Extractions: Edited by John Mullan, Chris Hart and Peter Swaab This edition brings together some of the most influential and fascinating memoirs of Shelley, Byron and Wordsworth, all written by nineteenth-century biographers with first-hand knowledge of their subject, collected here in facsimile for the first time. Early biographers fashioned the image of Shelley as an inspired and unworldly spirit, yet at the same time struggled to deal with or repress the matter of his sexual conduct. It is clear from current controversies that many of the uncertainties facing his biographers then are still with us today. Of the memoirs of Wordsworth, De Quincey's essays (greatly disliked by the Wordsworth family) and Christopher Wordworth's pious Memoirs which they commissioned, are perhaps the most influential. In the collected memoirs of Byron, it is Byron himself who is seen the most clearly to be struggling to control the portrayal of his character for posterity. 1 85196 270 0: 3 Volume Set: £250/$395
FRANKENSTEIN LIVE A Cura Di John Efrem Translate this page del lago di Ginevra. Con loro, c'erano il poeta Lord Byron ed il suosegretario john william polidori. Pioveva da molti giorni ed http://www.johnefrem.com/talaknisos/FRANKENSTEIN LIVE a cura di John Efrem.htm
Extractions: L'amore entra nella sua vita nel 1814, quando, diciassettenne incontra il giovane e geniale poeta ribelle Percy Bysse Shelley. Due anni più tardi, Mary fugge con lui in Svizzera. Era una cupa notte di Novembre quando vidi il coronamento delle mie fatiche. Con un'ansia che assomigliava all'angoscia, raccolsi attorno a me gli strumenti atti ad infondere la scintilla di vita nell'essere inanimato che giaceva ai miei piedi. Era quasi l'una del mattino; la pioggia batteva monotona contro le imposte e la candela avrebbe presto dato i suoi ultimi guizzi quando, alla luce che stava per spegnersi, vidi aprirsi i foschi occhi gialli della creatura
Index Des Bibliographies De L'imaginaire (pays : Angleterre) PEAKE Mervyn, PEEL john, PHILLIPS Peter. PLATT Charles, polidori johnwilliam,PRAGNELL Festus. PRATCHETT Terry, PRESSLIE Robert, PRIEST Christopher. http://www.bdfi.net/auteurs/angleterre.htm
Il Vampiro Translate this page Il Vampiro. di JW polidori. john william polidori, è stato, sicuramente,uno degli autori meno capiti dell'Ottocento. Medico e segretario http://www.itis.mn.it/fermitutti/culturaspett/recensioni/narr_str/pagine/vampiro
Extractions: Il browser usato non supporta gli script, oppure gli script sono disabilitati. Impossibile visualizzare la pagina John William Polidori, è stato, sicuramente, uno degli autori meno capiti dell'Ottocento. Medico e segretario di Lord Byron, scrisse il racconto "Il Vampiro", ispirato forse da un frammento narrativo dello stesso Byron. Polidori per tutta la sua breve vita fu in competizione con Byron: loinvidiava, lo copiava e lo screditava, in ogni modo. I rapporti tra Byron e Polidori in breve tempo peggiorarono e John William Polidori volle punire quel Lord che tanto ammirava e odiava e perquesto creò"Il Vampiro". Il nome dell'antagonista "Lord Ruthven" è un chiaro riferimento al romanzo"Glenarvon" dove Lady CarolineLamb sfogava i suoi rancori verso Byron che l'aveva abbandonata. La stessa Lamb venne menzionata sotto ilnome di "Lady Mercer", donna descritta nel racconto come una delusa civetta. Infine èchiaro che Polidorinel racconto, si immedesima nel protagonista "Mr. Aubrey". Ciò che caratterizza veramenteil racconto è ilfinale a "male fine" dove si assiste alla sopraffazione del male sul bene, cosa abbastanzainsolita neicanoni dettati dalla tradizione horror/gotica.A differenza di molti altri romanzi o racconti, "Il Vampiro" di Polidori non presenta, tra le suepagine,alcuna descrizione di spettacolari riti esoterici. Il racconto insegna poche cose, non vuole spiegare e risolvere i problemi, ma vuole far riflettere suicomportamenti a volte stupidi, degli uomini dell'Ottocento. "Mr. Aubrey" mantiene il suo patto con"Lord Ruthven" fino alla fine, anche se conosce, la sua reale pericolosità.
Works Included In This Edition Plutarch The Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans. polidori,john william Diary (MayAugust 1816). The Vampyre (1816). http://www.english.upenn.edu/~jlynch/Frank/Indexes/works.html
Extractions: The following works (or parts of works, where indicated) are included in this edition. Note that critical commentary is listed separately. Anonymous: The Arabian Nights Bacon, Francis: The Bible: Brydges, Samuel Egerton: Buchan, Robert Williams: Byron, George Gordon, Lord Byron: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Christabel " (pub. 1816). Dejection, an Ode " (pub. 1817). Hymn before Sun-rise, in the Vale of Chamouni " (pub. 1802). Kubla Khan " (pub. 1816). Pains of Sleep " (pub. 1816).
Index Of Contexts Love Peacock; Plato; Plutarch; john william polidori; Politics; Romanticism;The Royal Institution of Great Britain; Science Alchemy; http://www.english.upenn.edu/~jlynch/Frank/Contexts/
Mistika - Recsando - Il Vampiro Translate this page john william polidori - Il vampiro - L'affascinante, ricco e misterioso Lord Ruthvenfa il suo ingresso nei salotti londinesi, destando stupore ed interesse http://www.recsando.it/mm_forum/misteri/Libri/misvampiro.asp
Extractions: Connessi: Chi c'è OnLine? - Utente Attivo: Anonimo Collegati martedì 25 marzo 2003 Ore: 06.50 MENU MISTIKA Home News Le quattro vie Italia Mondo Conoscenza Saucers (UFO) Specials Libri Siti Internet Forum Misteri Risposte Help Mail Forum Registro Utenti ... Scrivono di noi MISTIKA Le pagine multimediali del forum misteri Forum Help Questo racconto fece la sua comparsa per la prima volta sul New Monthly Magazine dell'aprile del 1819; il racconto fu attribuito subito al grande Lord Byron. Era la prima opera letteraria che trattava un tema appartenente alla tradizione popolare dell'Europa dell'est, il vampiro: questo spiega sia il successo strepitoso del libro, sia lo stupore e la diffidenza iniziale degli ambienti letterari londinesi. Il libro continuò ad avere fortuna anche quando Lord Byron rivelò che in realtà "Il vampiro" era stato scritto dal suo segretario di 21 anni, John William Polidori, il quale si era ispirato ad un frammento dello stesso Byron. In Francia fu messo in scena, nel 1820, un adattamento teatrale dell'opera scritto da Charles Nodier. E' un libro a mio avviso non tanto semplice, "Il vampiro", perché in molti punti l'atmosfera diventa confusa ed astratta, richiedendo così una lettura un po' più attenta. Sicuramente affascina la figura di Lord Ruthven, misterioso, silenzioso, sguardo fisso e bei lineamenti. Nessuno sapeva da dove venisse né cosa volesse, nessuno capiva il perché del suo pallore e delle sue stranezze. Solo un giovane gentiluomo, Aubrey, riuscirà ad avvicinarlo, facendosi trascinare in un viaggio ai limiti dell'incomprensibile...
Lorne Macdonald - Department Of English coeditor (with Kathleen Scherf) of The Vampyre and Ernestus Berchtold; or, The ModernOedipus Collected Fiction of john william polidori (1994), Frankenstein http://www.english.ucalgary.ca/faculty/l_macdonald.htm
Extractions: Lorne Macdonald's research interests are in English-language literature of the Revolutionary period (1770-1832: from the Boston Massacre to the First Reform Act, from the death of Chatterton to the death of Scott). He is especially interested in how and why writers thought of the upheavals of their time as monstrous (thus creating the subgenre now known as Gothic fiction); he is particularly interested in the house-party in Geneva in 1816, which gave birth to the two most famous monster's of modern times, Frankenstein's creature and the Vampyre. He is the author of Poor Polidori: A Critical Biography of the Author of "The Vampyre" (1991) and Monk Lewis: A Critical Biography (2000), and the co-editor (with Kathleen Scherf) of
ECampus.com - Books And Stuff. Cheap! Author(s) Walpole, Horace; Beckford, william; polidori, john; Byron, Lord; Bleiler/ 2nd Edition ISBN 0486212327 / Paperback / 6/1/1978 New Copy In Stock http://www.ecampus.com/search.asp?qtype=AUTHOR&qsearch=Polidori, John
EL VAMPIRO DE JOHN WILLIAM POLIDORI Translate this page EL VAMPIRO. john william polidori. Sucedió en medio de las disipacionesde un duro invierno en Londres. Apareció en diversas fiestas http://www.letrasperdidas.galeon.com/polidori1.htm
Extractions: EL VAMPIRO JOHN WILLIAM POLIDORI Sucedió en medio de las disipaciones de un duro invierno en Londres. Apareció en diversas fiestas de los personajes más importantes de la vida nocturna y diurna de la capital inglesa, un noble, más notable por sus peculiaridades que por su rango. Miraba a su alrededor como si no participara de las diversiones generales. Aparentemente, sólo atraían su atención las risas de los demás, como si pudiera acallarlas a su voluntad y amedrentar aquellos pechos donde reinaba la alegría y la despreocupación.Los que experimentaban esta sensación de temor no sabían explicar cual era su causa. Algunos la atribuían a la mirada gris y fija, que penetraba hasta lo más hondo de una conciencia, hasta lo más profundo de un corazón. Aunque lo cierto era que la mirada sólo recaía sobre una mejilla con un rayo de plomo que pesaba sobre la piel que no lograba atravesar. Sus rarezas provocaban una serie de invitaciones a las principales mansiones de la capital. Todos deseaban verle, y quienes se hallaban acostumbrados a la excitación violenta, y experimentaban el peso del "ennui", estaban sumamente contentos de tener algo ante ellos capaz de atraer su atención de manera intensa. A pesar del matiz mortal de su semblante, que jamás se coloreaba con un tinte rosado ni por modestia ni por la fuerte emoción de la pasión, pese a que sus facciones y su perfil fuesen bellos, muchas damas que andaban siempre en busca de notoriedad trataban de conquistar sus atenciones y conseguir al menos algunas señales de afecto. Lady Mercer, que había sido la burla de todos los monstruos arrastrados a sus aposentos particulares después de su casamiento, se interpuso en su paso, e hizo cuanto pudo para llamar su atención... pero en vano. Cuando la joven se hallaba ante él, aunque los ojos del misterioso personaje parecían fijos en ella, no parecían darse cuenta de su presencia. Incluso su imprudencia parecía pasar desapercibida a los ojos del caballero, por lo que, cansada de su fracaso, abandonó la lucha.
Lefantastique.net : Toute L'actualité Du Fantastique Au Quotidien Translate this page Nodier fut celui qui permit aux textes de john william polidori dese répandre en France. Le nom Ruthwen fait référence à Lord http://www.lefantastique.net/litterature/interviews/sullivan/sullivan2.htm
Extractions: K : Dans "Elégie pour un vampire", le second personnage en importance est une femme, une jeune artiste peintre du nom de Mélanie Leroy. En rapport avec la couverture du livre et le rôle des personnages féminins dans votre roman : prostituées, femmes déboussolées et soumises ou femmes sensuelles et fatales, pouvez-vous nous parler de cette vision de la gent féminine, alors que votre style et le ton du roman tendent plutôt au romantisme ? Comment expliquez-vous ce paradoxe entre provocation et sentimentalisme, exhibition et pudeur ?
Vampiros De Roberto Coria Translate this page reunidos en Villa Diodati, la legendaria noche del 16 de junio de 1816, los dosaprendices de brujo, Mary Godwin y john william polidori, aquellos que no http://vampiros.20m.com/retrato.html
Extractions: De los cuatro tertulianos reunidos en Villa Diodati, la legendaria noche del 16 de junio de 1816, los dos aprendices de brujo, Mary Godwin y John William Polidori, aquellos que no gozaban de la fama pública de sus compañeros Byron y Shelley, aceptaron el desafío de traducir en monstruos tangibles sus respectivas obsesiones. Retrato de la Joven Monstruo es la historia conjetural de un día en la vida de quien en ese 1836 ya se llamaba Mary Shelley y es la autora de varios libros, entre ellos el legendario Frankenstein . La muerte de su padre, el reformador social William Godwin, la confirma en la certeza de que es la sobreviviente de sus muertos, así como la hija de una época de pasión y raciocinio, de sentimientos exaltados. Ante un nuevo milenio, las preguntas que Mary Shelley se hizo en la espiral del huracán romántico son semejantes a las que ahora nos planteamos para establecer las fronteras entre la vida y la muerte, la intervención del hombre en la naturaleza y los principios éticos que determinan tanto la emergencia de nuevos conocimientos como su aplicación directa en el fenómeno de la vida. La propuesta de Teatro Gótico consiste en hacer una nueva aproximación a una mujer compleja y fascinante que fue, en opinión de Emily W. Sunstein, "fuego bajo la nieve, joven rebelde, erudita, moralista, heroína de una gran historia de amor y de una vida tormentosa y agitada".
Index Stories, Listed By Author, Part 10 DAVID; POLESHCHUK, ALEXANDER; polidori, john william (17951821); POLLACK,RACHEL (Grace) (1945- ); also as Richard A. Pollack; POLLACK http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/isfac/q10.htm
Extractions: Previous Table-of-Contents PISERCHIA, DORIS (Elaine) PITMAN, MARION ... PLATO c 429-347 BC) PLATT, CHARLES (Michael) PLATT, JAMES PLAUGER, P(hillip) J(ames) PLAYBOY, EDITORS of ... PLUNKETT, EDWARD JOHN MORETON DRAX ; see under Dunsany, Lord POCSIK, JOHN PODOLNY, ROMAN POE, EDGAR ALLAN ... POHL, FREDERIK (George, Jr.) (1919- ); see pseudonyms Elton V. Andrews Paul Flehr James MacCreigh The Anthologies ... POLLACK, RACHEL (Grace) (1945- ); also as Richard A. Pollack POLLACK, RICHARD A. (1945- ); also as Rachel Pollack POLLOCK, FRANK LILLIE POLLOCK, WALTER HERRIES POLYA, G. ... PORTER, SYDNEY ; see under Porter, William Sydney PORTER, WILLIAM SYDNEY (1862-1910); see pseudonym O. Henry PORTIGAL, DAVE POSNER, RICHARD POSSONY, STEFAN T. ... POYER, D(avid) C(harles) (1949- ); see pseudonym David Andreissen POYER, JOE ; [i.e., Joseph John Poyer, Jr.] (1939- ) PRAETORIUS, JOHN JAMES PRAGNELL, FESTUS PRATCHETT, TERRY (David John) PRATT, (Murray) FLETCHER (1897-1956); see pseudonym Irvin Lester PRATT, WILLIAM HENRY
Miall -- 450: Gothic Subject Maturin, Charles. Fatal Revenge (1807). polidori, john william. The Vampyre(G. Dahlstrom). Radcliffe, Ann. A Sicilian Romance (Oxford Classics). http://www.ualberta.ca/~dmiall/Gothic/
Extractions: Course description Required reading Additional reading ... Web resources Course description "I am going among Scenery whence I intend to tip you the Damosel Radcliffe I'll cavern you, and grotto you, and waterfall you, and wood you, and water you, and immense-rock you, and tremendous sound you, and solitude you." By the time Keats wrote this in a letter of 1818, the Gothic genre that had been so productive for over thirty years (Radcliffe's first novel was produced in 1789) might have appeared good only for parody. Yet the lure of the genre remained powerful: Frankenstein was published the same year and Polidori's The Vampyre appeared in 1819. In this course we will focus in particular on the psychology of the Gothic and consider how far it enabled writers and readers to explore alternate forms of subjectivity. In particular, long before Freud, Lacan, or Kristeva, Gothic writers attempted to probe Oedipal themes, the power of the symbolic order, or the experience of the abject. This inquiry will be pursued through an interplay between Gothic fictions, the evidence left by their first readers, and some study of modern critical writing on the Gothic.
Soho Society 38. Dr.john william polidori (1795 1821). In 1816, Dr. john william polidoriaccompanied the famed poet Lord Byron on a trip through Europe. http://www.thesohosociety.org.uk/past/great_pulteney.cfm
Extractions: Great Pulteney Street No. 38. Dr.John William Polidori (1795 - 1821). A British novelist of Italian descent. Medical practitioner by the age of nineteen and friend of Byron, the Shelleys and Claire Claremont. His story 'The Vampyre' was the start of many things. The circumstances surrounding the creation of Lord Ruthven are legendary. In 1816, Dr. John William Polidori accompanied the famed poet Lord Byron on a trip through Europe. In Geneva, the duo met with Percy Shelley, Mary Godwin, and Clair Clairmont where they took accommodation on the shores of Lake Leman. One night in June, after they had read aloud from Phantasmagoriana, a collection of horror tales, Byron suggested that they each write a ghost story. Mary Godwin worked on a tale that would later evolve into Frankenstein, Byron wrote (and quickly abandoned) a fragment of a story, whereas Polidori is remembered as having come up with a story about a skull-headed woman. However, Polidori had taken detailed notes during the trip, and used Byron's abandoned story as inspiration for his own tale: 'The Vampyre'! 'They entered; the light of their torches fell upon mud walls, and the thatch loaded on every individual straw with heavy flakes of soot. At the desire of Aubrey they searched for her who had attracted him by her cries; he was again left in darkness; but what was his horror, when the light of the torches once more burst upon him, to perceive the airy form of his fair conductress brought in a lifeless corpse. He shut his eyes, hoping that it was but a vision arising from his disturbed imagination; but he again saw the same form, when he unclosed them, stretched by his side. There was no colour upon her cheek, not even upon her lip; yet there was a stillness about her face that seemed almost as attaching as the life that once dwelt there: upon her neck and breast was blood, and upon her throat were the marks of teeth having opened the vein: to this the men pointed, crying, simultaneously struck with horror, "A Vampyre! a Vampyre!"'
Extractions: The Little Search Engine that Could Down to Name Citations LC Online Catalog Amazon Search Book Citations [First 20 Records] Author: Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 178 Title: The Byron gallery of highly finished engravings, illustrating Lord Byron's works. With selected beauties from his poems. Elucidated by historical and critical notices; together with a sketch of his life, containing important and unpublished matter. By Robert B. McGregor, esq. Published: New York, R. Martin [c1849] Description: 3 p.l., 122 p. 45 pl., 6 port. (incl. front.) 29 x 23 cm. LC Call No.: PR4377 .M2 Notes: Issued in 17 parts. Subjects: Byron, George Gordon Byron. Baron, 1788-1824 Illustrations. Illustration of books 19th century. English poetry Illustrations. Other authors: McGregor, Robert B., ed. Control No.: 06030034 //r964 Author: Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 178 Title: The prisoner of Chillon, and other poems. By Lord Byron. Edition: 1st ed. Published: London : J. Murray, 1816. Description: 3 p.l., 60 p. ; 24 cm. LC Call No.: PR4367 .A1 1816 Notes: Sonnet on Chillon The prisoner of Chillon Sonnet Stanzas to Darkness Churchill's grave The dream The incantation Prometheus Notes. Other authors: John Davis Batchelder Collection (Library of Congress) DLC Control No.: 24010133 //r95
The Life Of Dante Gabriel Rossetti Frances polidori's father was an Italian expatriate, and her mother was English.Her brother was john william polidori, author of The Vampyre. http://swc2.hccs.cc.tx.us/htmls/rowhtml/rossetti/Rossetti.htm
Extractions: The Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti On April 8, 1826, Gabriele Giuseppe Rossetti married Frances Mary Lavinia Polidori in a Catholic ceremony. For the benefit of her family, they repeated their vows two days later with an Anglican ceremony in the Church of England. Gabriele Rossetti, a poet, lived in England due to his exile from Italy over controversies that arose from his political verses. Frances Polidori's father was an Italian expatriate, and her mother was English. Her brother was John William Polidori, author of The Vampyre. He was also the physician of Lord Byron who referred to him as "A young man more likely to contract diseases than to cure them" (Riede,6). After their marriage, the Rossettis moved into a house at No. 38, Charlotte Street , (later changed to 110 Hallam Street), Portland Place, London, where they had four children. The second born of the Rossettis, born on May 12, 1828, was christened Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti. He is now known as Dante Gabriel Rossetti, poet and painter. The Rossettis other siblings included, older sister Maria, younger brother William, and younger sister Christina, who is also well known for her poetry.
Extractions: World-Of-Newave WorldSearch World-Of-Celebrities RingsWorld Tuesday, March 25, 2003 Famous Birthday: Sarah Jessica Parker Home News Directory Shop Link to this page Home Authors Celebrities Models Athletes Directors Authors Search For: Celebrities DVD DVD VHS Books WorldSearch RingsWorld Browse Authors by Last Name: A B C D ... Z A Anderson, Catherine Austen, Jane Amis, Kingsley Alcosser, Sandra ... more... B Boland, Eavan Basho Benedikt, Michael Blackmore, R.D. ... more... C Carruth, Hayden Cervantes, Lorna Dee Chin, Marilyn Clifton, Lucille ... more... D Dickey, Eric Jerome Duschik, Chris Dove, Rita Dawson, Fielding ... more... E Eddings, David Eady, Cornelius Endo, Shusaku Eakins, Patricia ... more... F Freneau, Philip Floyd, E. Randall Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fraser, George MacDonald ... more... G Green, Anna Katharine Garth, Samuel Gray, John