- Lonely Lives: A Drama (1898) by Gerhart Hauptmann, 2008-10-27
- Three Plays : The Weavers, Hannele, the Beaver Coat by Gerhart Hauptmann, Miles Waggoner, 1990-11
- The Dramatic Works of Gerhart HauptmannVolume I by Gerhart Hauptmann, 2008-08-18
- Gerhart Hauptmann's Before Daybreak (Studies in the Germanic languages and literatures ; no. 92) by Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann, 1979-06
- Gerhart Hauptmann (German Edition) by Paul Fechter, 2010-01-10
- Gerhart Hauptmann, his life and his work, 1862-1912; by Karl Holl, 2010-08-01
- Atlantis: A Novel (1912) by Gerhart Hauptmann, 2009-06-25
- Zeitgeschehen und Lebensansicht: Die Aktualitat der Literatur Gerhart Hauptmans [i.e. Hauptmanns] (German Edition)
- Gerhart Hauptmann: Die Weber (German Edition) by Schwab-Felisch, 1997-01-01
- Gerhart Hauptmann: Plays (Before Daybreak; The Weavers; The Beaver Coat) [German Library] by Gerhart Hauptmann, 1994-12-01
- Gerhart Hauptmann. by Friedhelm Marx, 1998-05-01
- Abnorme Charaktere in der dramatischen Literatur: Shakespeare - Goethe - Ibsen - Gerhart Hauptmann (German Edition) by Wilhelm Weygandt, 2010-05-31
- Der Archetyp der Grossen Mutter in Hermann Hesses "Demian" und Gerhart Hauptmanns "Insel der Grossen Mutter" (European university studies. Series I, German language and literature) (German Edition) by Soheir Gohar, 1987
- Gerhart Hauptmann und der Film: Mit unveroffentlichten Filmentwurfen des Dichters (Veroffentlichungen der Gerhart-Hauptmann-Gesellschaft e.V) (German Edition) by Sigfrid Hoefert, 1996