- La Cueca Larga by Nicanor Parra, 1958-01-01
- Sermons and Homilies of the Christ of Elqui (ALTA Richard Wilbur prize for poetry) by Nicanor Parra, 1985-03
- Canciones Rusas by Nicanor Parra, 1967-01-01
- Viciile Lumii Moderne by Nicanor Parra, 1973-01-01
- Dos Poemas - Deux Poémes by Nicanor Parra, 1963-01-01
- Coplas de Navidad by Nicanor Parra, 1983-01-01
- La Cueca Larga y otros Poemas by Nicanor Parra, 1964-01-01
- Poems and Anti-poems (Cape Editions) by Nicandor Parra, 1968-07
- Conversaciones con Nicanor Parra by Leonidas Morales, 1991-01-01
- Bienvenido Nicanor parra a la Universidad de Chile (1).(III. DOCUMENTOS): An article from: Revista Chilena de Literatura by Manuel Jofré, 2007-04-01
- Biography - Parra, Nicanor (1914-): An article from: Contemporary Authors Online by Gale Reference Team, 2007-01-01
- Aproximación sentimental a la antipoesía.(incluye análisis de la obra de Nicanor Parra): An article from: Atenea (Chile) by María Nieves Alonso, 2002-03-22
- Nicanor Parra 1914: antídoto: el chileno Nicanor parra, uno de los grandes poetas de la lengua, ha hecho de la ironía, la burla y la antisolemnidad una ... crítico): An article from: Letras Libres by Rafael Gumucio, 2007-01-01
- Nicanor Parra & Vinicius de Moraes by NEJAR (Carlos) and Maximino Fernandez translators, 2009-01-01