtime system guarantees the efficient and predictable performance. The Cilk Language The basic Cilk language is extremely simple. It consists of C with the addition of 3 keywords to indicate the parallelism and synchronization. A Cilk program, when run on one processor, has the same semantics as the C program results when th e Cilk keywords are deleted. We call this C program the serial elison or C elison of the Cilk program. Cilk extends the semantics C in a natural way for parallel execution. In the following part, we will assume that our readers know C already. One of the simplest examples of Cilk program is a recursive program to compute the nth Fibonacci number. A C program to do this is shown in Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b) shows Project Info - Cilk Operating System POSIX; programming Language C; Topic Software Development, SymmetricMultiprocessing. Project UNIX name cilk Registered 2000-05-27 0626
Extractions: OSDN: Our Network DevChannel Newsletters ... Shop SEARCH: Slashdot All OSDN Sites freshmeat DevChannel LinuxGram NewsForge OSDN PriceCompare Slashcode My Favorites Home Foundries Clustering Distributed Computing Linux on Large Systems my software map foundries about ...
Extractions: 1st IEEE Computer Society International Workshop on Cluster Computing December 02 - 03, 1999 Melbourne, Australia p. 43 Evaluation of the Performance of Multithreaded Cilk Runtime System on SMP Clusters Liang Peng, Mingdong Feng, Chung-Kwong Yuen National University of Singapore ... cluster computing, multithreading, performance evaluation. The full text of iwcc is available to members of the IEEE Computer Society who have an online subscription and an web account
Performance Analysis Of A Multithreaded Pricing Algorithm On Cilk we develop a multithreaded algorithm for pricing simple options and implement iton a 8 node SMP machine using MITs supercomputer programming language cilk.
Extractions: 16th Annual International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications June 16 - 19, 2002 Moncton, NB, Canada p. 251 Performance Analysis of a Multithreaded Pricing Algorithm on Cilk Ruppa K. Thulasiram, Parimala Thulasiraman, Chima Adiele, Dmitri Bondarenko ... In this paper, we develop a multithreaded algorithm for pricing simple options and implement it on a 8 node SMP machine using MITs supercomputer programming language Cilk. The algorithm dynamically creates lots of threads to exploit parallelism and relies on the Cilk runtime system to distribute the computation load. We present both analytical and experimental results and our results explain how Cilk could be used effectively to exploit parallelism in the given problem. The analytical results show that our algorithm has a very high average parallelism and hence Cilk is the target paradigm to implement the algorithm. We conclude from our implementation results that the size of the threads, the number of threads created, the load balancer, the cost of spawning a thread are parameters that must be considered while designing the algorithm on the Cilk platform. The full text of hpcs is available to members of the IEEE Computer Society who have an online subscription and an web account
Cilk FAQ - Section 1 cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. cilkis designed for generalpurpose parallel programming, but it is especially
Extractions: Introduction and General Information Cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. Cilk is designed for general-purpose parallel programming, but it is especially effective for exploiting dynamic, highly asynchronous parallelism, which can be difficult to write in data-parallel or message-passing style. Cilk has been developed since 1994 by the Supercomputing Technologies Group at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. Cilk has been used for research, teaching, and for coding applications such as a virus shell assembly simulator and three chess programs. Official versions of Cilk can be found at the Cilk web page . To access the latest development versions of Cilk, as well as mailing lists and discussion forums, look for Cilk at SourceForge (
¿ÀǼҽº ÄÚ¸®¾Æ(OpenSource Korea) 6. cilk cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSIC. It contains the cilk compiler, the cilk runtime system, and example
Special Computer Science Colloquium Announcement cilk is a parallel programming language that allows programmers to write resourceobliviousparallel programs that nevertheless use resources predictably and
Extractions: Cambridge, Massachusetts Cilk is a parallel programming language that allows programmers to write resource-oblivious parallel programs that nevertheless use resources predictably and efficiently. The Cilk language allows programmers to specify the interactions among computational threads in a high-level fashion, and then Cilk's runtime system maps the computation onto available physical resources dynamically in a provably efficient fashion. Specifically, the performance of a Cilk program is guaranteed to scale up linearly with the number of processors, as long as the application has sufficient parallelism. Moreover, a Cilk program can ``scale down'' to run on a single processor with nearly the same performance as ordinary serial C code, thereby removing a major barrier between parallel and serial programming. Back to: Colloquium Homepage
Lectures: 290i final modifier, programming assignment 2 due (Friday at 6 pm) programming assignment3 given Linda Piranha. 4, Potential projects discussed cilk-NOW Algorithmic
Untitled on Principles and Practice of Parallel programming, July 1921, 1995, Santa Barbara,California, pp. 207-216 (PPOPP '95). http// cilk/.
Extractions: HTTP: // tyang/class/290I/ Topics: Course materials: 1) Selected papers on parallel computing and program parallelization will be available in the Alternative copy shop on campus under name CS290I-Yang (6556 Pardall Road, Isla Vista, Phone 968-1055). 2) On-line references: James Demmel, Numerical Linear Algebra on Parallel Processors, 1995. An on-line reference book on parallel scientific computing and applications. (
DEVSEEK: Programming : Languages : Other Languages http// (Added 19Jan-1999 ). cilk - A language for multithreadedparallel programming based on ANSI C. Designed for general-purpose
Extractions: CASL - CASL is a language for use on PDAs. It allows you to describe the program in terms of graphical elements bound together by your code. (Added: 19-Jan-1999 ) Cilk - A language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. Designed for general-purpose parallel programming, but it is especially effective for exploiting dynamic, highly asynchronous parallelism, which can be difficult to write in data-parallel or message-passing style. (Added: 19-Jan-1999 ) CuPit-2 - a programming language specifically designed to express neural network learning algorithms (Added: 19-Jan-1999 ) Esterel - It is one of a family of synchronous languages which are particularly well-suited to programming reactive systems, including real-time systems and control automata (Added: 19-Jan-1999 ) MCPL - a simple typeless language which is based on BCPL. It makes extensive use of pattern matching somewhat related to that used in ML and Prolog. Some other features come from C.