- The ANTAGONISTIC LINK.Joaqu’n Torres - Garc’a & Theo Van Doesburg. by [Art]., 1991
- Theo Van Doesburg en het Bauhaus: De invloed van De Stijl in Duitsland en Midden-Europa by Sjarel Ex, 2000
- Theo Van Doesburg: Propagandist and Practioner of the Avant-Garde 1909-1923
- The Antagonistic Link; Joaquin Torres-Garcia, Theo van Doesburg by Institute of Contemporary Art Amsterdam, 1991-01-01
- Bibliography of published writings of Theo van Doesburg by I Scollar, 1949
- Theo Van Doesburg by Evert Van Straaten, 1993
- Theo van Doesburg archive by Netherlands (Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst), 1991
- Theo Van Doesburg by Princeton Arch Staff, 1996-01-01
- THEO VAN DOESBURG 1883-1931. by (DOESBURG), 1969
- Van Doesburg & The International Avant-Garde: Constructing a New World
- Nijhoff, Van Ostaijen, `De Stijl': Modernism in the Netherlands and Belgium in the First Quarter of the 20th Century. Six Essays by F. Bulhof, 1976-12-31
- Nelly van Doesburg 1899-1975 by Wies van Moorsel, 2000