Editorial Review Product Description With her trademark grace and charm, Olympic champion Oksana Baiul takes readers "backstage" into her world, giving them insight into the moves, the music, the costumes, the makeup, the personalities, and more, which are involved in this immensely popular sport. 200 color photos. ... Read more Customer Reviews (11)
Entertaining read and a treat for skating fans
Who can fail but sympathize with Ms. Baiul, an anomaly in this glittering sport of young women who usually have it all - looks, money, and loving families. That Oksana managed to achieve greatness with none of the above says it all about her talent. Oksana's fans won't be disappointed.
Oksana - professional but not personal
I do not like biographies, yet this book was able to keep my attention. Oksana discusses her life as it relates to various parts of ice skating. The only drawback is that you do not learn about the everyday Oksana. You do not learn about any of her other interests (sports done in her training routine do not necessarily count as "fun, relaxing hobbies"), her favorite foods, favorite types of music, or her feelings about having a family or dating. I love the numerous ways that she compares and contrasts ballet and ice skating without making either activity seem inferior or superior to the other. She appears to be an emotional person and the writing style is just as emotional - written in typeset, cursive, straight lines, circles, and various colors.The photographs are taken from very interesting perspectives, and do make sure that you see the photo of the man doing a headstand without the use of his hands! She did a very interesting job of combining a book about the factual aspects of figure skating with the story of her life - she even explains how to do basic jumps and spins. Many ice skating books explain figure skating for beginners, but this book is a great starter for those considering a professional career on the ice.
A Must for the skater!!!
This book is fulled with beautiful photos and tips
Truly a portrait of Oksana
I sprinted to the bookstore the day this book was released and snatched up the last copy. And, by and large, I wasn't at all disappointed. It's beautifully done, with style and originality. Tons of great pictures ofOksana, and she writes in a pleasant, simple manner. But I get the feelingthat she just wasn't ready to truly share herself at the time, which makessense, considering when she wrote it. The only other problem is that inlight of the changes in her life since this book was done, it seems tofocus on a very short period of time in Oksana's life. Nonetheless, Oksanais a remarkable, beautiful, incredibly talented young woman, and I wish herall the best in the world. I have a feeling that if things continue as theyare now, the next book she does, if she does one, will be a lot moreintimate.
Oksana's is a Jewel.A Figure Skater. An Actress. A Dancer.
Oksana has a secret that she will keep because her secret is her. She is an actress who makes a song reality in through her own visions. She's a dancer who captivates.There has been no one else to impress the world ofice skating before or after Oksana.She will leave a strike on the ice fora lifetime.This book is Oksana's words and is a an item of figure skatinghistory, but Oksana is still the real treasure.We have all been blessedto have been able to experience the way Oksana peforms through hervulnerable spirit.
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