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81. Christopher Pike
82. The Last Vampire: Evil Thirst
83. The Hidden Beast (Spooksville
84. The Living Dead (Spooksville No.
85. Attack of the Killer Crabs (Spooksville)
86. The Last Vampire: Red Dice AND
88. The Cold People (Spooksville 5)
89. Invasion of the No Ones (Spooksville)
90. Last Vampire: Bks. 3 & 4 (Last
91. Spooksville: " Dark Corner " ,
92. Alien Invasion (Spooksville)
93. The Star Group
94. The Wicked Cat: Spooksville# 10
95. The Deadly Past: Spooksville #11
96. Last Vampire: Bks. 1 & 2
97. The Dark Corner (Spooksville 7)
98. Evil Thirst and Creatures of Forever
99. The Howling Ghost (Spooksville
100. Red Dice: WITH Phantom Bks. 3

81. Christopher Pike
by Christopher Pike
 Hardcover: Pages (2001-01)

Isbn: 0671550624
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

82. The Last Vampire: Evil Thirst AND No.6: Creatures of Forever No.5
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 384 Pages (1998-03-11)

Isbn: 0340716703
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

83. The Hidden Beast (Spooksville No.12)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 128 Pages (1996-09-01)
list price: US$3.99 -- used & new: US$14.81
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 067155073X
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
There are more troubles in Spooksville.A dragon has appeared out of nowhere and it is looking for its treasure.In fact, it intends to destroy the entire town unless its jewels and gold are returned immediately.The only trouble is that Adam and his friends don't know where this treasure is.

Worse, the creature is rather hotheaded and won't listen to reason.It is a fire-breathing dragon, and soon it is laying waste to all that stands in its way.Even kids --it doesn't mind burning them to ash.Soon Adam and his friends are fighting for their lives. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (4)

5-0 out of 5 stars Good.
there are more troubles in Spooksville now. A dragon has appeared and it is looking for a treasure. In fact, it intends to destroy the town unless the jewels and golds are returned to the dragon. The only Trouble is, Adam and his friends do not know where the treasure is.
Worse, the creature is hot-headed and won't listen to reason.
It is a fire breathing dragon and it can kill the whole people in Spooksville.

3-0 out of 5 stars Margaret's spooksville
I decided to do this book for my bookreport.
I was pleased but not too pleased. I'm usually very impressed with Christopher Pike's books but i was a little dissappointed whith this one. I liked the general idea of the story and some of the discriptions. The thing that i didn't like about this book was Mr.Pike didn't stick to one idea for a long time. I also felt like there was something missing. When grade sevens have to do book reports we have to describe three main characters. Pike did a very good job at describing personality but i had no clue what anyone (except Leah) looked like. I would probaly recomend this book for people at a grade 4 reading level.

5-0 out of 5 stars Book Report
I need a page summory about this book

5-0 out of 5 stars Great
This is one of the well written books among the series by Pike. It merges mystical creatures with reality and a little fun and heart stopping adventure. ... Read more

84. The Living Dead (Spooksville No. 21)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 112 Pages (1998-03-01)
list price: US$3.99
Isbn: 0671002694
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Adam and Watch are walking by Spooksville's cemetery one evening when a skeleton suddenly jumps the wall and attacks them. Somehow they manage to fight off the creature, but the next night more skeletons wake up and they want one thing--Watch. (Digest) . ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars blankis_27@hotmail.com
Well these book is about Watch! The deads want to kill him because he have live again (if you read the book #20, you will understand). Adam is sad because he is going to die! But the Witch make a treat with the dead!!
Bryce tell to Cindy that he likes she very much! wow!
Bryce and Cindy talk very much that Sally is with questions, she ask them "what is going on?" and they tell her "we have known better" but Adam was busy in other things that he dint put attention.

Hey someone that have read Creppy Creature, Phone fear or Witch gift can tell me what happened please?
Because I live in Mexico and here the last book of Spooksville is the #21 (living dead). I have searched the number #22 #23 #24 but I cant find them! I think here dont have it!
Well if someone know you can send me an email or somenthing to [...]
Thank you,

P.D: My name is Blanca and I have 13 years.

5-0 out of 5 stars InCredible!
When Adam and his friends stumble into an old graveyard, they see the dead rising from their graves.

5-0 out of 5 stars Chills and thrills
Although not my favorite book in this series, "the living dead" was a great read. I recommend it for a short read, and if you like horror as well as comedy. ... Read more

85. Attack of the Killer Crabs (Spooksville)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 120 Pages (1998-06-17)

Isbn: 0340724463
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

86. The Last Vampire: Red Dice AND No.4 Phantom No. 3 (The Last Vampire)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 384 Pages (1998-02-11)

Isbn: 034071669X
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

by Christopher Pike
Hardcover: 224 Pages (1996-03-01)
list price: US$14.00
Isbn: 0671550292
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Joining the crew of the spaceship Traveler in order to study Earth for two centuries, Paige Christian survives a terrible tragedy that befalls the planet and her fellow crew members. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (68)

5-0 out of 5 stars Very imaginative.
I really enjoyed this book the first time I read it in middle school.I was a very big christopher pike fan back then.i liked the way the plot progressed and became so complex and intricate.and the way it works itself out it reminds me of the terminator movies in a way.one action changes the course of history kind of thing.it just shows the imagination this author has.although I think he may have run out of ideas for "the hollow skull".I think "the starlight crystal" was one of his best works.If you liked this novel, try some of his other books like "The Last Vampire" series.That was good too.If you didn't like "the starlight crystal" chances are that either 1) you're not a fan of sci-fi or 2) you have no imagination.That's just my opinion.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Story That You'll Remember
I read this book a good decade ago, and the story has stuck with me since. I've never forgotten it, but until now never really remembered to buy it, either.

Now I've got my own copy again, and after reading through it I can feel how some of the writing is more...immature than I remember, it's still one of those stories that you'll never quite forget. It has an immense feeling of...time and of emotion that I haven't quite felt in a lot of books. If you're into sci-fi and want to read a story that encompasses the entire life of the universe, try this one.

5-0 out of 5 stars Not just for young adults...
I read this book when it first came out, and I cannot tell you how many times I have read it since.List another reviewer said, this is not a science fiction story, but a spiritual journey told through science fiction.It is one of the few books I have read that I have to put down while reading to think about its message before continuing.The lessons that you learn in this story can be put to use at all times, and this book is definately not just for young adults.

3-0 out of 5 stars Cheesy, based on a faulty scienfic premise, but okay
The best thing about this book is definitely the plot - Christopher Pike does a wonderful job of weaving a complex story. However, some of the physics in this book were inaccurate - in the middle, it seems Paige witnesses "the Big Crunch" from some faraway vantage point. Not only is the Big Crunch unlikely to happen, it would be impossible to escape it. Also, it's unlikely that humanity will survive 200 years into the future - our resources are likely to be gone by 2050.

Another problem I had with this book was it was just cheesy - "love conquers all" and "we are all one with everything" are overused themes. And love at first sight? Can we please save that for fairy tales and trashy romance novels?

5-0 out of 5 stars Wonderful Book
I read this book many years ago and it is by far one of my very favorites. ... Read more

88. The Cold People (Spooksville 5)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 144 Pages (1996-02-01)
list price: US$3.99 -- used & new: US$1.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0671550640
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Discovering huge blocks of ice inside the woods of Spooksville, Adam and his friend inadvertently set free the Cold People, who soon after ravage the town, freezing everybody they touch. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (8)

4-0 out of 5 stars I liked it ^.^
This book is pretty much a retread of The Season of Passage with some dashes of Monster mixed in and toned down for the younger folks. I'm not complaining - those two were some of the best books I've ever read, though definitely not meant for the same age group The Cold People was meant for! ^.^
Anyway, if you like stories where monsters can disguise themselves as your friends and family, you will like this one.

5-0 out of 5 stars They are hard to get rid off!
Adam and his friends are exploring the forest near Spooksville, when they come into huge block of ice hidden in the trees. They decide to melt one of the ice in the woods. When they do, a strange man appears and tries to grab them. This man has very cold hands and his eyes are not warm either. Soon there are dozens of COLD PEOPLE running in Spooksville. The Cold People are also freezing people. It seems there is nothing Adam and his friends can do. poor Adam and his friends, Why did they melt the ice. Will they freeze to?

5-0 out of 5 stars Great book
The Cold People was my personal favorite in the entire series. I couldn't put the book down. It was very exciting and adventurous. i totally recemend this book.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great book
The Cold People was my personal favorite in the entire series. I couldn't put the book down. It was very exciting and adventurous. i totally recemend this book.

5-0 out of 5 stars Best ever book
The Cold People is the best book I've ever read. I loved everything about it. I did think they could have said a little more about Mu though. Irecommend this to everyone. ... Read more

89. Invasion of the No Ones (Spooksville)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 144 Pages (1997-03-01)
list price: US$3.99
Isbn: 0671002635
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Intrigued by the strange floating balls of light that have appeared outside Spooksville, Adam and his friends become alarmed when one ball zaps Adam and transforms him into a strange alien being. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars blankis_27@hotmail.com
Well these book is totally good!
Cindy and Sally are jelous of the new girl, because she is pretty than them!! Adam and Watch fall in love with her !!
When they see the balls the new girl was acting like she was received them !
Adam rescue she from the balls but one ball enter in adam's body!
When he wake up fron the electricity of the balls he can't remmeber anything and he was acting weird!
Sally call Cindy home to tell her that they have to investigate Adam!
But Adam isn't home when they tried to talk to him he capture them and he what that a ball enter to their body!!

Hey is some have read the book Creppy Creature, Phone fear or Witch give, please you can tell me? Because I live in Mexico and here the book SPOOKSVILLE finished to number #21!! and I am very anxious to know what happened if Adam and Cindy would be boyfriends or if Cindy brake off with Bryce??
Well if you know please send me an email or something
to [...]

P.D: My name is Blanca and I have 13 years.

5-0 out of 5 stars Good!
it was not bad. When Adam, Cindy, Watch and Sally see little balls that glow they found themselves trapped into some spaceship. Adam, Cindy, Watch And Sally has to find their way out or they will never get to see Spooksville again.

5-0 out of 5 stars No-ones
I like how the book describes certain details. ... Read more

90. Last Vampire: Bks. 3 & 4 (Last Vampire Bind Up)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 384 Pages (2007-11-15)

Isbn: 0340950412
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

91. Spooksville: " Dark Corner " , " Little People " , " Wishing Stone " Bks. 7-9 (Spooksville)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 368 Pages (1999-11-18)

Isbn: 0340773359
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

92. Alien Invasion (Spooksville)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 120 Pages (1998-05-13)

Isbn: 0340724412
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

93. The Star Group
by Christopher Pike
Mass Market Paperback: 208 Pages (1997-12-01)
list price: US$3.99 -- used & new: US$3.49
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0671550578
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Transformed into powerful beings capable of bending the world to their wills, six teenagers begin to become aware of a powerful, evil being that must be destroyed if they are to survive. Original." ... Read more

Customer Reviews (19)

5-0 out of 5 stars loved this book
Ive always love'd his book's it sent me far away worlds and I got to see things though the main story tellers eye's as always his work is wonderful . his work is better then any movie or tv show out there I challage anyone to read his books and if they dont like it they probley have bad taste . ya I am a teen 22 years of age but as a kid these books saved my life.I felt like I was in another world a better one.

3-0 out of 5 stars Good, but not his best!
Ok, the beginning of the book was excellent but as soon as the deaths start occuring, things start to get a little rushed! You're probably hearing this from a lot of people because it's true! The ending simply felt as if Pike had 2 minutes remaining in a deadline he had to make. I mean near the end, deaths were happening too fast! It left me unsatisfied and with a big "?" mark over my head. Since I am a sensitive person, it actually almost had me crying but I was too confused and dissapointed to. The book isn't bad at all, it's just not Pike's best. I would recommend reading the Last Vampire series, Chain Letter series, and Scavenger Hunt.

3-0 out of 5 stars incomplete
I'm a major Pike fan, i own 29 of his books and read 22 of his books. The other books i've read by him i got a sense of them being complete, full and besides wondering how he wrote such novels and a wish for more sequels, i never had any questions. This book to me felt incomplete.

There's a lot of foreshadow he could've used, especially with the details on the waves and how Danny waterskied and more about his love for Gale. All I wondered was besides mentor's disapproval how else was the scene significant to the plot of the story? I don't mean to spoil the book for those who didn't read it. The book started out beautifully, but from middle to end it felt like a waste and that he was in a hurry. It had a lot of promise, and I personally wish he would rewrite it. I would try to rewrite it, but then that'll be considered illegal.

4-0 out of 5 stars The stars
This is the story of a group of friends who take a little vacation after they graduate from high school. While up there, odd things start to happen. A mystery unfold, one that leads to deaths. The end of the book ties the whole thing together, as most of Pike's books do. I loved this book and the way Pike always surprises you with what happens at the end

4-0 out of 5 stars OK...ish
I overall liked this book, what i found was that at first.. the storyline went really slow, then nothing happened, then boom! it's the climax.. then.. what just happened? u think to urself, the back cover confused me, and some of the writing was just too odd, like how they talk to him... some of it's ok, some of it was stupid, like too much death too fast! ... Read more

94. The Wicked Cat: Spooksville# 10
by Christopher Pike
 Paperback: 128 Pages (1996-07-01)
list price: US$3.99 -- used & new: US$1.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0671550691
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
It seemed like a normal cat -- at first.

Adam and his friends are exploring the area around Spooksville when they come across a black cat. It seems like a friendly animal: it purrs when they rub its back, and licks its paws like any other cat.

But then if follows them back to town, and strange things begin to happen. A tree falls down, and a house catches fire. Each time something bad happens, the cat is there -- watching, with its strange green eyes. And it won't go away. Adam and his friends don't know what to do. Especially when the cat begins to use its powers on them. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (7)

4-0 out of 5 stars Check It Out Now!!!
This book is awesome!!!Cindy and her friends get bad luck all thanx to a black cat....Its fun to read...they go to the sementery, beach and more places..They even talk to a hobo!! i love this book...a guy gets lucked up on a cave and.........well find out for yourself!!!!

4-0 out of 5 stars GooD
My favorites are Sally , Bryce and Cindy. Bryce because is like cute and is always thinking the worse jaja, Sally because she make me laugh very much and because she is the one who like to do the comments that make feel angry the other person, and I like CIndy because she is cute and pretty cool and the most sensitive. The most I like the book is that Cindy like Adam but I dont think that Adam like she like she does, he has being tryng to say her that he likes she but he cant.

Hey someone that have read the Creepy Creature, Phone Fear or Witch give, can tell me what happened because I dont have those books. I live in Mexico and here the finished book is the number #21 and I am very anxious to know what happened, if Adam and Olos are boyfriends or if Bryce and Cindy still Boyfriends. really I want to know!!!!
If you know you can write me to :[...]
Thank you,

P.D: My name is Blanca and I have 13 years.

5-0 out of 5 stars Perfect and Cool!
When Adam and his friends found a black cat the cat was good. The cat was even following Adam and His friends. But there had an accident. The accident was a house on fire. And every accidents happens, the cat's eyes glow.

5-0 out of 5 stars AWESOME
I would reccomend this book to anyone who loves adventure and cats.I found this book very exiting! 4 friends find a mischevious cat that causes damage.

4-0 out of 5 stars The best books in the world!!!!!!!
I think I might have a different version to most of you out there. This book was really good but I read it in under an hour! It went so fast! It wouldn't be in my top 5 but definetley in my top 10! I also like "The Evil House","The Secret Cave" and "Alien Invasion(thats "Creature in the teacher" to most of you out there I have an Irish version)". My favourite characters are Bryce and Sally. I don't know why every one calls Bryce arrogant. Hes not.............really. This is definetley a good one. I recommend you read it! ... Read more

95. The Deadly Past: Spooksville #11
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 144 Pages (1996-08-01)
list price: US$3.99 -- used & new: US$1.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0671550721
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Suddenly there are creatures from the ancient past in Spooksville.Huge meat-eating lizards attacking people in their cars.Flying reptiles swooping down and lifting kids away.But where have these dinosaurs come from?Adam and his friends discover that a huge doorway has been created between present-day Spooksville and sixty million years ago.It is through this doorway that the dinosaurs are attacking.

But who created this doorway?

How can it be closed before all of Spooksville is destroyed? ... Read more

Customer Reviews (6)

5-0 out of 5 stars creepy
Suddenly there are creatures from the ancient past in Spooksville. Huge meat-eating lizards attacking people in their cars. Flying reptiles swooping down and lifting kids away. But where have these dinosaurs come from? Adam and his friends discover that a huge doorway has been created between present-day Spooksville and sixty million years ago. It is through this doorway that the dinosaurs are attacking.
But who created this doorway?

How can it be closed before all of Spooksville is destroyed?

5-0 out of 5 stars Deadle past
Adam and his friends found out that there was a doorway to the past that opened. Now there are powerful creatures in Spooksville. One rhinocerous even injuried Adam. Quick, They have to talk to Ann Templeton to get rid of these creatures.

5-0 out of 5 stars (...)
Well these book is about dinosaurs. It starts when they were walking when they saw something flying when they discovered that it was a dinosaur they run very fast but the dinosaur was more fast than them! So they have to hide but they didn't know were Adam take a branch and started to fight with the dinosaur bird! he get hurt! When they have a chance they started to run and they found a cave! They come inside the cave but the bird was coming to the cave! The cave was to big that the dinosaur came inside! They were in trouble there was no escape and Adam was hurt!Sally have an idea Sally brake the buncher to create more fire in the branch so Adam trought the branch with fire to the creature when they get out they continue running! The beast get mad! The dinosaur would not go without her dinner! They start to screamed and run more fast when they dinosaur get Cindy! All of them get freeze for one momment. They have lose her friend! Watch was going in a car to search Cindy, he believe that the dinosaur have babies so Cindy would be the food of the babys! Adam and Sally were going to advertise the city of the dinosaurs!
It happend a lot of thinks! these is one of wath happened at first.

Hey if someone have read Creappy Creature, Phone Fear or Witch gift please can tell me? Because i live in mexico and here the book Spooksville finished in munber 21 (living dead). I am very anxious to know what happend if Adam and Cindy would be boyfriends or if Cindy broke with Bryce... please if someone know (...)
Thank you.

P.D: My name is blanca.(...)

5-0 out of 5 stars This is scary!
Adam and his friends found out that there was a doorway to the past that opened. Now there are powerful creatures in Spooksville. One rhinocerous even injuried Adam. Quick, They have to talk to Ann Templeton to get rid of these creatures.

4-0 out of 5 stars Very good book!!
This was my first book I read from Mr Pike. But it started to quicklyand I did not know any one but Adam! Mr pike has writen some funny and very cool books including this one!I recomend it badly! ... Read more

96. Last Vampire: Bks. 1 & 2
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 400 Pages (2007-08-16)

Isbn: 0340950404
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

97. The Dark Corner (Spooksville 7)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 128 Pages (1996-04-01)
list price: US$3.99 -- used & new: US$60.29
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0671550667
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
They wanted to give it one more try.

Bum has told Adam and his friends about a place on the other side of the Secret Path that is supposed to be more fun than anything they have ever seen. Bum is so enthusiastic about the other dimension that Watch and Adam are willing to try the magical path once more, even though they know it is dangerous. Sally, of course, warns them that they'll all probably end up dead.

As usual, they ignore Sally.

They pass through the mysterious doorway.

They have fun, at first.

Then they learn that there are much worse things than dying. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

5-0 out of 5 stars blankis_27@hotmail.com
these book is amazing is about the secret path, well it starts when Sally, Watch,Cindy and Adam were talking about the school, when Sally told them that there was a cute boy and its name was Bryce, and he was a hero he have many dangerous aventures.Watch and Adam were angry because they did'nt believe there was a another guy that have more aventures than they, but Adam was angry because Cindy like how Sally described him!
Sally told them that the past week she saw Bryce and he told she that he is going to go to the secret path, but he havent come...
They go to search Bryce but Cindy stay.
When they cross the secret path it was the same spooksville, but more beatiful. They went to eat something and they give them the food free! Sally wanted to go to see herself to her house, but Adam and Watch didnt want, but Sally want to go, so they went to the house of Adam. At first it seem normal but then they were horribles creatures! then they go to Spooksville and they tried to hipnotize Cindy! Bryce help to Sally, Adam and watch to escape but they can't go to Spooksville only Bryce can do it but they need a plan so bryce can escape and bring the Creatures back! Cindy risked her life so here really friends can escape!

Hey if someone have read Creappy Creature, Phone Fear or Witch give please you can tell me? Because I live in Mexico and here the book Spooksville finished in number 21 (living dead) reallyI am vey anxious to know what happend if Adam and Cindy will be boyfriends or if Cindy broke with Bryce. Please tell me if you know what happen to: [...]
Thank you.

P.D: My name is Blanca and I have 13 years.

5-0 out of 5 stars Good!
Guided buy their friend Bum, there is another corner at the other side of The Secret Path that is supposed to be fun. Bum is so enthusiastic about the other dimension that Adam and Watch are willing to try. They did not know how dangerous the dimension was. Then, they found a mysterious doorway. at first, they have fun but next, it was now dangerous!

5-0 out of 5 stars recommendation
It was SOOOOO COOL! My favorite part was when Adam gives the demon some coldlemonade to be passed of as blood! I'd recommend this to anyone who likes horror stories!

5-0 out of 5 stars Very good
I enjoyed this book very much. You will too. But it is a sequel, so restrain yourself until you've read the prequel, Spooksville #1 "The Secret Path".

5-0 out of 5 stars This is a GREAT book!!!!! Christopher Pike is the BEST!!!!!!
They think they will find nice things in this city, but they think wrong when they find out demons are out to get them. Sally, Adam, and Watch talk there way out of being eaten. Cindy gets Brain to come and save them. Will he be able to? You read it and find out.IT's one of his best. Everybook I read by him was GREAT!!! Not a singial book i read by him was Stupid, dumb, ETC.... Read this Book TODAY!!! ... Read more

98. Evil Thirst and Creatures of Forever (Last Vampire)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 384 Pages (2010-06-03)
-- used & new: US$9.53
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1444900528
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Surviving through countless centuries, Alisa is beautiful, strong and ...deadly. Kalika has transformed into a bloodthirsty killer with powers far greater than her mother's. So, Alisa faces a heartbreaking decision -- to save her daughter or the rest of the world. But perhaps things are not quite as they appear to be and the lines between good and evil seem blurred -- can Alisa decide the right path in time? Her decision will lead her back to the very start -- the day 5,000 years previously when she met the first vampire. Alisa must confront her darkest fears and ensure the first vampire never comes into being. But without a first vampire, there will also be no her. Is this really a choice she can make? ... Read more

99. The Howling Ghost (Spooksville 2)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 128 Pages (1995-11-01)
list price: US$3.50 -- used & new: US$1.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0671537261
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Cindy is playing by the ocean with her younger brother, Neil, when a ghost appears out of nowhere and grabs Neil and takes him away.Cindy tries to tell people what happened, but everyone assumes the boy must have drowned.Cindy is left heartbroken, with no one to help her find her brother.

Until Sally reads about what happened in the paper.Sally believes in ghosts -- she knows ghosts are a dime a dozen when it comes to Spooksville.With Adam and Watch, Sally goes to Cindy and promises to help her get her brother back.

But what none of them knows is that this is a nasty old ghost.

It would rather turn them all into ghosts than return Cindy's brother. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars Funny!!!!!!!! AND SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While Cindy and her younger brother, Neil were playing in the sand, a ghost grabs Neil and vanished. Cindy tried to tell the people but no one believed her. Until Sally read something in the paper. Now Sally believes in ghost when it comes to Spooksville. One day, they saw a spooky lighthouse. Is Neil There?. When they entered the lighthouse they met the ghost. This comes the funny part: Adam was wrestling with a ghost. This is the scary part: They burned the lighthouse by accident. But what happened to Neil? FIND OUT!!!!

4-0 out of 5 stars An appalling and lively and untypical ghost novel.
Adam, Sally and Watch meet this girl Cindy who has apparently lost her brother Neil, to a ghost. They search the lighthouse on the coast of Springville, or Spooksville, and much to their unexpectation they meet the ghost. It is seemingly unpleasant and will not simply give up Neil without a compensation... Will the Gang survive this evil ghost? What does it want with Neil?

5-0 out of 5 stars Great! Perfect! Lovable! Read NOW! Read! Read! Read!
This book is great when the Team,Sally, Watch, and Adam meet this girl Cindy, her brother is missing. He disappeared in the Lighthouse. Sally, Adam, and Watch said they could get him back... This is a Great Book by the Best author Christopher Pike! ... Read more

100. Red Dice: WITH Phantom Bks. 3 & 4 (Last Vampire)
by Christopher Pike
Paperback: 384 Pages (2010-06-03)
-- used & new: US$9.23
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 144490051X
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Editorial Review

Product Description
Surviving through countless centuries, Alisa is beautiful, strong and ...deadly. The US government is in pursuit of Alisa and her partner, intent on obtaining their vampire DNA. Alisa has no choice but to go on the run. She cannot allow her blood to seep into the public domain. It is way too deadly ...too dangerous. Then Alisa makes a discovery that both delights and terrifies her. If all plays out as she hopes she will finally know happiness, if not she faces untold tragedy and danger. And all the time a powerful force is watching over Alisa. Someone who knows all that ever was, and all that will be ... ... Read more

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