- Beethoven. Las Grandes Epocas Creadoras by Romain Rolland, 1951-01-01
- Händel by Romain Rolland, 1919
- Jean Christophe: Dawn, Morning, Youth, Revolt (1910) by Romain Rolland, 2010-09-10
- Clerambault The Story of an Independent Spirit During the War by Romain Rolland, 2009-10-04
- Liluli by Romain Rolland, 2010-03-05
- Mahatma Gandhi the man who became one with the universal being by Romain (Translated from the French by Groth, Catherine Dase) Rolland, 1942
- Jean-Christophe Journey's End by Romain Rolland, 2003-08-25
- Handel by Romain Rolland, A Eaglefield 1876-1928 Hull, 2010-08-02
- Vie De Tolstoï (French Edition) by Romain Rolland, 2010-02-12
- Correspondence (Calderbooks) by Richard Strauss, Romain Rolland, 1970-11-26
- The Hungry Wolves by Romain Rolland, 1966-01-01
- Beethoven The Creator: The Great Creative Epochs From The Eroica To The Appassionata by Romain Rolland, 2004-07-30
- Johann Christof. Kinder- und Jugendjahre Roman by Romain Rolland, 1914
- Vie de Tolstoi (French Edition) by Romain Rolland, 1978