Editorial Review Product Description
From the time he was a small boy, Bill Bates' only dream was to be a Dallas Cowboy. In this inspiring autobiography, Bates shares about his faith in God, family values and can-do attitude. His experiences motivate and encourage others to shoot for their own personal star—both on and off the field. ... Read more Customer Reviews (3)
Great read for a fan of Bill Bates
This is a great book if you are a fan of Bill Bates or the Dallas Cowboys. Great gift idea for the Cowboys fan in your life!
a star in his own right
The story of Bill Bates is a story of overcoming the odds.What I found to separate this tale from other sports stories is that Bates provides great insight into his thought-process during the events of his life.He was the thinking man's football player.He changed with the team and with the game, constantly staying one step ahead and anticipating and filling the need on the Cowboys.
He doesn't just tell us that he overcame a serious leg injury.He tells us how he overcame it, what goals he had and what his thought process was.It was fascinating to read how he viewed things.
Often times the best sports stories are told by players who weren't huge stars.Bates was on a team of huge stars, but he certainly had his moments to shine and he candidly shares these moments with us.
This is an interesting book, covering and balancing his personallife with his professional life.
An inspiring story
Fans of the Dallas Cowboys will love this down-to-earth story of one of their greatest heroes, Bill Bates, but anyone who follows pro football can enjoy this inspirational story.Bates begins by describing how he hadalways wanted to be a Cowboy and goes into detail about how he neverallowed anyone to derail him from his dream of wearing the star on hishelmet, even when he is bypassed in the NFL draft.His hard work anddetermination enabled him to carve out a long career as a special teamsstandout and starting safety despite being labelled "too slow" toplay professionally and having to prove himself all over again with eachnew coach.
The book is exceptionally readable, and Bates is candid withboth his emotions and opinions.Even if you're not a Dallas fan, and I'mnot, you can't help but cheer for Bill Bates at each twist and turn hiscareer takes.The story at times seems more than a little corny, but it isa nice antidote for the image of spoiled pro athletes that is so prevalentthese days.
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